32 Flashcards
Tiberius date of birth
42 bc
Tiberius’ attitude
Hated being emporer
Minor conspiracy against Tiberius
Scribonius libo drussus-16
Gaius Sirius- 24
Tiberius’ son
Drussus 2
Tiberius’ first heir
Tiberius’ rhine revolt
Quelled by germanicus and drussus 2 14-16ad germanicus gets massive triumph in 17 ad and a consulship in 18
Germanicus’ death
When he returned to Syria from Egypt rumor says that calpurnius piso poisoned him agrippina the elder widow of germanicus blames Tiberius
Drussus consulship
Drussus 2’s death
In 23 ad leading to Nero and drussus 3 (sons of agrippina) being recognized as heirs
Aelius sejanus
Tiberius’ praetorian prefect, basically emporer palapatine
29ad internal affairs
Agrippina exiled with Nero and drussus at the order of sejanus via Tiberius
Sejanus 23
Becomes effective master of the city via his praetorian guard’s intimidation
Sejanus 26
Convinces Tiberius to stay on Capra forever
Sejanus revealed
Antonia tattles
Sejanus’ downfall
Sutorius macro takes control of the praetorians and vigiles and traps sejanus while in a senate meeting presided by Memmius regulus where he thought he was to be made heir but was instead sentenced to death
The death of agrippina the elder
Her and her sons save Gaius who was imprisoned on Capri were executed
Murderer of drussus 2
Tiberius’ reign of terror
Became hugely suspicious after the affair with sejanus and wildly prosecuted treason
The end of tiberius’ reign
Spent on capri untill his death in 37 his powers falling to germanicus’ son Gaius by default who will hereafter be referred to a Caligula [
Caligula’s early reign
Great, games abound, taxes reduced, exiles rescinded, praetorians given double their promised bounty, and good finances maintained
Caligula’s latter reign
After a stroke in 37, he colloquially speaking, went off the rails of the metaphorical crazy train, he killed macro and Tiberius gemmellus, he squandered money, tried to be defied in life, made his horse inctatus consul etc.
The first conspiricy on Caligula
Led by lentulus gaetulicus sought to make aemilius Lepidus emporer in Caligula’s place caused the exile of agrippina the younger and Julia
Caligula’s death
Cassius chaehrea executes Caligula while acting as his praetorian prefect and than pits Claudius in charge 41
Claudius’ age at assension
Claudius’ appearance
Ugly, had a stutter
Claudius’ final two wives
Manipulative and dangerous
Cammilus scribonianus
Led a conspiracy against Claudius as governor of Dalmatia with the help of annius vinicianus
C. Silius and Claudius
In 48 the former out of lover for messalina attempted a coup, thwarted by narcissus
Claudius’ first heir
Brittanicus, son of messalina
The succession of Claudius
Agrippina supplants Britainicus with Nero with the help of burrus
Claudius’ death
54 ad
Claudius and the Jewish
Allowed freedom of religion but prevented meetings in Rome and eventually expelled them from Rome
Nero’s age at accenssion
Nero’s regent
A point of contention between senaca the younger, burrus, and agrippina
Brittanicus’ death
After agrippina almost favors him Nero gas him killed
Nero and pompeia Sabina
She was wife of Otho and was not supported by agrippina who favored Octavia, a better political match, and so with the help of senaca and burrus got Nero to have his mother killed in 59
Killer of agrippina, first tried to have her drown then just stabbed her in 59ad
The games of Nero
Established new holidays, iuvenalia and neronia, celebrated with games In The style of the Greek Olympic Gamesand involving his public singing
The end of Nero’s good times
Burrus dies in 62 and senaca retires they are replaced by the prefect tigellinus
The divorce of Octavia
Nero divorces her and bannishes/executes her on trumped up charges of adultery with ancitus after Seneca’s retirement
Nero’s second wife
Poppeia Sabina ex of Otho
Incompetent evil enabler of nero
Nero’s tour of Greece
Despite alligatations of mass profligacy he goes on an arts tour of Greece from 67-68 ad which neat;y bankrupted the empire
Tigellinus’ reign of terrors
proscriptions forced suicides including senaca and Petronius - standered fare
Great fire of Rome
Nero actually does an ok job at managing it but he also builds a massive pleasure palace called the domus aurea which sours public opinion
Nero and Christianity
He blamed them for the fire and burned them at the stake
Paetius thrasia
A stoic philosopher killed in 66 ad by Nero for “occasional veiled criticism” of Nero
Cn. Domitius corubolo
General that Nero put to death without trial