CH 29 Key Terms - Urinalysis Flashcards
acid-base balance
condition that occurs when the net rate at which the body produces acids or bases is equal to the net rate at which acids or bases are excreted.
shapeless; possessing no form.
orange-yellow pigment that forms from the breakdown of hemoglobin in aged or damaged red blood cells. Billirubin usually travels in the bloodstream to the liver, where it is converted to a water-soluble form and is excreted into the bile.
presence of bilirubin in the urine.
tiny structures usually formed by deposits of protein or other substances on the walls of renal tubules; in urine, they can indicate kidney stones.
chain of custody
procedures in which the patient and sample are monitored and controlled so that the sample can be directly linked to the patient at all times and verified by the clinical personnel.
circadian rhythm
pattern based on 24 hour cycle emphasizing the repetition of certain physiologic phenomena such as eating and sleeping.
chemical waster product formed by muscle metabolism and excreted by the kidneys; when urine filtration is impaired, creatinine is increased in blood, which indicates abnormal kidney function.
may be found in normal urine sediment. Though they have no particular significance, they should be noted because they may indicate disease states.
AKA glycoseuria - presence of glucose in urine.
abnormal presence of blood in urine, symptomatic of many disorders of the genitourinary system and renal diseases.
presence of hemoglobin in urine, indicates unusual breakdown of RBC’s within bloodstream
accumulation of ketones in the body, occurring primarily as a complication of diabetes mellitus; if left untreated could cause coma.
chemical compound produced during an increased metabolism of fat; also, test on a reagent strip.
ketones in the urine.
condition of the body burning fatty acids for energy in the absence of appropriate glucose / carbohydrates; may be referred to as lipolysis.
scale that indicates the relative alkalinity or acidity of a solution; measurement of hydrogen ion concentration.
quantitative tests
measures numbers.
chemical substance that detects of synthesizes other substances in a chemical reaction; used in lab analyses because it is known to react in a specific way.
instrument that measures the refractive index of a substance or solution; used in the urinalysis physical exam to measure the specimen’s specific gravity.
insoluble material that settles to the bottom of a liquid; material examined in the urinalysis microscopic examination.
specific gravity
ratio of weight of a given volume of a substance to the weight of the same volume of distilled water at the same temperature; test often performed during urinalysis physical exam; can also be tested by reagent strip.
urine that appears above the sediment when centrifuged; poured off before sediment is examined in the urinalysis microscopic examination.
opaque, not clear. Used to describe urine that is cloudy.
principal end product of protein metabolism
urinary tract infection (UTI)
AKA bladder infection
colorless compound produced in intestine after the breakdown of bacteria of bilirubin.