Ch 21 Flashcards
SCU effective;y made leagle in the trial of opimius
Vestal virgin struck be lightning- caused trial under Cassius Longinus and the sacrificing of a Gallic and greek couple, lead by sextus peducaeus
Censor 119
Metelus baelericus
Censor 115
Gaius metelus delemachus
Campaign against scordisci by metelus capricious
M. Metelus established order in Corsica and sardinia
Aemilius scaurus
Metelian pro equite politician
Tribune 119
Marius after military success in numantia
Marius hometown
Mithradates and his early conquests
King of Black Sea empire, conquered around Black Sea including scithia and samerita
Mthradates papa gets Phrygia peacefully from rome
Senate sends m. Antonius to deal with pirates
Ptolemy apron bequeaths Cyrenaica to Rome
Founded cirta, son of massinissa, willed his kingdom to jugertha heimpsal, adherbal
Jugertha kills heimpsal after the death of micipsa
Jugertha’ s career
Distinguished in numantia, king of numidia during jugerthine wars
Numidian question
Rome sends opimius to divide numidia between adherbal and jugertha
Jugertha masacars adherbal and Italians at cirta
Suggested jugertha bribing senate, caused war to be declared
Bestia’s campaign in numidia
Attacked, bribed, left
Jugertha naming names
Memmius offers jugertha immunity, jugertha reveals that… vetoed
Postumis albinus’ jugerthine campaigns
Showed up, bribed, left with his brother aulus in charge
Aulus’ campaign against jugertha
Attacked suthul by coup de main, then attacked jugertha then was walked under yolk by jugertha
Mamilius names names
L. Opimius, aulus/spurius albinus, calpurnius bestia
Metelus numiducus takes command against jugertha
Numidicus takes cirta, defeats jugertha at muthul, jugertha gets boccus as ally
Marius’ firstconsulships
107- granted command in Africa
Marius’ army
Volunteers from proletariat, more training/rigor
107 battle
Capsa- Marius takes it
106 battles
Muluccha- Marius sacks it
Cirta- Marius defeats jugertha despite being overwhelmed
Bocchus and the end of the jugerthine war
Bochhus negotiates with the quaestor Sulla leading him to capture and kidnap jugertha
Jugertha’s half brother got eastern Numidia
Cimbri and Teutones
Driven from Jutland and Frisia- invaded Italy
Cimbri and teutones beat carbo
Iunius silanus
Commander who was beaten by the cimbri and teutones in 107
Cassius longinus in Gaul 107
Killed by Cimbri and teutones at Gascony in ambuscade
Poilius laenas’ escape
Passed under the yolk now hugest ranking formerly a lieutenant
Seevillius caepio takes it but is rumered to have embezzled 100,000 pounds of gold
105 mallius Maximus and servillius caepio disastrously defeated by Cimbri and teutones
Marius’ prep vs Cimbri and teutones
Made a canal, consul 104-100
Aquae sextiae
102- Marius crushes teutones
101- Marius beats Cimbri with lutatius Catullus
End of the tigurini
Sulla beats them in 101
Marius’ mules
Part of Marius’ reforms- men carried there own supplies
Sordisci victories
Beat Cato in 113
Sordisci defeat
113-112 metelus capricious and livius drussus drive them back to the rhone
93 Spain
Titus didius earns triumph
Occupied by crassus
2nd servile war
Athenion and salvius defeated by manilius Aquilius
King triphon
Caepio’ s politics
Proposed a bill to put senators back in the judicial system, got popillius impeached for treason
Cn. Domitius moves priestly collages to popular assemblies
103 poly
Caepio condemned, his judicial law revoked and his colleague Mallius exiled
Tribune 103
Saturnius- prosecuted basically everyone
Saturnius’ policies
Re-enstated Gaius’ grain law, gave 60 archers to jugerthine vets
Saturnius’ poly sci
Mob violence
102 Saturnius
Beats up metelus numidicus for trying to impeach him
101 Saturnius
Mobs the tribal assembly
101 re election
Saturnius murders his competitors
Saturnius 99
Kills Memmius to stop servilius glauca
Saturnius’ end
Scued by Marius