30/31 Flashcards
Augustus’ consolidation
Slowly increases personal power from 27-17
Augustus’ reforms
Includes fire brigade, water supply, grain supply, provincial reorganization, judicial reform, public games
Arabian exebition- Augustus’ prefect aelius gallus conquers sabeaens
Augustus’ Arminian policy
Largely peaceful with diplomatic missions led by Tiberius (installed Tigranes in arminia over the anti Roman artaxes 20) and Gaius Ceaser (installed ariobarzanus in arminia)
Meroe the Candice of Ethiopia
Fought with c. Petronius about borders from 25-22 but gave up at Samos
Defeated in Africa by Cornelius balbus in 19
Defeated by sulpicius quirinus in Cyrene
Defeated by Cornelius lentulus in 5-6 in Mauritania
Campaigns against brigands in Asia Minor
12bc-1ad sulpicius quirinus defeats homonadeis in syria
Pacification of Spain
Agrippa does it from 26-19
Minor Gallic campaigns
Agrippa- 39
Valerius massala-30
Drussus’ invasions
12-9bc- conquering much of western Germany, opened relations with the batavi and frisii, died on the Elbe in 9 bce
Domitius ahenobarbarus in Germany
In 5bc advanced past the Elbe and built an altar to Rome
Tiberius vs marcomani
Launches a preventive attack against maroboduus of the marcomani they stop and become amicable tho 4-5 ad
Teutaberg forest
9ad varust tries to tax Germany prematurely and arminius of the cherusci crushes him in battle essentially loosing the. Ew German lands for Rome as no counter attack was made
Military zones in Germany/Gaul (belgica)
Ventera(double camp), novaesium, bonna, moguntiacum(double camp), vindonissa
Clearing of St. Bernard pass
Done by valerius messala
Clearing of the salassi
Done by messala then terentilius Varro murena
Military capital in the Danube alpine regions
Raetia and the upper Danube conquered
By Tiberius (rhine valley to lake Constantine) and drussus(adige to inn and the Danube) 15-9 bc-ad
Pannonia and Tiberius
12-9 bc- Tiberius conquers and enslaves Pannonia
Pannonian rebellion
Bato of Pannonia and bato of Dalmatia join forces to attack Rome by are then stopped by Tiberius and his companion Germanicus beat them 6-9 ad
Agrippa and the signet ring
Agrippa was augustus’ first heir, was given signet ring when Augustus had the plauge in 23bc but when Augustus didn’t die Marcellus was made heir
Marcellus as heir
2nd heir made heir because of his marriage to Julia dies after a few months of being heir from plauge in 23bc the title then goes back to Agrippa in 21
Agrippa as heir the sequel
Agrippa is heir and marries Julia in 21 bc and Effectively rules as a co regent until his death in 12 bc when the title passes to his sons Gaius and Lucius Ceaser who were adopted by Augustus but since they were under age it really passes to a decision between drussus and Tiberius
Drussus and tiberius’ succession claims
Tiberius divorces his wife and marries julia(unwillingly) drussus marries Antonia daughter of Antony and Octavia then dies in 6bc
Tiberius’ retirement pt 1
Goes to Rhodes from 5-2 bc-ad 7 years
Gaius and Lucius Ceaser;s heirship
After Tiberius left made consuls then became clear heirs then died in 4 and 2 ad respectfully
Julia’s scandal
Julia elder banished to pandateria, Agrippa postumus to planasia and Julia younger to ?
Tiberius’ heirship
Started after the death of Gaius Ceaser because germanicus was too young 4 ad
14 sept 14 ad
Augustus dies at Nola, is made god 3 days later