Ch 22 Flashcards
Social war
Law 97
Banns human sacrifices
Livius drussus younger
Made a plea for Italian citizen ship, son of Livius drussus the elder,
Rutilius Rufus
Killed by unjust equestrian’s enfranchised by G grac
Drussus’ response, to Rufus
Gave courts 1/2 senators or made 300 equites senators
Popaedius silo
Mastic cheften in social war- first to march
Death of drussus
The consul Philipus made his laws void and then he was assasinated
Aemilius scarus
Prosecutor against Italians defeated by his own commission
Asculum affair
Gaius servilius causes a massacre in asculum by being bad
Picentes marrucini frentani marsi paeligni samnites hirpini lucanians
Seat of secession
Confinum in paeligni
Rutilius lupus vs popaedius silo
L. Ceaser vs. papius mutilus
Really in control against silo
Marius and his legat poppy Strabo
Lex Julia
Gave citizenship to allies 90bc
Lex plautia papaeria
Expanded Italian enfranchisement 89 bc
Latin voting power
Limited electively initiataly
Southern campaign
Sulla took over, metelus pius defeated popaedius
Sempronius asellio
Anti usery- lyched in the forum
Sulpicius Rufus
Proposed Marius over mithradates, debt limit for senators, and Italians to be equally divided among the tribes
Sulla consulship
88- vs mithridates
Sulla first taking of Rome
He took it easily-88
Sulla’s reforms #1
Recind Rufus’ laws, made Marius and Rufus marked men, All business submitted to the people go to centuriata after approval for the senate, disarmed Strabo , made cinna promise not to change any laws -88
Cinna+ Marius take rome partially due to plauge
Marius’ “reforms” after taking Rome
Mass murder of the aristocracy, made him and cinna consuls without an election, died of plauge in 86
Cinna’s rule
86-83/82- Italians added to all tribes, debt relief with valerius flaccus, metal prices fixed
Consuls 85/84
Cinna and carbo