Caput X Flashcards
adultera adulterae f.
Vidē iniūriam meam, adultera!
Look at my injury, adulteress!
animal animalis n.
Ipsa animal, animalia fera in silvīs fugitāvit.
N.B. i-stem noun
Herself an animal, she fled wild animals in the woods.
bracchium bracchiī n.
Pān autem putat sē Syringam in bracchiīs tenēre.
arm, branch
Pan however thinks that he holds Syringa in his arms.
causa causae f.
Causa nulla morae est.
cause, reason
There is no cause for delay.
figūra figūrae f.
Figūram pulchram tuam mūtābō.
figure, shape, form
I will change your beautiful figure.
iniūria iniūriae f.
Vidē iniūriam meam, adultera!
injury, hurt, wrong
Look at my injury, adulteress!
mātricīdium mātricīdiī n.
Iuppiter mātricīdium prohibuit.
Jupiter prevented matricide.
poena poenae f.
Iūnō tempus idōneum poenīs expectāvit.
N.B. often appears in the plural.
Juno waited for a time suitable for punishment.
poenās dāre
Poenās dābis, sceleste!
to pay the penalty
You will pay the penalty, you wicked (man)!
sēnsa sēnsōrum n. pl.
Sēnsa hūmāna in ursā manent.
sense, feeling
Human sense remain in the bear.
tempus temporis n
Tempus fugit.
Time flees.
vēnātor vēnātōris m.
Arcas est vēnātor et saepe in silvā adest.
(male) hunter
Arcas is a hunter and is often in the woods.
vēnātrīx vēnātrīcis f.
Callisto erat vēnātrīx, nunc est ursa.
(female) hunter
Callisto was a huntress, now she is a bear.
verbum verbī n.
Nulla verba in nymphā mansērunt.
No words remained in the nymph.
villus villī m.
Bracchia villīs horrescēbant.
shaggy hair
(Her) arms were growing rough with shaggy hair.
vōx vōcis f.
Callistō vōcem raucam nunc habet.
Callisto now has a hoarse voice.
absum abesse āfuī āfutūrus irregular
Iuppiter abest.
to be absent, to be away
Jupiter is absent.
adsum adesse adfuī adfutūrus irregular
Arcas est vēnātor et saepe in silvā adest.
to be present, to be near
Arcas is a hunter and is often in the forest.
expectō (1)
Iūnō tempus idōneum poenīs expectāvit.
to await, wait for
Juno awaited a time suitable for punishment.
fugitō (1)
Callistō animalia fera in silvīs fugitāvit.
to flee, avoid
Callisto fled wild animals in the woods.
horrescō horrescere horruī –
Bracchia villīs horrescēbant.
to grow rough
(Her) arms were growing rough with shaggy hair.
servō (1)
Tē nōn servābit.
to save, to protect
(He) will not save you.
tendō tendere tetendī tentum/tensum
Misera Callistō supplex bracchia tendēbat.
to stretch out, extend
Miserable, pleading Callisto was extending her arms.
trānsportō (1)
Iuppiter ursam et fīlium eius in caelum, stellās vīcīnās, trānsportāvit.
to transport, to carry
Jupiter carried the bear and her son into the sky as neighboring stars.
benignus a um + dat.
Iuppiter omnipotēns erat fīliō benignus.
kind to
Omnipotent Jupiter was kind to the son.
ferus a um
Callistō animalia fera in silvīs fugitāvit.
Callisto fled wild animalis in the woods.
hūmānus a um
Sēnsa hūmāna in ursā manent.
Human sense remain in the bear.
idōneus a um + dat
Iūnō tempus idōneum poenīs exspectāvit.
suitable for
Juno awaited a time suitable for punishment.
nātus a um
Puer Arcas nymphae nātus est.
The boy Arcas is born to the nymph.
immōtus a um
Arcas oculōs immōtōs eius ēvitat.
Arcas avoided her unmoving eyes.
prōnus a um
Iūnō eam prōnam in terram strāvit.
bent over, prone
Juno threw her down prone on the ground.
raucus a um
Nulla verba in nymphā mansērunt, sōlum vōx rauca.
No words remained in the nymph, only a hoarse voice.
supplex (gen. supplicis)
Misera Callistō supplex bracchia tendēbat.
pleading, suppliant
Miserable pleading Callistō was extending her arms.
territus a um
Quotiēns ea, territa, virōs fugitāvit.
How often she, terrified, fled men.
tuus a um
Figūram pulchram tuam mūtābō.
I will change your beautiful figure.
vīcīnus a um
Iuppiter nympham et fīlium eius in stellās vīcīnās trānsfōrmavit.
Jupiter transformed the nymph and her son into neighboring stars.
a (interjection)
A! Quotiēns ea, territa, animalia fera fugitāvit.
Ah! How often she, terrified, fled wild animals.
cum (conjunction)
Cum Callistō bracchia tendēbat, bracchia horrescēbat.
When Callisto was extending her arms, her arms were growing rough.
Quotiēns in agrīs ōlim suīs errāvit!
How often she wandered in fields once her own.
post + acc.
Arcas, post er quīnque annōs, paene vir est.
Arcas, after thrice five years, is nearly a man.
Quotiēns in agrīs ōlim suīs errāvit!
how often
How often she wandered in fields once her own!
Iuppiter ter vocāvit.
three times, thrice
Jupiter called three times.
ter quīnque
Arcas, post ter quīnque annōs, est paene vir.
fifteen (3 x 5)
Arcas, after thrice five years, is nearly a man.