27 Flashcards
Former cesarean spread lies about the mol of Ceaser’s men
Ceaser at corfinum
Routs ahenobarbarus and destroys 3 legions
Ceaser’s conquering of Italy
Taken in only 2 months at the start of 49
Atticus varus
African governor declares against Ceaser
Numidian king who hated Caesar
Curio in Africa
Scribonius curio success in landing in and taking Utica but is defeated in bagradas valley in 49
Ceaser’s Conquest of scicily and Sardinia
Short and without battles
Pompeian commanders in Spain
Afranius and petreius(conquer of Catalina)
Spanish battle in which Ceaser defeats afranius and petrius who he then causes to capitulate after a 40 day pursuit
Length of Ceaser’s conquest of Spain
40 days
Massila’s stand against Caesar
Short lived and defeated by d. Brutus and trebonius
Aemilius Lepidus
The political wing of Caesar’s civil war- made Caesar dictator in 48
Caesar’s first dictatorship
11 days long- he makes him self consul via emergency election the gives up the role
Parthians in Caesar’s war
Pompey’s headquarters in Greece
Ceaser’s crossing of the Adriatic
In two groups, heroingbas m. Antonius barely scrapes by a blockade
Pompey beats Ceaser in a botched seige Caesar and his troops barely escape to Thessaly 48
Ceasar devistates Pompey in an over rushed pitched battle, Pompey suffered 5x the casualties and more than 20x the amount of Ceaser’s men who dies]d were taken captive from Pompey 48
Pompey’s death
After he sought refuge in Alexandria with king Ptolemy 12 he was killed by king Ptolemy 12
Ceaser’s reaction to Pompey’s death
Choosing cleopatra 8 over Ptolemy for the throne of Egypt
Ptolomy;s reaction to Caesar’s decision about Cleo patria
Weighing alexandria while ceasar was in it 48-47
Relif to Caesar in Alexandria
Mithridates of Pergamum and antipater of Jerusalem free Caesar and defeat Ptolemy at a pitched battle on the Nile
Caesar’s second dictatorship
A one year one in 48-47 with Marc Antony as his magister equitum at first to suppress revolts by caelius Rufus and Cornelius dollabella but after handling these harshly the role was transferred to Lepidus
Caesar’s crack regiments
The 10th legion who marched on Rome after demanding more pension money until caesar showed up and told them to get out of uniform
The war with pharnces
In 47 after defeating domitius Calvinus at pharnaces the son of mithradates angered Ceaser who conquered Asia Minor and defeated pharnaces in 5 days veni vidi vici
Zela #2
Battle in 47 in which Caesar defeats pharnaces saying veni vidi vici
Caesar’s return to Rome in 47-46
Presented pardons, stabilized politics was elected consul again left for africa
Caesar routs and slaughters the remaining Allie’s of pompey who had gathered in Africa with Juba 1- 46
Cato’s death
after thapsus he committed suicide
Caesar defeats the sons of Pompey in Spain with the help of the Mauritanian cheiften bogud in the last significant battle in Caesar’s wars
Caesar’s reforms
Basically everything made better and pompeins granted clemency
Caesar’s economy
Confiscated much property from pompeian holdouts and became fabulously wealthy and minted the first gold coins
14 February 44 bc
Caesar mad dictator perpetua
Caesar Rex?
Declared king multiple times notable on the 15 February 44 declined each time
Caesar’s death
At the hands of 60 to 80 senators lead by m. Brutus and c. Cassius but in clouding caesarians like d. Brutus and c. Trebonius in the theater of Pompey on march 15 44 (the ides of march)
Caesar’s last words
Et Tu brute(and you Brutus, or, kai su teknon(and you brother)