Caput IX Flashcards
Quot pāginās spectāvimus?
How many…?
How many pages have we looked at?
pāgina pāginae f.
Ūndēseptuāgintā pāginās spectāvimus.
We have looked at sixty-nine pages.
capillus capillī m.
Vitta neglectōs capillōs retinēbat.
N.B. usually appears in the plural
A band was restraining her neglected hair.
caelum caelī n.
Spectāte stellās in caelō.
sky, the heavens
Look at the stars in the sky.
dēlectāmentum dēlectāmentī n.
Sunt dēlectāmenta pretiōsa sed digna pretiī.
The delights are costly but worthy of the price.
fībula fībulae f.
Fībula vestīmentum retinēbat.
A pin held (her) clothes.
iaculum iaculī n.
Iaculum et sagittās portābat.
(She) was carrying a javelin and arrows.
īra īrae f.
Propter īram Iūnōnis, Iuppiter nympham in stellās trānsfōrmavit.
On account of Juno’s wrath, Jupiter transfomed the nymph into stars.
Iūnō Iūnōnis f.
Certē Iūnō mē hīc nōn vidēbit.
n. Iūnō, g. Iūnōnis, d. Iūnōnī, acc. Iūnōnem, abl. Iūnōne
Certianly Juno will not see me here.
Juno, queen of the gods.
mūsa mūsae f.
Saepe poetae Mūsās invocant dum fābulās nārrant.
Often the poets invoke the muses while they tell stories.
pretium pretiī n.
Sunt dēlectāmenta pretiōsa sed digna pretiī.
price, reward
The delights are costly but worthy of the price.
somnus somnī m.
Nox somnōs placidōs portat.
Night brings peaceful sleeps.
in somnō
Ōlim Callistō sōla erat et in somnō in terrā herbōsā iacēbat
asleep (lit. in sleep)
Once Callisto was alone and lying asleep on the grassy ground.
stella stellae f.
Spectāte stellās in caelō.
Look at the stars in the sky.
ursa ursae f.
Ursa est fera.
A bear is a wild animal.
Ursa Maior, Ursae Maiōris f.
Ursa Maior est Callisto.
Ursa Major (lit. bigger bear)
Ursa Major is Callisto.
Ursa Minor, Ursae Minōris f.
Ursa Minor est Arcas, fīlius Callistūs.
Ursa Minor (lit. smaller bear)
Ursa Minor is Arcas, the son of Callisto.
vestīmentum vestīmenti n.
Fībula vestīmentum retinēbat.
garment, clothes
A pin was holding (her) clothes.
vīctor vīctōris m.
Ita Iuppiter vīctor erat.
victor, winner
Thus Jupiter was the victor.
vitta vittae f.
Vitta neglectōs capillōs retinēbat.
fillet, band
A band was restraining her neglected hair.
appropinquō (1)
Iuppiter ad nympham sēcrētō appropinquāvit.
to approach
Jupiter approached the nymph secretly.
cūrō (1)
Iuppiter silvās et agrōs in Arcadiā cūrat.
to care for
Jupiter cares for the woods and fields in Arcadia.
ēvītō (1)
Nympha misera silvās nōtās et amīcās nōtās ēvītāvit.
to avoid, to shun
The miserable nymph avoided the familiar woods and familiar friends.
iaceō iacēre iacuī –
Ōlim Callistō sōla erat et in somnō in terrā herbōsā iacēbat.
to lie (at rest)
Once Callisto was alone and lying asleep on the grassy ground.
invocō (1)
Saepe poētae Mūsās invocant dum fābulās nārrant.
to invoke
Often the poets invoke the muses while they tell stories.
retineō retinēre retinuī retentum
Fībula vestīmentum retinēbat.
to keep, hold back, retain, restrain
A pin holds (her) clothing.
alius alia aliud
Ecce septem aliae stellae, Ursa Minor.
Behold the seven other stars, Ursa Minor.
Aliae nymphae in silvās habitat, aliae nymphae in flūminibus habitat.
Some nymphs live in the woods, other nymphs live in rivers.
cārus cāra cārum + dat
Arcadia est terra deō Iovī cara.
dear to
Arcadia is a land dear to the god Jupiter.
cārus cāra cārum
Amīca cāra, tē aeternum amābō.
Dear friend, I will love you forever.
grātus grāta grātum
Est grātus et bonus.
It is pleasing and good.
grātus grāta grātum + dat.
Nympha erat deō Iovī grāta.
pleasing to
The nymph was pleasing to the god Jupiter.
herbōsus a um
Ōlim Callistō sōla erat et in somnō in terrā herbōsā iacēbat.
Once Callisto was alone and lying asleep on the grassy ground.
neglectus a um
Vitta neglectōs capillōs retinēbat.
