Caput XIV Flashcards
aqua aquae f.
Daphnē aquās fluminis patris vīdit.
Daphne saw the waters of her father the river.
arcus arcūs m.
In arcū Cupīdō duo tēla tenuit.
Cupid held two darts in his bow.
arma armōrum n. pl.
Quid est tibi, puer, cum armīs et sagittīs?
weapons, arms
What is it to you, boy, with weapons and arrows?
ars artis f.
i-stem, gen. pl. artium
Sum deus sōlis, mūsicae, medicīnae, artium.
art, skill
I am the god of the sun, of music, of medicine, of the arts.
caput capitis n.
Phoebus laudat caput.
Phoebus praises her head.
Cupīdō Cupīdinis m.
Īra Cupīdinis Phoebō hunc amōrem dedit.
Cupid, Eros, Amor (son of Venus)
The anger of Cupid gave this love to Phoebus.
Daphnē Daphnēs f.
Daphnē erat prīmus amor Phoebī.
Daphne was the first love of Phoebus.
digitus digitī m.
Phoebus laudat digitōs et manūs et bracchia.
Phoebus praises her fingers and hands and arms.
dolor dolōris m.
Amor est mihi causa dolōris.
pain, grief, sorrow
Love is the cause of my pain.
dux ducis m.
Laurus in capitibus rēgum ducumque Romae stabit.
The laurel will stand on the heads of the kinds and leaders of Rome.
hostis hostis m.
i-stem, gen. pl. hostium
Nōn sum hostis!
I am not an enemy!
laurus laurī f.
Daphnē virgō fōrmōsa nunc est laurus, arbor pulchra.
laurel tree
Daphne the shapely virgin is now the laurel, a beautiful tree.
manus manūs f.
Bracchia manūs et digitōs habent.
Arms have hands and fingers.
medicīna medicīnae f.
Sum deus sōlis, mūsicae, medicīnae, artium.
I am the god of the sun, of music, of medicine, of the arts.
mūsica mūsicae f.
Sum deus sōlis, mūsicae, medicīnae, artium.
I am the god of the sun, of music, of medicine, of the arts.
osculum osculī n.
Phoebus oscula arborī dat.
Phoebus gives kisses to the tree.
rāmus rāmī m.
Statim pater bracchia pulchra in ramōs mūtat.
Immediately her father turns her beautiful arms into branches.
sōl sōlis m.
Phoebus est deus sōlis.
Phoebus is the god of the sun.
tēlum tēlī n.
Deus Cupīdō obtūsum tēlum in virginem fīgit, acūtum in Phoebum.
weapon, dart, missile
The god Cupid fixed the blunt dart in the virgin, the sharp one into Phoebus.
Venus Veneris f.
Fīlius Veneris est Cupīdō.
The son of Venus is Cupid.
virgō virginis f.
Cupīdō obtūsum tēlum in virginem fīgit.
Cupid fixes the blunt dart in the virgin.
vulnus vulneris n.
Ego possum dare vulnera hostibus.
I am able to give wounds to enemies.
crēscō crēscere crēvī crētum
Flammae amōris in deō crescunt.
to increase, to grow
The flames of love grow in the god.
dīcō dīcere dīxī dictum
Quid dīxit?
to say, to speak
What did she say?
faciō facere fēcī factum
Alterum tēlum amōrem fugat; alterum amōrem facit.
to make, do
One arrow causes love to flee, the other makes love.
fīgō fīgere fīxī fixum
Tuus arcus omnia fīgit sed meus arcus tē fīgit.
to fasten, affix, pierce
Your bow pierces everything but my bow pierces you.
fugō (1)
Alterum tēlum amōrem fugat; alterum amōrem facit.
to put to flight, to make flee
One dart makes love flee, the other makes love.
nesciō nescīre nescīvī nescītum
Nescīs mē esse Phoebum.
to not know
You don’t know that I am Phoebus.
petō petere petīvī petītum
Phoebus virginem iterum petīvit.
to seek, to ask, to attack
Phoebus sought the virgin again.
superō (1)
Phoebus eam superāre temptāvit.
to overcome, to conquer
Phoebus tried to overcome her.
acūtus a um
Hoc est acūtum, illud est obtūsum.
The latter is sharp, the former is blunt.
alter altera alterum
Altera auris est parva.
other, another
The other ear is small.
Alterum tēlum amōrem fugat; alterum amōrem facit.
one…the other
One dart makes love flee, the other makes love.
contentus a um
Tū dēbēs contentus esse cum amōribus.
You ought to be satisfied with loves.
ille illa illud
Hoc est acūtum, illud est obtūsum.
that, those; the former
This one is sharp, that one is blunt.
The latter is sharp, the former is blunt.
hic haec hoc
Hoc est acūtum, illud est obtūsum.
this, these; the latter
This one is sharp, that one is blunt.
The latter is sharp, the former is blunt.
obtūsus a um
Deus Cupīdō obtūsum tēlum in virginem fīgit.
dull, blunt
The god Cupid fixes the blunt dart in the virgin.
tuus a um
Tuus arcus omnia fīgit.
your (sing.)
Your bow piercies everything.