Caput XI Flashcards
advena advenae m./f.
Senēs advenīs benignī erant.
The old people were kind to the strangers.
arbor arboris f.
Nārrābō dē duābus arboribus, dē tiliā et quercū.
I will tell about two trees, a linden and an oak.
Baucis Baucidis f.
Pia Baucis et senex Philēmōn hīc habitābant.
Pious Baucis and old man Philemon were living here.
cibus cibī m.
Baucis vīnum et cibum parāvit.
Baucis prepared wine and food.
dominus dominī m.
Et servī et dominī erant duo.
The two were both the slaves and the masters.
fīnis fīnis m. (sometimes f.)
i-stem noun, gen. pl. fīnium
Potentia caelī est immensa et fīnem nōn habet.
end; pl. boundary
The power of the sky is immense and has no end.
locus locī m.
Ego ipse locum vīdī.
I saw the place myself.
loca locōrum n. pl.
Illa loca sunt pulchra.
That region is beautiful.
membrum membrī n.
Ūnum membrum nōn satis longum erat.
limb, leg
One leg was not long enough.
mēnsa mēnsae f.
Sed mēnsa plāna nōn erat.
But the table was not level.
Mercurius Mercuriī m.
Mercurius caducifer cum patre suō vēnit.
Mercury Carrier-of-the-Caduceus came with his father.
pars partis f.
Senēs deīs maiōrem partem cibī et vīnī dedērunt.
i-stem noun, gen. pl. partium
The old people gave the larger part of the food and wine to the gods.
pater patris m.
Est pater mihi.
He is my father.
Philēmōn Philēmōnis m.
Senex Philēmōn deōs sedēre iussit.
Old man Philemon ordered the gods to sit.
Phrygia Phrygiae f.
Arbores sunt in Phrygiā.
The trees are in Phrygia.
piscis piscis m.
i-stem noun, gen. pl. piscium
Terra ōlim plēna virōrum, nunc undae plēnae piscium.
The land once full of men, now waves full of fish.
requiēs requiētis f.
irregular acc. sing requiem
Requiem in mīlle casīs rogābant.
They were seeking rest in a thousand houses.
rēx rēgis m.
Iūppiter rēx deōrum.
Jupiter, king of the gods.
senex senis m./f.
Senēs advenīs benignī erant.
old man, old woman
usually old man when in singular
The old people were kind to the strangers.
servus servī m.
Et servī et dominī erant duo.
The two were both slaves and masters.
stāgnum stāgnī n.
Ego ipse locum vīdī, nōn procul est stāgnum.
I myself saw the place, not far away is a pool.
vīnum vīnī n.
Senēs deīs maiōrum partem cibī et vīnī dedērunt.
The old people gave the greater part of the food and wine to the gods.
dubitō (1)
Dubitātisne, discipulī?
to doubt, to hesitate
Do you doubt it, students?
imperō (1)
Quicquid dī imperant, factum est.
to command, to order, to bid
Whatever the gods command is done.
intrō (1)
Dī parvam casam intrāvērunt.
to enter
The gods entered the small house.
iubeō iubēre iussī iussum
Senex deōs sedēre iussit.
to order, to command, to ask, to bid
The old man ordered the gods to sit.
parō (1)
Baucis vīnum et cibum parāvit.
to prepare
Baucis prepared wine and food.
sedeō sedēre sēdī sessum
Senex deōs sedēre iussit.
to sit, remain, stay
The old man ordered the gods to sit.
veniō venīre vēnī ventum
Iūppiter vēnit.
to come
Jupiter came.
apertus a um
Tamen ūna parva casa erat aperta.
Nevertheless one small house was open.
clausus a um
Mīlle casae erant clausae.
A thousand houses were closed.
duo duae duo
Nārrābō dē duābus arboribus.
I will tell of two trees.
factus a um
Testā autem mēnsa plāna facta est.
done, made
However the table was made level with a tile.
immensus a um
Potentia caelī est immensa et fīnem nōn habet.
The power of the sky is immense and has no end.
Senēs deīs maiōrem partem cibī et vīnī dedērunt.
The old people gave the greater part of the food and wine to the gods.
noster nostra nostrum
Casa est nostra.
The house is ours.
pius pia pium
Pia Baucis et senex Philēmōn hīc habitābant.
pious, reverent
Pious Baucis and old man Philemon were living here.