Ch 23 Respiratory Anatomy Flashcards
Main functions of respiratory system
- Air Distributor
- Gas exchange
- Filters, warms, and humidifies air
- Influences speech
- Allows for sense of smell
Upper respiratory tract features 4 main
Head and neck
Paranasal sinuses
Paranasal sinuses features
- Frontal sinus
- Sphenoidal sinus
Pharynx features
- Nasopharynx
- Oropharynx
- Laryngopharynx
Larynx features
- Epiglottis
- Thyroid cartilage
- Cricoid cartilage
Lower respiratory tract mains
thorax features
- Trachea
- Bronchi
- Lungs
All incoming air stops where
2 zones of the functional division
conducting zone
respiratory zone
conducting zone function
- Passages that serve only for airflow
- No gas exchange
- Nostrils to major bronchioles
respiratory zone function
- Alveoli and other minimal gas exchange regions
main conducting airway for inhaled air…
the nose
3 anatomical portions of the nose
superior half
inferior half
ala nasi
superior half of nose
- Nasal bones maxillae
inferior half of nose
- Lateral and alar cartilages
- Ala nasi
- Flared portion at lower end of nose
to coronae
posterior region, opening to nasopharynx
- Beginning of nasal cavity
- Lined with stratified squamous epithelium
- Vibrissae
- Stiff hairs, blocking debris
- Nasal fossae
- Right and left halves of nasal cavity
- Nasal septum
- Bone and hyaline cartilage
- Vomer forms inferior region
- Perpendicular plate of ethmoid forms superior region
- Septal cartilage forms anterior region
- Roof of nasal cavity
- Ethmoid bone
- Sphenoid bones
- Floor of nasal cavity has what bones
- Hard plate
- Maxillary bones
- Palatine bones
- Seperates nasal cavity from the oral cavity
- Nasal conchae
- Superior, middle, and inferior nasal conchae
- Project from lateral walls toward septum
narrow air passage below each concha
- Erectile tissue (swell body)
- Venous plexus in inferior
- Swelling every 30 to 60 minutes
- Restricts airflow in one fosse and directs air through other
- Recover from drying
- Air shifts between the right and left nostrils once or twice an hour
- Nasal mucosa
- Respiratory epithelium
- Epithelial layer
- Ciliated pseudo stratified columnar epithelium
- Goblet cells produce mucus
- Cilia, propel mucus posterior toward pharynx
- Mucus swallowed into digestive tract
- Olfactory epithelium
- Sensory neurons - detects odors
- Immobile cilia bind odorant molecules
- Small area of the roof of the nasal cavity, adjacent parts of the septum and superior concha
the pharynx extends…
- Muscular funnel (5 in.) extending from choanae to larynx
3 regions of pharynx
- Above soft plate
- Receives auditory tubes
- Contains pharyngeal tonsil
- Between soft palate and epiglottis
- Opening of oral cavity into oropharynx is the faucet
- Contains palatine tonsils
- Epiglottis to cricoid cartilage
- Esophagus begins at the point
the larynx function
- Cartilaginous chamber ~ 4 cm long
- Primary functions is to keep food and drink out of airway
- In animals has evolved the role of phonation - the production of sound
- Epiglottis
- Flap of tissue that guards superior opening of larynx
- At rest stands almost vertically
- During swallowing, extrinsic muscles pull larynx upward
- Tongue pushes epiglottis down to meet it
name the three solitary and large cartilage (superior to inferior)
- Epiglottic cartilage
- Most superior
- Thyroid cartilage
- Laryngeal prominence
- Cricoid cartilage
- Ring-like
- Connects larynx to trachea
- Three smaller, paired cartilages
- Arytenoid cartilages
- Posterior to thyroid cartilage
- Cornciulate cartilages
- Attached to arytenoid cartilages like a pair of little horns
- Cuneiform cartilages
- Support soft tissue between arytenoids and epiglottis
- Internal structures of larynx
- Interior wall has two folds on each side
- Extends from thyroid cartilage to arytenoid cartilages
- Superior vestibular folds
- Play no role in speech
- Close larynx during swallowing
- Inferior vocal cords
- Produce sound when air passes between them
- Contain vocal ligaments
- Covered with stratified squamous
- Functions of nasal cavity
- Warms, cleanses, and humidifies inhaled air
