carlson - contemporary study Flashcards
what was the aim of the study?
to review research that has gone into the relationship between levels of neurotransmitters and schizophrenia
namely dopamine and glutamate
what were the two main theories of research included?
what is hyperdopamergia?
high levels of dopamine
what is hypoglutamergia?
low level of glutamate
what was the study
literary review of studies
what kind of studies were involved?
- studies into drugs known to induce psychotic symptoms
- research of PCP angel dust
- amphetemines
what have studies involving PCP/angel dust shown?
that dopamine is not the only NT involved in schizophrenia
PCP acts on NMDA receptors which then brings about symptoms of psychosis more so than amphetamines
what receptor does PCP act on?
how has a relationship between dopamine and glutamate been shown in studies?
shown that when glutamate is reduced it can rapidly increase the levels of dopamine
shown by the use of NMDA antagonist and amphetamines
what do NMDA antagonists also affect?
where has has serotonin been found to link?
increased serotonin at the presynaptic stage has been found in paranoid schizophrenics
what has been found to cause negative symptoms?
reduced glutamate functioning in the cerebral cortex
what has been found contribute to positive symptoms?
reduced glutamate functioning in the basil ganglia
why is it suggested that there are different causes?
as not everyone seems to respond to antipsychotic drugs
what is now being developed?
a series of compound which reduce dopamine but not to a point of having horrible side effects and then putting this compound in drugs
why does carlson have reliability?
all the studies that carlson cited were laboratory experiments some including PET scans which are standardised and objective
what is the application of the research?
into new antipsychotic drugs
reducing side effects and showing what other NT are involved
what is wrong with generalisability?
a lot of the studies included animals
review of research so there are no ethical implications
carlson did not take part in any studies himself so cannot verify how valid they are
experimenters may have missed out important information
what is wrong with the time of the rreasrch?
this review occurred in 2000 so research would have been gathered before
nearly two decades ago so information may be outdated
what is the key conclusion?
that further research needs to be conducted into developing drugs to treat schizophrenia which avoid negative side effects
role of other NT