ch15 Flashcards
philip 5 allies with hannible after being onvinced by demitrius of pharos causing bad relations with rome
antigonus doson
predocesser of philip 5 reunited greece exept athens and aetolians
philip succeeds antigonus doson
valerius laevinius navys against philip 5
philip allies himself with the aetolians
rome allies with pergamum
roman greek allies fall out of macidonian war#1
rome declares a neutral peace in macedonian war#1
philip 5 makes traety with selucid, antiocus 3, to attack egyptian ptolomies
rodes and pergamum declare war with philip
rome gets involved in pergamine/rhodine conflict with pilip
sulpicius galba’s macidonian war #1 campaigns
consul in 200
sulpicius galba
200 bc
rome declares 2nd macedonian war
aetolians join 2nd macedonian war
achean leuge joins punic war #2
sulpicius strat macedon#2
attack coastal cities
flaminius strat macedon2
repeatedly attack philip causing hip to repeatedly retreat till he gets stuck at cynocephalae
197- flaminius decisively defeats flaminius
flaminius and senate free greece announced at the isthmian games
Roman troops leave Greece for 17 years
Antiochus 3 arrives in Greece after aeotoleans get mad at rome
191 first half
Acilius glabrio goes to Greece against Antiochus and flaminius’ peace terms are denied
191 battle
Thermopylae- Roman repeat history like the Persians Cato leads the pass force
L. Cornelius scipio replaces the uncompromising glabrio and makes the aetolians a vassle state through treaty
Philip 5’s kids
Demetrius- pro republican and peaceful (younger obvi)
Perseus- violent anti Roman older brother
Perseus’ rise
Convinced his father to kill his brother on trumped up charges then secured his succession when his father’s “premature death of unknown cause” in 179
Perseus’ policies in Macedonia
Built army, befriended Thrace and Illyria(anti Roman) married to loadice daughter of the Seleucid king seluces 4 and married his sister apame to prusias 2 of bithinia
Senate;s response to Perseus
Investigations that did little, hearing out eumenes of Pergamum against him in 172
Comitia declares war on Perseus
Greek city states in 3rd Macedonian war
Mostly neutral
Perseus Ally’s:Illyria, Boeotia and Epirus
Roman ally: Pergamum, Rhodes, and the Achaean leuge
171 battle
Thessaly- Perseus beasts licinius Crassus(not that one) and then fails to press the victory offering futile peace terms
Marcius philipus takes Olympus, Perseus flees in a cowardly way only surviving due to Philipus’ tiered troops and the general incompetence of the Roman line so far in this war
Veteran of several wars, actually competant, given command in Macedonia in 168
Paullus crushes Perseus decisively at pydna capturing him as he flees
Paullus in Illyria
Captures Illyrian king ye thins also in 168
Paullus in Epirus
150000 slaves taken, country devastated
Roman “reforms” in Greece after the 3rd Macedonian war
Anti Roman leader deported or killed Macedonian government dissolved and replaced with 4 republics s Al, tribute established, similar is done in Illyria but with three republics
Pretender to the Macedonian throne caused 4th Macedonian war
149 battle
Thessaly#2- Roman’s loose again
Caecilius metelous expels andriscus and annexes much or norther Greece including Macedonia, Thrace, and Epirus
Via egnatia
Roman road from apollonia to thessalonica called the high road symbolizes Roman dominion over Greece
Roman force clears out Dalmatia, annexes it
Roman force takes aquileia
Achaean envoy sent to Rome to advocate for the incorporation of Sparta, marked a new age of Roman control in Greece
Achaean war
Began in 146 with critolaus challenging the Roman dominance and political persecution in Greece, ended in 146 with the sacking of Corinth, dissolution of the Achaean leuge, and further subjugation of Greece by caecilius metelus and Lucius mummius