CH 7.1: Hematic (Blood) System Flashcards
Define Anemia
Decreased number of red blood cells (hemoglobin) (RBCs)
-emia = a blood condition
an- = without
Define Antecubital
in front of the elbow (opposite elbow bone)
-al = pertaining to
ante- = in front of, before
-cubit- = elbow
Define Colloid
Liquid containing suspended particles. Blood is a colloid.
-oid = resembling
coll- = glue
Define Hematocrit (Hct)
Identifies percentage of red blood cells in the blood.
-crit = to separate
hemat/o = blood
Define Hematology
Medical specialty of the study of blood and its disorders
-logy = study of, specialty
hemat/o = blood
Define Hematologist
Specialist in hematology
-logist = one who studies, specialist
Define Plasma
The fluid (clear-to-yellow liquid) that is the noncellular component of blood
Define Spleen
Acts as a reservoir (stores) for red blood cells (RBCs) and platelets.
Vascular, lymphatic organ in left upper quadrant of abdomen.
Define Splenomegaly
Abnormal enlargement of the spleen
-megaly = enlargement
splen/o = spleen
Define Agglutination
Process of cells or particles forming clumps. (glue together to clump)
Can occur when patient is given wrong blood type.
-ation = action, process
ag- = to (same as ad-)
-glutin- = glue
Define Erythrocyte
Red Blood Cell (RBC)
-cyte = cell
Erythr/o- = red
Define Erythema
Redness of skin due to increased blood flow in the area
redness of the skin in Greek
Define Erythrocytosis
Condition of having too many Erythrocytes (RBCs - red blood cells)
-cytosis = a condition of too many cells
erythr/o- = red
Define Hemoglobin (Hgb)
Red-pigmented protein that is main component of red blood cells
Gives RBCs their red color.
-globin = protein
hem/o- = blood
What does an Hgb Test do?
Reveals the amount of hemoglobin in the blood
Define Hypoxia
Condition of deficient levels of oxygen in the body.
-ia = condition
hypo- = below, deficient
-ox- = oxygen
Define Hypoxic
Pertaining to being deficient in oxygen in the body
-ic = pertaining to
hypo- = below, deficient
-ox- = oxygen
Define Lethargy
Deep and lasting drowsiness where one can be aroused only with difficulty and temporarily
Define Malaise
General feeling of discomfort, illness, or lack of well-being
Mal- = bad (latin)
-aise = ease (french)
Define Occult Blood
Blood that can’t be seen or detected in a substance (ex. poop/stool) without the aid of lab testing.
occult = to hide in latin
Define Pallor
Paleness of the skin
Define suffix -emia
Blood condition
Define Sickle Cell Anemia
genetic disorder characterized by production of abnormal hemoglobin causing RBCs to change shape.
commonly found in African Americans, Africans, and some Mediterranean populations.
Define Agranulocyte
A white blood cell without any granules in its cytoplasm.
-cyte = cell
a- = without, not
-granul/o- = little grain, granule