A band was restraining her neglected hair.
nōtus a um
Nympha misera silvās nōtās et amīcās nōtās ēvītāvit.
familiar, well-known, famous
The miserable nymph avoided the familiar woods and familiar friends.
pretiōsus a um
Sunt dēlectāmenta pretiōsa sed digna pretiī.
costly, precious
The delights are costly but worthy of the price.
sōlus a um
Ōlim Callistō sōla erat et in somnō in terrā herbōsā iacēbat.
N.B. A Naughty Nine adjective, see Sec. 131
alone, lone, lonely
Once Callisto was alone and lying asleep on the grassy ground.
Videt aut non videt.
(She) sees or (she) does not see.
Aut eum appropinquābis aut appropinquābō.
Either you will approach him or I will approach (him).
Callistō erat nympha cuius fōrma erat pulchra.
whose (sing.)
Callisto was a nymph whose form was beautiful.
Iuppiter nympham et fīlium eius in stellās trānsfōrmavit.
his, her, its
Jupiter transformed the nymph and her son into stars.
propter + acc.
Propter īram Iūnōnis, Iuppiter nympham in stellās trānsfōrmavit.
on account of, because
On account of Juno’s anger, Jupiter trasformed the nymph into stars.
Iuppiter ad nympham sēcrētō appropinquāvit.
in secret, secretly
Jupiter approached the nymph in secret.
Aut sī videt, sunt dēlectāmenta pretiōsa sed digna pretiī.
Or if (she) sees, the delights are costly but worthy of the price.
Callistō Callistūs f.
Ursa Maior est Callistō.
n. Callistō, g. Callistūs, d. Callistō, acc. Callistō, abl. Callistō.
Ursa Major is Callisto.
Callisto, one of Diana’s nymphs.
Iuppiter Iovis m.
Iuppiter eam vīdit.
n. Iuppiter, g. Iovis, d. Iovī, acc. Iovem, abl. Iove
Jupiter saw her.
Jupiter, king of the gods
Arcas Arcadis m.
Ursa Minor est Arcas, fīlius Callistūs.
n. Arcas, g. Arcadis, d. Arcadī, acc. Arcadem, abl. Arcade
Ursa Minor is Arcas, the son of Callisto.
Arcas, son of Callisto.
Dīāna Dīānae f.
Callistō per silvās cum Dīānā errābat.
Callisto was wandering through the woods with Diana.
Diana, goddess of hunting
How many…?
How many pages have we looked at?
Quot pāginās spectāvimus?
We have looked at sixty-nine pages.
pāgina pāginae f.
Ūndēseptuāgintā pāginās spectāvimus.
A band was restraining her neglected hair.
capillus capillī m.
Vitta neglectōs capillōs retinēbat.
N.B. usually appears in the plural
sky, the heavens
Look at the stars in the sky.
caelum caelī n.
Spectāte stellās in caelō.
The delights are costly but worthy of the price.
dēlectāmentum dēlectāmentī n.
Sunt dēlectāmenta pretiōsa sed digna pretiī.
A pin held (her) clothes.
fībula fībulae f.
Fībula vestīmentum retinēbat.
(She) was carrying a javelin and arrows.
iaculum iaculī n.
Iaculum et sagittās portābat.
On account of Juno’s wrath, Jupiter transfomed the nymph into stars.
īra īrae f.
Propter īram Iūnōnis, Iuppiter nympham in stellās trānsfōrmavit.
Certianly Juno will not see me here.
Juno, queen of the gods.
Iūnō Iūnōnis f.
Certē Iūnō mē hīc nōn vidēbit.
n. Iūnō, g. Iūnōnis, d. Iūnōnī, acc. Iūnōnem, abl. Iūnōne
Often the poets invoke the muses while they tell stories.
mūsa mūsae f.
Saepe poetae Mūsās invocant dum fābulās nārrant.
price, reward
The delights are costly but worthy of the price.
pretium pretiī n.
Sunt dēlectāmenta pretiōsa sed digna pretiī.
Night brings peaceful sleeps.
somnus somnī m.
Nox somnōs placidōs portat.
asleep (lit. in sleep)
Once Callisto was alone and lying asleep on the grassy ground.
in somnō
Ōlim Callistō sōla erat et in somnō in terrā herbōsā iacēbat
Look at the stars in the sky.
stella stellae f.
Spectāte stellās in caelō.
A bear is a wild animal.
ursa ursae f.
Ursa est fera.
Ursa Major (lit. bigger bear)
Ursa Major is Callisto.
Ursa Maior, Ursae Maiōris f.
Ursa Maior est Callisto.
Ursa Minor (lit. smaller bear)
Ursa Minor is Arcas, the son of Callisto.
Ursa Minor, Ursae Minōris f.
