Caput XVI Flashcards
comes comitis m./f.
Sī causa mortis tuae fuī, comes quoque mortis tuae erō.
companion, sharer
If I was the cause of your death, I will also be a sharer of your death.
hōra hōrae f.
Nōs ūna hōra coniūnxit.
One hour joined us.
perīculum perīculī n.
Eī dē perīculīs nārrāre dēsīderat.
She desires to tell him about the dangers.
urna urnae f.
Cinis duōrum amantium in ūnā urnā requiescit.
urn, vessel
The ash of the two lovers rests in one urn.
audiō audīre audīvī audītum
Et deī et parentēs haec verba audīvērunt.
to hear
Both the gods and the parents heard these words.
legō legere lēgī lectum
Legite fābulam, quaesō.
to read, to gather, to choose
Read the story, please.
mittō mittere mīsī missum
Mē in mortem mittam.
to send
I will send myself into death.
nōminō (1)
Pȳrame, tua tē cārissima Thisbē nominat!
to call, name
Pyramus, your dearest Thisbe calls you!
pōnō pōnere posuī positum
Pōnite in hōc tumulō ūnō nōs quōs amor coniūnxit.
to put, to place
Put us whom love joined in this one grave.
rapiō rapere rapuī raptum
Pȳrame, quis tē ā mē rapuit?
to seize, to carry off, to snatch
Pyramus, who snatched you from me?
incertus a um
Fōrmam arboris videt, sed color pomī eam incertam facit.
uncertain, unsure
She sees the form of the tree, but the color of the fruit makes her uncertain.
mortuus a um
Tū arbor, habē semper pōma purpurea, monumenta duōrum amantium mortuōrum.
You, tree, always have purple fruits, (as) monuments of two dead lovers.
Ave atque vale.
and, and also
Hello and also goodbye.
Et deī et parentēs haec verba audīvērunt, nam color pōmī mōrī nōn iam albus est, sed purpureus.
Both the gods and the parents heard these words, for the color of the mulberry fruit is no longer white, but purple.
nōn iam
Et deī et parentēs haec verba audīvērunt, nam color pōmī mōrī nōn iam albus est, sed pupureus.
no longer
Both the gods and the parents heard these words, for the color of the mulberry fruit is no longer white, but purple.
cinis cineris m.
Cinis duōrum amantium in ūnā urnā requiescit.
The ashes of the two lovers rest in one urn.