CH 9: Digestive System Flashcards
Define Bariatrics
Pertaining to the treatment of obesity
-atric = treatment
bari- = weight
Define Digestion
Breakdown of food into elements suitable for cellular absorption and metabolism
-ion = action, condition, process
digest- = to breakdown food
Define Digestive
-ive = nature / quality of
digest- = to breakdown food
Define Gastric
Pertaining to the stomach
-ic = pertaining to
gastr/o- = stomach
Define Gastroenterology
Medical specialty of the stomach and intestines
-logy = study of
gastr/o- = stomach
Define Gastrointestinal
Pertaining to the stomach and intestines
-al = pertaining to
intestin/o- = gut, intestine
Define Intestine
The digestive tube from the stomach to the anus
intestin/o- = gut, intestine
Define Intestinal
Pertaining to the intestines
-al = pertaining to
intestin/o- = gut, intestine
Define Laparoscopy
Examination of the contents of the abdomen using an endoscope
-scopy = to view, examine
lapar/o- = abdomen
Define Lipase
Enzyme that breaks down fat
-ase = enzyme
lip- = fat
Define Mastication
The process of chewing
-ation = process, action
mastic- = chew
Define Peristalsis
Contraction and relaxation of the intestinal wall to move food along the digestive tract
peri- = around
-stalsis = constrict
Define Palate
Roof of the mouth
Define Cleft Palate
A hole or opening in the palate
Define Pharynx
Throat; a tubular structure that extend from the back of the nose to the larynx
pharynx = throat
Define Sublingual
Pertaining to under the tongue
-al = pertaining to
sub- = underneath
-lingu- = tongue
Define Submandibular
Pertaining to underneath the mandible
-ar = pertaining to
sub- = underneath
-mandibul- = mandible
Define Dental caries
Bacterial destruction of teeth
dry rot in Latin, aka cavities
Define Gingivitis
Inflammation of the gums
-itis = inflammation
gingiv- = gum
Define Halitosis
Bad odor of the breath
-osis = condition
halit- = breath
Define Periodontal
Pertaining to around a tooth
-al = pertaining to
peri- = around
-dont- = tooth
Define Stomatitis
Inflammation/infection of the mouth
-itis = inflammation
stomat/i- = oral cavity, mouth
Define Tartar
A buildup of dental plaque
Define Thrush
Oral infection with Candida Albicans
Define Dysphagia
Difficulty in swallowing
dys- = difficulty
-phagia = swallowing
Define Emesis
to vomit in Greek
Define Hematemesis
Vomiting of blood
NC (non-constructed term) = vomit
hemat- = blood
-emesis = vomit
Define Esophagitis
Inflammation of the lining of the esophagus
esophag- = esophagus
-itis = inflammation, and/or infection
Define Hernia
Protrusion of a structure through the tissue that normally contains it
herni/o- = hernia
Define Reflux
Backward flow; the backward flow of stomach contents into the esophagus
re- = again, back
-flux = flow
Define Duodenum
1st segment of the small intestine;
approx. 12 finger-breadths (9-10 inches) in length
-um = structure, tissue
duoden- = twelve
Define Mucus
Sticky secretion of cells in mucous membranes
slime in Latin
Define Mucous
Relating to mucus or the mucosa
Define Pyrosis
A painful, burning chest pain; sensation of burning in the stomach and lower esophagus
-osis = condition
pyr/o- = fire
aka heartburn
Define Anorexia
Lack of an appetite; or an aversion to food
-ia = condition
an- = without
-orex- = appetite