Ch 7: Continued Flashcards
What are the four para nasal sinuses?
- frontal
- maxillary
- ethmoidal
- sphenoidal
What are the temporal bones from the lateral view?
- zygomatic process
- mastoid process
- external auditory canal
- styloid process
What are the temporal bones in the medial view?
Petrous portion
What are the sphenoid bones in the superior view?
- greater and lesser wing
- sella turcica
- Foramen rotundum
- Foramen ovale
- Foramen spinosm
What are the sphenoid bones in the posterior view?
- pterygoid plate (lateral & medial)
What is the occipital bone in the inferior view?
- Foramen magnum
- external occipital protuberance
- superior and inferior nuchal lines
What is the ethmoid bone in the superior view?
- perpendicular plate
- crista galli
- orbital plate
- cribriform plate
What is the ethmoid bone in the lateral view?
- middle nasal concha
What is the mandible in the medial view?
- mental Foramen
- mandibular Foramen
How many bones for each section in the Vertebral column
- cervical: 7
- thoracic: 12
- lumbar: 5
- sacral: 1
- coccyx: 1
How many bones were fused to form a sacrum?
How many bones were fused to form a coccygeal
4 or 5
Vertebral curvature
- cervical: anterior (2 deg)
- thoracic: posterior (1 deg)
- lumbar: anterior (2 deg)
- sacral: 1 deg
- coccyx: 1 deg
What does the interval disks consist of?
- annulus fibrous: external
- nucleus pulposus: internal and gelatinous
What is the typical vertebra in the cervical region?
- transverse Foramen
- bifid spinous process: allows to hyper extend neck
What is the typical vertebra in C1 (atlas)?
- only vertebra NOT containing vertebral body
What typical vertebra is in the C2 (Axis)?
Only vertebra that has “dens”
What typical vertebra is in the thoracic region?
- heart shaped vertb. body
- long slender spinous process
- only region associated with ribs
What typical vertebra is in the lumbar region?
- resembles “kidney shape”
- short and stubby transverse and spinous process
What is the cauda equina?
L1- sacrum
What are the True ribs
1-8 ribs
What are the flash ribs
8-12 ribs
What are the floating ribs
T11 & T12 don’t attach to sternum
- Also ribs are in front of kidney
How many bones are fused together in the pelvic region
3 bones
How many bones are in the carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges
Carpals/ tarsals= 8
Metacarpals/ metatarsals= 5
Phalanges= 14
- the thumb and big toe have no middle bone