Ch 16 Flashcards
What are the three general rules for genes that follow a Mendelian pattern of inheritance?
- For crosses involving two or more genes, the genes obey Mendel’s law of independent assortment
- Genes are generally passed unaltered from cell to cell, and from generation to generation
- The genes obey Mendel’s law of segregation
True or false: An epigenetic effect causes a change in gene expression without altering the sequence of DNA.
Epigenetic inheritance refers to epigenetic changes that occur
during gamete formation.
Genomic imprinting refers to the
marking of DNA so that the phenotype of offspring depends on the parental origin of the gene.
The inheritance pattern of the Igf2 gene in mice, in which only the paternal gene is expressed, is known as:
genomic imprinting
Mendelian inheritance is characterized by three general rules: 1. Except in the case of rare ____enes are passed unaltered from generation to generation; 2. Each gene obeys Mendel’s law of ____ and 3. During crosses, two or more genes obey Mendel’s law of independent ___
mutations; segregation; assortment
True or false: As a result of genomic imprinting, individuals with the same genotype may have different phenotypes.
Which of the following characterize an epigenetic effect?
- Causes a change in gene expression
* The change must be passed from cell to cell
In what type of inheritance pattern are phenotypes dependent on the parental origin of the alleles?
Genomic imprinting
Modification of a gene or chromosome during gamete formation that alters a gene’s expression but does not change the DNA sequence is known as ______ ______
In genomic imprinting, the transcription of the imprinted gene is inhibited because
imprinting, the transcription of the imprinted gene is inhibited because.
The phenomenon where offspring express a paternal or maternal allele depending on how a particular gene is marked is known a ___
genomic / gentic imprinting
Which of the following is an example of an imprinted gene?
the gene Igf2 in mammals
Methylation patterns are established during the formation of ______
Individuals may have the same genotype but very different phenotypes as a result of
genomic imprinting
True or false: Only genes inherited from the mother are imprinted.
In the phenomenon of genomic _____ , the gene from only one parent is expressed.
In the somatic cells of female mammals, the genes on one of the two copies of the X chromosome are not expressed. This phenomenon is known as X-chromosome ____
The marking process that occurs during genomic imprinting is the addition of _____ groups to DNA.
A highly condensed X chromosome is known as a(n) ___
barr body
The calico pattern in cats is due to random X-chromosome inactivation in a
female that is heterozygous for an X-linked gene with black (XB) and orange (XO) alleles.
When are methylation patterns established?
During formation of gametes
The cells of humans and other mammals have the ability to ____ their X chromosomes, and are therefore able to inactivate all but one of them
In genomic imprinting, which genes are silenced?
Genes inherited from either the mother or the father depending on the gene.
In triple X syndrome, how many X chromosomes are converted into Barr bodies and why?
two, because one active X chromosome is needed
X-chromosome inactivation refers to the process that occurs in
female mammals, when the genes of one of the two X chromosomes are not expressed.