ch 1 textbook 351 Flashcards
watsons 2 issues with analytic introspection
produced variable results frmo person to perosn
results are hard to verify becuase inner mental processes are invisiblw
man topic of study for behaviourism is
observable behaviour
what is the realtion between swtim in the environment and behaviour
watson’s little abler t expeirment was __ ___
Classical Conditioning
pairing 2 stimulus together to cause changes in the response to the neutral stim
inspiredm by pavlov
what is operant conditioning - who is associated with it
behaviour is strengthened or weakened by rewards or punishment
rat study
why was tolamn one of the early cog psych’s
called himself a behaviorist because his focus was on measuring behavior.
But in reality, he was one of the early cognitive psychologists, because he used behavior to infer mental processes.
what was so interesting about tolman’s rat study
rat was placed at point A - learned after exploration to turn right to obtain food at point B
behaviorousits predicted this because turnign right was associated with food
but hwen rat was placed at point C - it turned left at the intersection
realized rat had created a Cognitive Map
chomsky said language development is determined not by imitation or reinforcemtn - but by an
Inborn Biological Program that holds across cultures
Languag e is a product of the way the mind is constructed rather than a result of reinforcment
cognitive pysc revolution was a shift from - to -
from the behaviorist’s focus on stimulus–response relationships to an approach whose main goal was to understand the operation of the mind
scientific revolution is a Paradigm Shift
what is the Info Procesing Appraoch to study the mind
traces sequences of mental operations involved in cognition
peration of the mind can be described as occurring in a number of stages
who did the dichotic listening experiment
people hear sounds of unattended messsage but don’t know what it says
what is broadbent famous for
what did his diagram say overall
the flow diagram of attention
says the filer lets attended message through and filters out the unattended message
who published first textbook of cog psych
what approach did it emphasize
emphasized the info processing approach
who made the first lab for scientific psychology
what 2 methods did this lab use
structuralism and analytic introspection
3 philsophers - early studies of hte mind
plato’s rationalism - reality lies in the abstract ideas of objects that exist in our minds - only root to truth is thorugh reason and listening to ourselves
aristotle’s empriicism - reality lies in concrete world of objects our bdoues sense - root to truth is meticulous observations
descartes dualism - i think thereofre i am - reality divided inot brain and mind
what did doners mean when he said mental chronometry
said mental rpocesses happen serially - in order step by step (perception, motor selection etc)
how did donder find the time it takes to make a choice reaction time
average answer of reaction time
subtraction method!
choice reaction time - minus simplce reaction time = how long it takes us to make a decision
1/10 of a second
what is donder’s assumption of serial stages in reaction time
assuming that the selection process was an entirely different step
inr eality making that selection is prob overlapping a few ohter processes
we can’t assume that mental process detection, identifiaction, response selection, and response execution happen in serial oder - could be parralel
what is doner’s assumption of pure insertion
that each step of selection process takes the same amount of time
in truth adding extra stages does not change hte lenght of the other stages
how did ebbinghaus collect his data - qualatative or quantative?
what question was he tryna answer
what did he find
how rapidly do we forget learned information
quantative method - read list of nonsense syllables til they were memorized
took a break
go back and see how long it took to relearn whawt he had forgotten
shorter his break = fewer repetitions he needed to relearn list
ebbinghaus used the savings method to measure forgetting time - how does it work
how many reps did we need to initially memoerize the list
how many times we had to repeat the lsit after a break to relaern it
divide answer by 10 to bring it to 0.2 for example, or 20%
willhelm wundt was the first to do what 4 things
First to establish psych lab
First to say psyc is a separate science from Biology and Philosophy
first to call himself a Psychologist
Founder of experimental psychologist
what is the signifigance of william James
what was his work based on
wrote first textbook and taught first psyc course at harvard
Based on Introsepction
what woman challenged titchener
didn’t get her phd until years after she did it
studied colour vision w hemholtz and published her take on it too
Christine Ladd Franklin
who did mary calkins study under?
what did they study
what did she create
what was her other big milestone
studying psych under William James shortly after his long textbook in late 1800s
Originally studied dream content
1st female president of APA in 1905 - american psyc association
Created 1st psych lab founded by a woman
1st course on teaching psyc was so popular they had to add more sections
Denied a PHD from harvard
who was the 1st woman to be awarded a doctorate in psych
what was her reserach on
what theory did she develop
Margaret floy Washburn
animal cogntion, and basic physiological processes
developed motor theory of cogntion
Who is Leta Stetter Hollingworth?
who did she study with
what was thier reserach on
what neg beleif of women was popular during her time that she challenged
Studied with edward thorndike
Did most research on intelligence, focused work on gifted children
at time where people thought woman were less smarter and invalid during menstruation - she chalelnged these assuptions and proved herself
what african american psychologist did he tak about and what did he do significantly
what was his 1st black acheivement
waht did he study
what did he prove
Charles Henry Turner
1st black scientist published in Journal Science
cogntive perspective studying animal behaviour
detail sin cosntructions (spider webs) reflected intelligence not instinct
prove insects can hear
high school teacher
list 3 famous Behaviourism reserachers and breifly their reserach
Watson - little albert - conditioned child to be afraid of white fuzzy things
Pavlov - dog and bell experient
Skinner - Operant Cond, - shaped by rewards and punishments
when talkng about the push against behavioursim why do we mention Tolman and Chomsky - what did they argue
Tolman - rats developing cognitive maps, memorized physical map
Chomsky - kids born with innate ability to learn langauge
cog revolution was not just push against behavioursim - also arrival of computers
what 4 things came with the digital computer
- theory of Compuation
- Information Theory
- Computer Science
- AI
explain the 2 ttypes of AI
generative - excelts in creating content based on patterns
Cogntie - goes a step further - analyze vast amounts of data, predict things, capable of learning
behavioral methods of gathering data - there are four - some are barely used and some used often
natural observation - very little
case studies - soemtimes
correaltinal studies - sometimes
self reports - sometimes
controlled lab experiments - majority
list differnent equipment used in lab experiments
response pads
voice keys
eye trackers
types of computational models
reinforcemnet laerning
dynamical systems