26 Flashcards
Dacian king in the time of ceaser
Gallia in parte tres
Bellegae, celts(Gauls), aquitani
Gallic govnt
A loosely tied together set of city states and small nation states and tribes largely agrarian, mostly aristocracy not bellagae
Cheiften of the Suebi attacked the aedui and threatened the helvetii leading to the aedui asking for Roman aid
Ceaser at bibracate
Defends aedui against the helvetii wins
Aeduan leader ahi asked Ceaser against ariovistus 58
Vosges Ceaser
Conquers suebian confederacy with help from p. Crassus 58
Ceaser at vesontio
Winters here in 58/57 effectively annexing aedui and sequani
Battle of aisne
Ceaser fights coalition of belagae not the remi tho, masterfully didn’t attack, conquers bellegae
Ceaser at sambre
Ceaser is ambushed by a larger force of nervii, Ceaser wins, Ceaser conquered bellagae once and for all 57
P. Crassus in western gaul
Western Gaul surrenders to crassus for fear of Ceaser
Ceaser annexes Gaul
He just … does it in 57 the Gauls were not pleased
Ceaser in 56
The veneti “rebel” but Ceaser and his admiral d. Brutus crush them using scythes on the side of their ships end the “rebellion”
Usipetes and tencteri
Germans who drift into Gaul, negaotiste with Ceaser and then are massachered down to the last woman and child 55
Ceaser in 55/54
Invades Britton
British leader who fought Ceaser and lost but sustained enough guerrillascyivity that Ceaser took no mate than a foothold in Britton
Chief of the euburones attacked a Roman fort at liege leading to unrest in Gaul in 53 which was initially held off by q. Cicero(brother) and then put down by Ceaser
Chief of the averni greatest foreign adversary of Ceaser leader of a Gallic insurgence
Ceaser takes it in 52
Ceaser looses here to versengetorix
beat rebels in lutetia, joined up with Ceaser
Ceaser finally defeats versengetorix using earthworks and subdues the main gallic force
Ceaser finishes subduing and peacemaking in gaul
P. Clodous
Ceaser’s henchman- pushed Ceaser’s legislative agenda with gang violence through his artisans club, baneshed Cicero, deposed Ptolemy of Cyprus, took Cyprus for rome
End of clodius
Pompey hires thugs to deal with him and un exile Cicero
Pompey in 57 after clodius
Dealt with famine, feuded with Crassus
55 politics
Cicero attacks Ceaser’s land commission in order to pit Pompey aginst Ceaser, l. Domitius ahenobarbarus promises to recall Ceaser if elected consul
Luca in 56
Triumvirs reunite, strategies made
Consuls 55
Pompey and Crassus
Lex licinia pompeia
Ceaser stays in Gaul till 49!
Crassus proconsular province
Pompey proconsular province
Spain - glued from Rome
Re e statement of Ptolemy
Done by a. Gabinus asked to by Pompey
Politics 52
Milo kills clodius in mob riots burn the senate house
Pompey policies in 52
Cracked down on corruption and made new rules regarding Proconsulships to which Ceaser was exempt
Death of Julia
Death of Crassus
53 battle
Ceaser’s primary enamies
Domitius ahenobarbarus and Cato the younger
Claudius Marcellus vs Ceaser
Outspoken enemy of Ceaser attempted to call hi. To Rome early in 50 bc in order to prosecute him Before he could become consul again
Pompey’s reaction to the request to shorten or lengthen Ceaser’s time in Gaul
No more no less time
Scribonius curio
Ceaser’s tribune who vetoed Pompey’s motion not to change his time in Gaul
Curio’s solution to the senate disarming Ceaser
A joint disarmament of Pompey - passes 370-22
Pompey and marcellus’ response to curio’s compromise
Building an army to confront Ceaser’s at the border of trans alpine Gaul
New Year’s Day 49
Ceaser makes a final offer of compromise Pompey refuses and the senate transfers command of cisalpine Gaul to domitius ahenobarbarus
Cicero’s proposal
Ceaser keeps illyiacum and Pompey goes to Spain- refused by the extreamists under lentulus
7 January 49
Senate give Pompey full control
Jan 4 49bc
Ceaser invades Italy after 1 hour of deliberation by crossing the rubicon with the phrase “allia iacta est”, “the die is cast”