Ch 28 - chemical evaluation Flashcards
The most common chemistry tests that use strips are?
Test pad analytes: urine pH, protein, glucose, ketones, blood (heme), bilirubin
Care of chemical reagent strips are?
stored at room temp., lid tightly closed, check expiration dates
What are the two methods in using chemical reagent strips?
dip and pipette
dip not as a good method because of other reagents can contaminate the test beside it - run off
Result of urine chemical reagent stips are determined by?
results determined by comparing strip to a color chart
pH expresses the ____ ion concentration.
pH is the measure of the?
degree of acidity or alkalinity
Fresh sample of urine is needed to get?
accurate results
The pH of urine samples left at room temp. tends to increase as a result of?
loss of carbon dioxide
delays in reading the reaction may lead to color changes and false readings
What happens to urine pH that contains urease-producing bacteria because of left standing?
pH increases
What organ plays a role in the acid-base regulation of the body?
The kidney must vary the pH of urine to compensate for the patient’s?
diet and the products of metabolism
pH of a healthy animals urine depends largely on?
Alkaline urine is usually found in animals that consume?
plant-based diets
High-protein cereal diets or diets of animal origin cause?
acidic urine
Herbivores have ___ urine.
Carnivores have ___ urine.
Omnivores have either ___ or ____ urine
acidic or alkaline depending on what has been digested
What else can increase urine pH?
stress and excitement (esp in cats) creating a transient glucosuria
What other factors can decrease urine pH?
fever, starvation, a high-protein diet, acidosis, excessive muscular activity, and the administration of certain drugs
Increased pH may be caused by?
alkalosis, high-fiber diets (plants), infection of the urinary tract with urease bacteria, the use of certain drugs, or urine retention such as paralysis
If pH of urine is too acidic or too alkaline, what can happen?
specific crystals or uroliths can form
How can the pH be maniupulated to help dissolve the solids or prevent them from forming?
Protein is usually ___ or in ___ amounts in normal urine.
Collected by ___ or _____.
absent, trace
catheterization or cystocentesis
Protein levels in the urine may be measured by several methods including?
reagent test strips, the sulfosalicylic acid turbidity test and urine protein/creatinine ratio