CH 7.2 & 7.3: Lymph & Immune Systems Flashcards
Define Allergen
Substance creating or producing a hypersensitivity (allergic) reaction
-gen = generate, create, produce
all- = other, strange
-erg- = work
Define Allergy / Allergic Reaction
Hypersensitivity to a particular allergen
-ergy = process of working
all- = other, strange
-ic = pertaining to
Define Intersitial
Pertaining to spaces within tissues between cells
-al = pertaining to
interstiti- = space between cells
Define Lymph
Clear fluid collected from the interstitial spaces of tissues and transported by lymph vessels to the venous circulation;
interstitial fluid become lymph when it enters the lymphatic capillaries
Define Lymphatic
Pertaining to lymph or the lymphatic system
-atic = pertaining to
lymph- = lymph
Define Lymphoid
Resembling lymphatic tissue
-oid = resembling
lymph- = lymph
Define Node
A circumscribed mass of tissue
(circ. = restricted within limits)
knot in Latin
Define Lymph Node
circular masses of tissue that work like filters against invading pathogens;
found in body, mostly in neck, axilla, and groin
node = knot
lymph = lymph
Define Pathogen
A disease-causing microorganism
-gen = produce, create
path/o- = disease
Define Immunity
State of being protected
-ity = condition
immun- = immune
Define Immunology
The science and practice of immunity and allergy
-logy = study of
immun- = immune
Define Immunologist
Specialist in the study of the immune system
-logist = one who studies, specialist
immun- = immune
Define Immunization
Administration of an agent to provide immunity
-ization = process of inserting or creating
immun- = immune
Define Adenoid
single mass of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx (area of throat at back of nasal cavity)
-oid = resemble
aden- = gland
Define Bacterium / Bacteria (pl)
Simple, single-celled microscopic organism(s)
a staff in Greek
Define Immunoglobulin (Ig)
A specific protein evoked by an antigen
-in = chemical compound, substance
immun/o- = immune
-globul- = protein, globular
Define Spleen
largest lymphatic organ
located in left upper quadrant of abdomen, vascular.
acts as reservoir for RBCs and platelets
Spleen in Greek
Define Splenomegaly
Enlargement of the spleen
-megaly = enlargement
splen/o- = spleen
Define Thymus
Endocrine gland located in the mediastinum; essential to building immunity
Define Tonsil
Mass of lymphoid tissue on either side of the throat at the back of the tongue
tonsill-, tonsill/o- = tonsil
Define Tonsillitis
Inflammation of the tonsil(s)
-itis = inflammation, infection
Define Tonsillectomy
surgical removal of a tonsil(s)
-ectomy = surgical excision (removal)
Define Inguinal
Pertaining to the groin
-al = pertaining to
inguin- = groin