Ursa Minor est Arcas, fīlius Callistūs.
garment, clothes
A pin was holding (her) clothes.
vestīmentum vestīmenti n.
Fībula vestīmentum retinēbat.
victor, winner
Thus Jupiter was the victor.
vīctor vīctōris m.
Ita Iuppiter vīctor erat.
fillet, band
A band was restraining her neglected hair.
vitta vittae f.
Vitta neglectōs capillōs retinēbat.
to approach
Jupiter approached the nymph secretly.
appropinquō (1)
Iuppiter ad nympham sēcrētō appropinquāvit.
to care for
Jupiter cares for the woods and fields in Arcadia.
cūrō (1)
Iuppiter silvās et agrōs in Arcadiā cūrat.
to avoid, to shun
The miserable nymph avoided the familiar woods and familiar friends.
ēvītō (1)
Nympha misera silvās nōtās et amīcās nōtās ēvītāvit.
to lie (at rest)
Once Callisto was alone and lying asleep on the grassy ground.
iaceō iacēre iacuī –
Ōlim Callistō sōla erat et in somnō in terrā herbōsā iacēbat.
to invoke
Often the poets invoke the muses while they tell stories.
invocō (1)
Saepe poētae Mūsās invocant dum fābulās nārrant.
to keep, hold back, retain, restrain
A pin holds (her) clothing.
retineō retinēre retinuī retentum
Fībula vestīmentum retinēbat.
Behold the seven other stars, Ursa Minor.
alius alia aliud
Ecce septem aliae stellae, Ursa Minor.
Some nymphs live in the woods, other nymphs live in rivers.
Aliae nymphae in silvās habitat, aliae nymphae in flūminibus habitat.
dear to
Arcadia is a land dear to the god Jupiter.
cārus cāra cārum + dat
Arcadia est terra deō Iovī cara.
Dear friend, I will love you forever.
cārus cāra cārum
Amīca cāra, tē aeternum amābō.
It is pleasing and good.
grātus grāta grātum
Est grātus et bonus.
pleasing to
The nymph was pleasing to the god Jupiter.
grātus grāta grātum + dat.
Nympha erat deō Iovī grāta.
Once Callisto was alone and lying asleep on the grassy ground.
herbōsus a um
Ōlim Callistō sōla erat et in somnō in terrā herbōsā iacēbat.
A band was restraining her neglected hair.
neglectus a um
Vitta neglectōs capillōs retinēbat.
familiar, well-known, famous
The miserable nymph avoided the familiar woods and familiar friends.
nōtus a um
Nympha misera silvās nōtās et amīcās nōtās ēvītāvit.
costly, precious
The delights are costly but worthy of the price.
pretiōsus a um
Sunt dēlectāmenta pretiōsa sed digna pretiī.
alone, lone, lonely
Once Callisto was alone and lying asleep on the grassy ground.
sōlus a um
Ōlim Callistō sōla erat et in somnō in terrā herbōsā iacēbat.
N.B. A Naughty Nine adjective, see Sec. 131
(She) sees or (she) does not see.
Videt aut non videt.
Either you will approach him or I will approach (him).
Aut eum appropinquābis aut appropinquābō.
whose (sing.)
Callisto was a nymph whose form was beautiful.
Callistō erat nympha cuius fōrma erat pulchra.
his, her, its
Jupiter transformed the nymph and her son into stars.
Iuppiter nympham et fīlium eius in stellās trānsfōrmavit.
on account of, because
On account of Juno’s anger, Jupiter trasformed the nymph into stars.
propter + acc.
Propter īram Iūnōnis, Iuppiter nympham in stellās trānsfōrmavit.
in secret, secretly
Jupiter approached the nymph in secret.
Iuppiter ad nympham sēcrētō appropinquāvit.
Or if (she) sees, the delights are costly but worthy of the price.
Aut sī videt, sunt dēlectāmenta pretiōsa sed digna pretiī.
Ursa Major is Callisto.
Callisto, one of Diana’s nymphs.
Callistō Callistūs f.
Ursa Maior est Callistō.
n. Callistō, g. Callistūs, d. Callistō, acc. Callistō, abl. Callistō.
Jupiter saw her.
King of the gods
Iuppiter Iovis m.
Iuppiter eam vīdit.
n. Iuppiter, g. Iovis, d. Iovī, acc. Iovem, abl. Iove
Ursa Minor is Arcas, the son of Callisto.
Arcas, son of Callisto.
Arcas Arcadis m.
Ursa Minor est Arcas, fīlius Callistūs.
n. Arcas, g. Arcadis, d. Arcadī, acc. Arcadem, abl. Arcade
Callisto was wandering through the woods with Diana.
Diana, goddess of hunting
Dīāna Dīānae f.
Callistō per silvās cum Dīānā errābat.