CH 15: Female Reproductive System Flashcards
Define Clitoris
Erectile organ of the vulva
Define Estrogen
Generic term for hormones that stimulate female secondary sex characteristics
-gen = produce
estr/o- = woman
Define Gynecology (GYN)
Study of the female reproductive system;
medical specialty of diseases of the female reproductive tract
-logy = study of, specialty of
gynec/o- = woman, female
Define Gynecologic
Pertaining to Gynecology
-ic = pertaining to
gynec/o- = woman, female
-log- = to study
Define Labia Majora
Pair of thick folds of skin that are part of the female external genitalia
Define Obstetrics
Medical specialty for the care of woman during pregnancy and the postpartum period (childbirth)
Define Obstetrician (OB)
Physician who specializes in the care of woman during pregnancy and postpartum period (childbirth)
Define Vagina
Female genital canal extending from the uterus to the vulva
aka birth canal
-al = pertaining to
vagin- = vagina
Define Vulva
Female external genitalia
vulv- = vulva
Define Dyspareunia
Pain during sexual intercourse
-ia = condition
dys- = painful
-pareun- = lying beside, sexual intercourse
Define Vaginosis
Any disease of the vagina
-osis = condition
vagin- = vagina
Define Menses
monthly uterine bleeding same as menses (for some women these occur in longer intervals)
aka Menstruation
month in Latin
Define Endometrium
Inner lining of the uterus
-um = tissue
endo- = within, inside, inner
metr/i- = uterus
Define Menarche
First menstrual period
-arche = beginning
men- = month
Define Prolapse
Refers to the falling or slipping of a body part from its normal position
a falling in Latin
Define Uterus
Organ in which an egg develops into a fetus
(aka womb)
uter- = uterus
Define Intrauterine
Pertaining to within the uterus
intra- = within, inside
uter- = uterus
Define Amenorrhea
Absence or abnormal cessation of menstrual flow; without menstrual flow
-rrhea = flow, discharge
a- = without
men/o- = menses
Define Dysmenorrhea
Painful/difficult menstrual flow
-rrhea = flow, discharge
dys- = painful or difficult
men/o- = menses (month / menstruation)
Define Menopause
Permanent ending of menstrual periods
(after a period of 12 months of no menses / menstruation)
-pause = cessation
men/o- = menses (menstruation)
Define Polycystic
Composed of / pertaining to many cysts
-ic = pertaining to
poly- = many
-cyst- = sac
Define Anteversion
Forward displacement or tilting of a structure (in this case, the uterus)
-ion = action, condition
ante- = forward
-vers- = turn
Define Colpopexy
Surgical fixation of the vaginal walls
-pexy = surgical fixation
colp/o- = vagina
Define Cystocele
Hernia of the bladder into the anterior wall of the vagina
-cele = hernia
cyst/o- = bladder
Define Endometriosis
Endometrial tissue in the abdomen outside the uterus
causes intense pain when it swells due to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle
-osis = condition
endo- = within, inside
-metr/i- = uterus
Define Fibromyoma
Benign neoplasm derived from smooth muscle and containing fibrous tissue
-oma = tumor, mass
fibr/o- = fiber
-my- = muscle
Define Hysterectomy
Surgical removal of the uterus
-ectomy = surgical excision (removal)
hyster- = uterus
Define Leiomyoma (also called fibroid)
Benign neoplasm derived from smooth muscle
-oma = tumor, mass
lei/o- = smooth
-my- = muscle
Define Menorrhagia
Excessive menstrual bleeding
-rrhagia = flow, discharge
men/o- = menses
Define Metrorrhagia
Irregular uterine bleeding between menses
-rrhagia = flow, discharge
metr/o- = uterus
Define Retroversion
the tipping backwards of the uterus
-ion = action, condition
retro- = backward
-vers- = turn
Define Salpingitis
Inflammation of the fallopian (uterine) tube
-itis = inflammation
salping- = uterine tube
Define Salpingectomy
Surgical removal of a fallopian tube
-ectomy = surgical excision (removal)
salping- = uterine tube
Define Pap Test
Examination of cells taken from the cervix;
doctor brushes cells from the cervix