28 Flashcards
The Immidiate response to Ceaser’s assassination
Conspirators flee, Lepidus gets an army, Marc Antony takes charge of troops and basically institutes martial law in rome
17 march 44 senate proceedings
Conspirators granted amnesty via resolution from Cicero, approved a pubic funeral of Ceaser
Ceasar’s will
Octavius (his great nephew) is chief heir Decius Brutus is contingent heir 300 sesteces each and his private gardens go to the people of rome
The funeral of Caesar
The reading of the will, a speech by Antony( freinds, Romans, countrymen lend me your ears) led to a mob forming and the conspirators fleeing out of fear
Antony’s strategy in dealing with the consequences
Largely conciliatory giving many allowences to the conspirators
Antony’s spending habits
He spent most of Octavian’s inheritance and the public funds in his short time with complete power in Rome
Octavians initial reaction to the death of Ceaser
He demands his inheritance and when he is refused rallies Caesar’s armies around him
Antony vs Octavian pt 1
Happened in august Antony goes to Gaul Octavian pursues until Caesar’s soldiers persuade them to stop
Brutus and Cassius break the silence
In July of 44 they ask for better privinces Antony threatens them and they flee from Italy to amass an army\
Cicero’s philippics
In September 44 Antony insults Cicero publicly Cicero then evicera6es Antony in a speech and a pamphlet titled the first and second philippics respectively
Octavian vs Antony pt 2
In October 44 Antony falsifies a crime, Octavian rallies several thousand of Antony’s troops against him
D. Brutus vs Antony
Antony takes command of Gaul from Brutus
Cicero’s latter philippics and moves against Antony
On New Year’s Day 43 Cicero after giving the third and fifth philippics give Octavian command aginst Antony and declare Antony an enemy of rome while asking the consuls hirtius and pansa to raise troops
New Year’s Day 43
Cicero asks Octavian to take command aginst Marc Antony and orders the new consuls hirtius and pansa to collect troops
February 23 44
Senate declares Antony an enemy of the state
Battle of mutina
Hirtius pansa and Octavian beat Antony and save d. Brutus
Antony’s Allies in 43
Asinius pollio, munatius plancus, Lepidus (equal in rank to Antony unlike the other two)
D. Brutus’ end
His army deserts him as he flees over the alps and he is put to death by a brigand chief
Hirtius and pansa’ s fate
Both dies shortly after mutina leaving Octavian in charge and deeply vengeful towards the killers of Ceaser
July 43
Octavian takes Rome after presenting an ummeatable ultamatum
Octavian’s knights
Salvidienus Rufus, vipsanius Agrippa , maecenas
Octavian as consul
In 43- revoked amnesty of the conspirators, gave amnesty to Antony
Conference at bononia
Formation of the second triumvirate -peacemaking of Marc Antony and Octavian mediated by Lepidus
Lex Titia
Leagalized the second triumvirate passed in 27 nov 43 -the death of the republic
The triumvir’s proscriptions
massive and sudden primarily for monetary gain included Cicero
Wealthy women who protested when the triumvirs tried to tax wemon only with the phrase no enfranchisement no taxation this made them stop
Cicero’s death
Hands on the rostra - proscriptioned
July 44 comet
Seen as a sign that Julius Caesar was was now a god leading to his temple and deification
Brutus’ allies
Cicero younger and horatius flaccus
Brutus imperator
His troops called him this after he defeated the Thracian Bessi
Cassius and brutus’ armies
From Syria and Greece respectively
Dolabella on his way to Syria
Defeated the conspirator trebonius
Cassius defeats and causes the suicide of dolabella summer 43
The two battles of Philippi
In both Octavian and Antony defeat their adversaries in the first Cassius and 9n the second brutus
The disposing of Lepidus
Octavian and Antony reduce him to a non threat based on trumped up charges of bribery Octavian took Spain Antony took Gaul exempt cisalpine Gaul which was made part of Italy Africa was left to Lepidus
41 land confiscated
Octavian takes land for pensions and is bossed around by fulvia and Lucius Antonius the wife and brother of antony
Fulvia and Antonius vs Octavian
First in propaganda the Antonius attacks Octavian with troops in autumn of 41
Seige of persusia
Octavian with salvidienus and Agrippa defeat Antonius and spare his life
The war of brundisium
Antony and Octavian almost fight because of the events at perusia but are mediated by cilnius maecenas Antony marries octavia
Sextus Pompey
Son of Pompey, when proscribed he basically made a pirate army
Sextus Pompey in 42
Beats Octavian
Sextus Pompey in 40
Refuses to Moke peace after Octavian marries scribonia his kinsman
Treaty of misenum
Octavian grants sextus pompey amnesty and armistice in exchange for the ending of the blockade of Rome- Antony moderates
The breaking of the treaty of misenum
Octavian moves against Pompey in scicily, divorces Scribonius on the same day Julia was born and marries Liviu who had a son, Tiberius Claudius Nero
Conference of tarentum
Antony gets trooos Octavian gets ships triumvirate is renewed
Octavian and Agrippa in 37
Prepping for war/ building fleet
36 Octavian is beaten by sextus pompey
Agrippa at Octavian’s command crushes sextus Pompey in the largest ancient naval battle
Lepidus’ rebellion
Falls apart instantly Octavian forgives him and lets him be pontifex Maximus
Octavian 35-34
Stops pirates, campaings and clears illyricum and the save river basin
Cleopatra’s sister and rival who Antony kills in 41
Parthia in 40 bc
Under Labienus’ command (son of that Labienus) conquers Asia Minor
Battle of gindarus
Antony’s general ventidus dives the parthians back in 38
Events in Asia Minor in 37
C. Sosius recaptures Jerusalem and puts the now king Herod in charge
Phraates 4
Succeeded Orodes in 37
Antony’s failed sieges of 36
Phraaspa, napoleon
King of arminia deposed by Antony in 34
Antony’s campaigns in 33
Almost attacked atropatne
Cleopatra and Antony
Have three kids Cleo has one other which she claimes is the son of Ceaser
Cleo’s claims
Baisically the whole of Eastern Europe 34
Antony and octavia in 35
Antony refuses to see her
Antony and Octavia in 33
Antony officially becomes cleopatra’s chief consort
Antony and Octavia in 32
Politics 33
Octavian “convinces” the Antony supporters in government at Rome to flee, triumvirate lapses and Octavian begins a smear campaign against Antony
32 politics
Antony’s will published and the provinces of the Roman Empire pledge feisty to Octavian personally which he described as a personal mandate against Antony
2 sept 31
Agrippa and Octavian crush Antony and cleopatra who desert their troops leading to mass desertion
Results of actium
The suicides of Antony and Cleo, the disappearance of ceserion, the provincializing of Egypt
13 year old ptolomy ceaser “natural born son of Ceaser”