Ch 12: Spinal Cords & Nerves Flashcards
Spinal cord
-Starts below Foramen magnum
Cervical region
Cervical enlargement to extend an upper extremities
-8 CSN
Lumbar segment
Ends as adult between lumbar 1 & Lumbar 2
- 5 CSN
Conus medullaris
L 1 and L 2 form cone shape 
- 5 sacral
Filum terminale
Anchors spinal cord to coccyx
Cauda equina
Bundle of nerves extended to lower extremities 
Lumbosacral enlargent
Form nerve plexus for lower extremities
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?
31 pairs
Dura matter
Tough outer layer of spinal cord
Arachnoid matter
Thin, wispy layer
Pia matter
Delicate layer
Connective tissue
Membrane surrounding spinal cord and brain
Central canal
Contain cerebrospinal fluid
Subarachnoid space
White matter (peripheral)
Myelinated axon
Gray matter (central aspect)
-Neuron, cell bodies
-Unmyelinated axons
2 parts on horns
- posterior: receive afferent fibers
- anterior: project efferent fibers
White matter characteristics
-dorsal colum
-Lateral and ventral column
Grey matter characteristics
-dorsal gray hor
-Lateral grey horn (thoracic region)
-ventral horn
Spinal nerves traveling
Spinal cord —> dorsal horn (root)
(Afferent neuron)
Ventral roots traveling
Ventral roots—> away from spinal cord
(Motor &multipolar neuron)
Neurons traveling to spinal cord
Sensory receptor —> spinal cord
(Cell body& dorsal (Sens neuron)
Can spinal nerves carry both sensory and motor neurons
Neuro muscular process
Ant grey horn—>ventral root—>somatic
(Multipolar). (Parasympathetic)
Neuron to autonomic
Lateral horn—> ventral root—>autonom
(Cell body). (Sympathetic)
- Sensory receptor.
- Sensory neuron.
- Interneuron.
- Motor neuron.
- Effector organs, skeletal muscle And contracts.
What reflects contains two neurons?
Simple reflects/knee-jerk reflex
What are three motor neurons?
Dorsal root, interneuron, ventral root
One synopsis and two neurons
One synapse, more than one neuron
Different types of reflexes
-Stretch reflex (knee-jerk)
-Golgi tendon reflex (prevent injury)
-Withdraw reflex
Postsynaptic refleX
Three neurons between sensory and interneuron
- Also between interneuron and motor neuron
Stretch reflex
Monosynaptic Knee-jerk reflex
Golgi tendon reflex
Weight lifter, all of a sudden dropping weight on ground
Withdrawal reflex
While seated or standing
Withdrawal reflex process
- Sensory receptors.
- Receptor to spinal cord.
- Cord to three parts of brain.
- Then to parietal lobe.
- Back to spinal cord with alpha motor neuron.
- Neuron sent to muscles to withdraw off limb from painful stimulus.
Does the leg contract first then relax for painful stimulus
Muscle reflects from painful stimulus
Relaxation of quadriceps femoris will counter act with contraction of hamstring muscle
Standing position of painful stimulus
For leg that supports body
Muscle in contraction
Standing position of painful stimulus for affected leg
Contract and relax
Spinal nerve
Contains both motor and sensory structures classifications
Sensory nerve
Pseudo unipolar
Motor neuron
Multipolar neuron
Surrounds individual neurons
Surrounds axon to form fascicles
Surrounds the entire nerve
How many pairs are in Spinal nerves and cervical region
Eight pairs
How many Spinal nerves are in thoracic region
12 pairs
How many Spinal nerves are in lumbar region
Five pairs
Spinal nerves in sacral region
Five pairs
Spinal nerves in coccygeal region
One pair
What pair exits the vertebral column for the spinal nerves
The first pair between skull and atlas
Cervical plexus
Brachial plexus
Lumbar plexus
Sacral plexus
Coccygeal plexus
S5 and coccygeal nerve
Is there a thoracic region in the ventral rami?
No thoracic region is in the sympathetic nervous system
Sympathetic chain
- Splanchnic nerve with postganglionic neuron innervate an organ.
- Ascend to sympathetic ganglion (pre-and post ganglion).
- Synapse with postganglionic neuron and exits, the gray communicans
Sympathetic chain function
To increase heart rate, blood flow, cardiac output
 Dermatome map
Skin are with sensory innervation by spinal nerves
Innervates of cervical plexus
Superficial neck structures
Ansa cervicalis
Loop between C1-C3
Phrenic nerve of cervical plexus
Innervate diaphragm to keep body alive
- C3-C5
Posterior chords
-Axillary (C5-C6)
-Radial nerve (C5-T1)
Lateral cord
Musculocutaneous nerve
(has half median nerve)