CH 13: Urinary System Flashcards
Define Bladder
Hollow sac that holds fluid; ex: urine or bile
Define Urinary Bladder
Hollow muscular organ located on the floor of the pelvic cavity, posterior to the public symphysis
Define Glomerulus
Network (plexus) of capillaries in a nephron where waste is filtered out of the blood
Define Hilum
The opening or site where the nerves and blood vessels enter and leave an organ
hila is plural
Define Kidney
Main Organ of excretion;
Main organ responsible for eliminating major body wastes from the blood
Define Excretion
process of eliminating or expelling metabolic waste
Define Nephron
Filtration unit of the kidney
Nephr/o- = kidney
Define Nephrology
Study of the kidney
-logy = study of
nephr/o- = kidney
Define Nephrologist
Medical specialist in the study of the kidney diseases and disorders
-logist = one who studies, specialist
nephr/o- = kidney
Define Nephroscopy
Process of visual examination of the kidney with a Nephroscope
-scopy = to examine
-scope = instrument for viewing
Define Renal
Pertaining to the kidney
-al = pertaining to
ren- = kidney
Define Ureteral
Pertaining to a ureter;
the tube that connects the kidney to the urinary bladder
ureteral is plural of ureter
-al = pertaining to
ureter- = ureter
Define Urine
Fluid and dissolved substances excreted by the kidney.
urin- = urine
Define Urinary
Pertaining to Urine
-ary = pertaining to
urin- = urine
Define Urinate
To pass urine
-ate = composed of, pertaining to
urin- = urine
Define Urination
Process of passing urine
-ation = process
urin- = urine
Define Urologist
Specialist in treating disorders of the urinary tract
-logist = one who studies, specialist
ur/o- = urinary system
Define Diuretic
An agent that increases urine output
-etic = pertaining to
di(a) = complete
-ur- = urine
Define Glomerulonephritis
Infection of the glomeruli of the kidney
-itis = inflammation / infection
glomerul/o- = glomerulus
-nephr- = kidney
Define Hematuria
Blood in the urine
-uria = urine
hemat- = blood
Define Nephrectomy
Surgical removal of a kidney
-ectomy = surgical excision (removal)
nephr- = kidney
Define Nephrotomy
Surgical incision into the kidney
-tomy = surgical incision
nephr- = kidney
Define Nephropathy
Any disease of the kidney
-pathy = disease
nephr/o- = kidney
Define Nephrotic Syndrome
Glomerular disease that causes a marked loss of protein (same as Nephrosis)
-tic = pertaining to
nephr/o- = kidney
Define Nephrosis
A condition of the kidney (same as Nephrotic Syndrome)
-osis = condition
nephr- = kidney
Define IV (iv)
Define KUB
x-ray of abdomen to show kidneys, ureters, and bladder
Define UA
Urinalysis test
Define Anuria
Without/lack of urine production
-ia = condition
an- = a lack of, no, without
-ur- = urine
Define Hemodialysis
An artificial method of filtration to remove excess waste materials and water directly from the blood
dia- = complete
-lysis = destruction
hem/o- = blood