Caput II Flashcards
amīca amīca f.
Amīcae Eurōpae sunt timidae
(female) friend, girlfriend
The friends of Europa are scared.
amīcus amīcī m.
Taurus nunc est amīcus.
(male) friend
The bull is now a friend.
deus dei m.
Deus Iūppiter in Olympō habitat.
The god Jupiter lives on Olympus.
dea deae f.
Dea Iuno in Olympō habitat.
The goddess Juno lives on Olympus.
fīlia fīliae f.
Eurōpa est fīlia.
Europa is a daughter.
poēta poētae m.
Poēta Ovidius fābulam narrat.
The poet Ovid tells the story.
rēx rēgis m.
Agēnor est rēx Phonīcius.
Agenor is the Phoenician king.
taurus taurī m.
Iūppiter sē in taurum trānsfōrmat.
Jupiter transforms himself into a bull.
amō amāre amāvī amātus (amō (1))
Eurōpa amīcās amat.
to love
Europa loves her friends.
dēsīderō dēsīderāre dēsīderāvī dēsīderātus (dēsīderō (1))
Deus puellam dēsīderat.
to desire
The god desires the girl.
fugitō fugitāre fugitāvī fugitātus (fugitō (1))
Taurus cum puellā fugitat.
to flee
The bull flees with the girl.
lūdō lūdere lūsī lūsus
Taurus cum puellā lūdit.
to play
The bull plays with the girl.
nārrō nārrāre nārrāvī nārrātus (nārrō (1))
Poēta Ovidius fābulam nārrat.
to tell a story, to narrate
The Poet Ovid tells the story.
portō portāre portāvī portātus (portō (1))
Taurus puellās in tergō portat.
to carry
The bull carries the girls on his back.
trānsfōrmō trānsfōrmāre trānsfōrmāvī trānsfōrmātus (trānsfōrmō (1))
Iūppiter se in taurum trānsfōrmat.
to transform
Jupiter transforms himself into a bull.
novus nova novum
Īnsula est in terrā novā.
The island is in a new land.
timidus timida timidum
Amīcae Eurōpae sunt timidae.
Europa’s friends are scared.
ad + acc.
Taurus puellam ad īnsulam Crētam portat.
to, toward
The bull carries the girl to the island of Crete.
cum + abl.
Taurus cum puellā lūdit.
The bull plays with the girl
dē + abl.
fābula dē Eurōpā
about, concerning, down from
The story about Europa
Eurōpa taurum novum diū spectat.
for a long time
Europa watches the new bull for a long time
Taurus nunc est amīcus.
The bull is now a friend.
Ōlim terram Phoenīciam spectat.
Once, he looks at the land Phoenicia.
Quis est taurus?
Who is the bull?
Iūppiter sē in taurum pulchrum trānsfōrmat.
himself, herself, itself, themselves
Jupiter transforms himself into a beautiful bull.
in + acc.
Iūppiter sē in taurum trānsfōrmat.
into, onto
Jupiter transforms himself into a bull.
(female) friend, girlfriend
The friends of Europa are scared.
amīca amīca f.
Amicae Eurōpae sunt timidae
(male) friend
The bull is now a friend.
amīcus amīcī m.
Taurus nunc est amīcus.
The god Jupiter lives on Olympus.
deus dei m.
Deus Iūppiter in Olympō habitat.
The goddess Juno lives on Olympus.
dea deae f.
Dea Iuno in Olympō habitat.
Europa is a daughter.
fīlia fīliae f.
Eurōpa est fīlia.
The poet Ovid tells the story.
poēta poētae m.
Poēta Ovidius fābulam narrat.
Agenor is the Phoenician king.
rēx rēgis m.
Agēnor est rēx Phonīcius.
Jupiter transforms himself into a bull.
taurus taurī m.
Iūppiter sē in taurum trānsfōrmat.
to love
Europa loves her friends.
amō amāre amāvī amātus (amō (1))
Eurōpa amīcās amat.
to desire
The god desires the girl.
dēsīderō dēsīderāre dēsīderāvī dēsīderātus (dēsīderō (1))
Deus puellam dēsīderat.
to flee
The bull flees with the girl.
fugitō fugitāre fugitāvī fugitātus (fugitō (1))
Taurus cum puellā fugitat.
to play
The bull plays with the girl.
lūdō lūdere lūsī lūsus
Taurus cum puellā lūdit.
to tell a story, to narrate
The Poet Ovid tells the story.
nārrō nārrāre nārrāvī nārrātus (nārrō (1))
Poēta Ovidius fābulam nārrat.
to carry
The bull carries the girls on his back.
portō portāre portāvī portātus (portō (1))
Taurus puellās in tergō portat.
to transform
Jupiter transforms himself into a bull.
trānsfōrmō trānsfōrmāre trānsfōrmāvī trānsfōrmātus (trānsfōrmō (1))
Iūppiter se in taurum trānsfōrmat.
The island is in a new land.
novus nova novum
Īnsula est in terrā novā.
Europa’s friends are scared.
timidus timida timidum
Amīcae Eurōpae sunt timidae.
to, toward
The bull carries the girl to the island of Crete.
ad + acc.
Taurus puellam ad īnsulam Crētam portat.
The bull plays with the girl
cum + abl.
Taurus cum puellā lūdit.
about, concerning, down from
The story about Europa
dē + abl.
fābula dē Eurōpā
for a long time
Europa watches the new bull for a long time
Eurōpa taurum novum diū spectat.
The bull is now a friend.
Taurus nunc est amīcus.
Once, he looks at the land Phoenicia.
Ōlim terram Phoenīciam spectat.
Who is the bull?
Quis est taurus?
himself, herself, itself, themselves
Jupiter transforms himself into a beautiful bull.
Iūppiter sē in taurum pulchrum trānsfōrmat.
into, onto
Jupiter transforms himself into a bull.
in + acc.
Iūppiter sē in taurum trānsfōrmat.