- Detects odors
- Resonating chamber
- Trachea location
- Anterior to esophagus
- Formed by 16-0 rings of hyaline cartilage
what does the hyaline cartilage do
- Flexible, allows esophagus to expand
- Opening in c-rings faces posteriorly
- Tracheal muscles opens the rings
what do tracheal muscles do
- Contracts or relaxes to adjust airflow
- Ciliated pseudo stratified columnar epithelium
- Mucociliary escalator
- Mechanism for debris removal
- Mucus traps inhaled particles
- Upward beating cilia moves mucus to pharynx to be swallowed
- Main Bronchi
- Right and left main bronchi
- Trachea forks at level of sternal angle
carinaa (internal ridge at edge of trachea)
- Directs the airflow to the right and left
- Intubation
- Patient on a ventilator, air goes directly into trachea
- Air must be filtered and humidified
- Tracheotomy
- Surgical temporary opening in trachea - tube the allows airflow
- A permanent opening is called a tracheostomy
- Prevents asphyxiation due to upper airway obstruction
base of lungs
broad concave portion resting on diaphragm
apex of lungs
tip the projects above clavicle
costal surface of lungs
pressed against the ribcage
mediastinal surface of lungs
faces medially toward the heart
hilum of lungs
- slit for entering main broncos, blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves
- Structures near hilum constitute root of lung
Right lung
- Shorter than left because liver rises higher on the right
- Three lobes, separated by horizontal and oblique fissures
- Superior
- Middle
- Inferior
- Left lung
- Tall and narrow
- Has indentation-cardiacimpression
- The heart occupies more space on mediastinum
- Has two lobes separated by single oblique fissure
- Superior
- Fissure
- Bronchial Tree
- Branching system of air tubes in each lung
- From main bronchus to 65,000 ternimal bronchioles
- Main (primary) bronchi
- Arise from fork of trachea
- Right main bronchus
- Wider and more vertical than left
- Left main branches is 5cm long
- Right main bronchus 2 to 3 cm long
- Lobar and segmental bronchi
- Supported by crescent shaped cartilage plates
- Lobar (secondary) bronchi
- Three right lobar (secondary) bronchi: superior, middle, inferior
- Two left lobar bronchi: superior and inferior
- Segmental (tertiary) bronchi
- 10 on right, 8 on left
- Bronchopulmonary segment, functionally independent unit of the lung tissue
- Bronchioles
- 1 mm or less in diameter
- Pulmonary lobule: portion of lung ventilated by one bronchiole
- Divides into 50 to 80 terminal bronchioles
- Terminal bronchioles
- Final branches of conducting zone
- Measure .5mm or less in diameter
- Have no mucous glands or goblet cells
- Have cilia that move mucus draining into them back by mucociliary escalator
- Each terminal bronchiole gives off two or more smaller respiratory bronchioles
- Respiratory bronchioles
- Have alveoli budding from their walls
- Considered the beginning of the respiratory zone
- Divide into 2-10 alveolar ducts
- End in alveolar sacs
- Atrium: clusters of alveoli around a central spac
- Alveoli
- There are 150 million alveoli in each lung
- Each alveolus surrounded by a basket of capillaries
- Afferent, pulmonary arteriole
- Efferent, pulmonary venue
- Types of cells in alveolus
squamous alveolar
great alveolar
alveolar macrophages
- Squamous alveolar (type 1)
- Squamous
- Thin cells allow rapid gas diffusion between air and blood
- Cover 95% of alveolus surface area
- Great alveolar (type 2)
- Round to cuboidal cells that cover 5% of alveolar surface
- Repair the alveolar epithelium when the squamous cells are damaged
- Secrete pulmonary surfactant
- Respiratory membrane
- Thin barrier between the alveolar air and blood
3 layers of respiratory membrane
- Squamous alveolar cells
- Endothelial cells of blood capillary
- Their shared basement membrane
3 types of plurae
- Visceral pleura
- Serous membrane that covers the lungs
- Parietal pleura
- Adheres to mediastinum, inner surface of the rib cage, and superior surface of the diaphragm
- Pleural cavity
- Potential space between pleurae
- Contains a film of slippery pleural fluid