CH 8: Respiratory System Flashcards
Define Alveolus
Terminal element of respiratory tract where gas exchange occurs
alveol/o- = air sac
Define Bronchus
One of two subdivisions of the trachea
bronch/o- = bronchus
Bronchi is plural
Define Bronchiole
increasingly smaller subdivisions of bronchi
-ole = small
bronchi/o- = small bronchi
Define Inspiration
Breathe in
-ion = action, condition, process of
in- = into
-spirat- = breathe
opposite of expiration
Define Olfaction
sense of smell
smell in latin
Define Pulse oximeter
Measures rate of pulse and percentage of oxygen in blood.
oxy-, oxi- = oxygen
-meter = measure
Define Pharynx
Muscular tube from the back of the nose to the larynx.
throat in Greek
Define Pharyngeal
Pertaining to the pharynx
Pharyng- = pharynx
pharyng/o- = pharynx
Define Pulmonology
Study of the lung and lung disease; medical specialty of disorders of the lungs
-logy = study of
pulmon- = lung
Define Pulmonary
Pertaining to the lungs
pulmon- = lung
-ary = pertaining to
Define Respiration
fundamental process of life used to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide between air and blood and intersitial tissues.
-ation = process, formed from
re- = again
-spir- = to breathe
Define Sputum
Matter coughed up and spat out
Define Trachea
Air tube from the larynx to the bronchi
windpipe in Greek
Define Tracheal
Pertaining to the trachea
-al = pertaining to
trache/o- = trachea
Define Decongestant
Agent that reduces the swelling and fluid in the nose and sinuses
-ant = pertaining to
de- = take away, remove
-congest- = accumulation of fluid
Define Epistaxis
-is = pertaining to
epi- = above, upon
-stax- = fall in drops
Define Naris
Nostril in Latin
Define Nares
Nostrils (plural)
Define Nasal
Pertaining to the nose
-al = pertaining to
nas- = nose
Define Rhinitis
Inflammation of the nose (nasal mucosa)
-itis = inflammation
rhin- = nose
also called coryza
Define Septum
Thin wall separating two cavities or tissue masses; divides the nasal cavity in to a right and left compartment
septa (plural), partition in Latin
Define Sinus
Cavity or hollow space in a bone or other tissue
Define Sinusitis
Inflammation of the lining of a sinus (or sinuses)
sinus- = sinus
Define Apnea
Absence of spontaneous respiration
a- = without
-pnea = breathe
Define Hypoxemia
Decreased or low oxygen level in the circulating blood
-emia = condition of the blood
hypo- = below, deficient
-ox- = oxygen
Define Hypoxia
Decrease below normal levels of oxygen in tissues, gases, or blood
-ia = condition
hypo- = below, deficient
-ox- = oxygen
Define Hypoxic
Deficient in oxygen
-ic = pertaining to
hypo- = below, deficient
-ox- = oxygen
Define Oropharynx
Region at the back of the mouth between the soft palate and the tip of the epiglottis
or/o- = mouth
-pharynx = pharynx, throat
Define Oropharyngeal
Pertaining to the oropharynx
-eal = pertaining to
or/o- = mouth
-pharyng- = pharynx, throat
Define comb. form or/o-