Cardiovascular Terms Flashcards
the pressure in the wall of the left ventricle during ejection
major artery of the systemic circulation that receives blood from the left ventricle
aortic valve
the left semilunar valve; blood from the left ventricle flows through it into the aorta
apex of heart
pointed, caudal end of the heart
carry blood away from the heart
the smallest branches of the arterial tree, their small diameter help provide pressure resistance, therefore maintaining blood pressure
atrioventricular node
located in the atrioventricular septum receives the impulse generated by the SA node to complete a contraction
atrioventricular septum
formed by the interventricular septum and the interatrial septum
atrioventricular valve
aka, AV valves; located between the atria and the ventricles
receive blood into the heart
ear shaped appendage of either atrium of the heart
listening with the ear or with a stethoscope to the sounds of the body
does not need outside stimulus to start beating in a steady rhythm
base of heart
the rounded cranial end of the heart
bicuspid valve
the left AV valve composed of 2 cusps, aka the mitral valve
blood pressure
a measure of the amount of pressure flowing blood exerts on the arterial walls
bundle of his
bundle of cardiac muscle fibers that conducts the electrical impulses that regulate the heartbeat, from the atrioventricular node in the right atrium to the septum between the ventricles and then to the left and right ventricles
form the transition between arteries and veins
cardiac cycle
generated by the SA node; produces one heartbeat; one cycle of atrial and ventricular contraction and relaxation
cardiac output
the amount of blood that leaves the heart
cardiovascular system
aka, the circulatory system; responsible for the movement of blood and everything it carries throughout the animal’s body
carotid artery
located near the jugular vein, carries blood very quickly to the brain, can cause seizures if anything is injected into it
cephalic vein
located on the thoracic limb
chordae tendonae
fine, thread-like cords that connect the two atrioventricular valves to the appropriate papillary muscles in the ventricles
coccygeal vein
in ruminants and rodents, carries blood from the tail to the vena cava
coronary artery
branch off the aorta just past the aortic valve (left semilunar valve)
coronary sinus
a channel formed where the coronary veins join together near the right atrium to drain blood directly into the right atrium
coronary vein
where blood enters after passing through the myocardium from capillaries
three flaps of endothelium that compose the right AV valve
a reduction in the voltage across a neuron or muscle cell membrane from its normal polarized state (resting membrane potential), this results in action potential (nerve impulse) in the case of a neuron or the initiation of contraction in the case of a muscle cell
the part of the cardiac cycle associated with relaxation of the atria and ventricles and the filling of the chambers with blood
diastolic blood pressure
the second number in a recorded reading, measures the pressure remaining in the artery during left ventricular diastole when the ventricle is relaxing and refilling with blood
doppler echocardiogram
more sophisticated ultrasound procedure that measures blood flow through the heart and adds color to the image , useful for evaluating valvular stenosis and insufficiency
ductus arteriosus
the 2nd bypass that allows fetal blood the bypass lung tissue
cardiac ultrasound; uses ultrasound to bounce sound waves off parts of the heart to watch the heart beating
elastic artery
have the greatest ability to stretch when blood passes through them because they have a large number of elastic fibers in the middle layers of their walls; found closest to the heart
a recording of the electrical activity of the heart
produces an electrocardiogram based on electrical activity of the heart
the innermost layer of the heart