Caput XIII Flashcards
nēmō nēminis m./f.
Nēmō abest.
no one
No one is absent.
Bene est.
It is well. (idiomatically: “That’s good.”
amor amōris m.
Amor corpus iuvenis dēvorāvit.
Love devoured the body of the youth.
color colōris m.
Neque vigor, neque color, neque fōrma mānsit.
Neither vigor, nor color, nor form remained.
corpus corporis n.
Sorōres Narcissī corpus iuvenis quem amāverant humāre parāvērunt.
The sisters of Narcissus prepared to bury the body of the young man whom they had loved.
Ēchō Ēchūs f.
Si “Ēchō, Ēchō,” clāmāveritis, Ēchō verba vestra resonābit.
If you all shout “Echo, Echo,” Echo will resound your words.
flōs flōris m.
Sed prō corpore sōlum mānsit flōs.
But in place of his body, only a flower remained.
flūmen flūminis n.
Narcissus in rīpā flūminis iacuit.
Narcissus laid down on the bank of the river.
folium foliī n.
Flōs appellātus Narcissus albīs foliīs.
leaf, petal
A flower called Narcissus for its white petals.
fons fontis m.
i-stem, gen. pl. fontium
Lacrimīs aquās fontis turbāvit.
fountain, pool, spring
He disturbed the waters of the fountain with his tears.
imāgō imāginis f.
Imāgō iterum fugitāvit.
The image fled again.
iuvenis iuvenis m./f.
Narcissus cum cēterīs iuvenibus animālia fera sequitur.
youth, young person
Narcissus follows the wild animals with the rest of the youths.
mons montis m.
Vōs in montibus spēluncīsque errāvistis.
i-stem, gen. pl. montium
You all wandered in the mountains and caves.
Narcissus Narcissī m.
Nympha Ēchō Narcissum in silvā vīdit.
The nymph Echo saw Narcissus in the woods.
nox noctis f.
i-stem, gen. pl. noctium
Nox appropinquat et fōrmās obscūrās in silvā cēlat.
Night approaches and hides dark forms in the woods.
potestās potestātis f.
Narcissus autem potestātem amōris nōn fugitāvit.
Narcissus, however, did not escape the power of love.
pudor pudōris m.
In pudōre sē cēlat.
She hides herself in shame.
rīpa rīpae f.
In rīpā flūminis iacuit.
bank (of a river)
He laid down on the bank of the river
soror sorōris f.
Sorōrēs Narcissī corpus iuvenis quem amāverant humāre parāvērunt.
The sisters of Narcissus prepared to bury the body of the youth whom they had loved.
spēlunca spēluncae f.
In pudōre sē cēlat in silvīs, in montibus, in spēluncīs.
She hides herself in shame in the woods, in the mountains, in the caves.
vigor vigōris m.
Vigor non mānsit.
liveliness, force, vigor
Vigor did not remain.
vōx vōcis f.
Ēchō adhūc et corpus et vōcem habēbat, sed vōx erat nova.
Echo still had both a body and a voice, but her voice was new.
dēsistō dēsistere dēstitī dēstitum
“Dēsiste,” clāmat Narcissus.
to desist, to stop, to leave off
“Stop,” shouts Narcissus.
dēvorō (1)
Amor corpus iuvenis dēvorāvit.
to consume, to devour
Love devoured the body of the youth.
humō (1)
Sorōrēs Narcissī corpus iuvenis humāre parāvērunt.
to bury
The sisters of Narcissus prepared to bury the body of the youth.
“In silvīs,” inquit fēmina “errabis.”
he/she/it says/said
The woman says “you will wander in the woods.”
noceō nocēre nocuī nocitum + dat.
Ēchō Iūnōnī dolō nocuerat.
to harm
Echo had done harm to Juno by means of a trick.
pervideō pervidēre pervīdī pervīsum
Dēnique Narcissus pervīdit sē imāginem esse.
to see through, discern, realize
Finally Narcissus realized that he was the image.
possum posse potuī
Ēchō verba aliōrum reportāre potest, sed sua verba nōn habet.
to be able
Echo is able to repeat the words of others, but she does not have her own words.
putō (1)
Narcissus putābat sē fōrmōsissimum esse.
to think
Narcissus was thinking that he was the most beautiful.
reportō (1)
Ēchō verba aliōrum reportāre potest, sed sua verba nōn habet.
to carry back, to report, to repeat
Echo can repeat the words of others, but she does not have her own words.
tangō tangere tetigī tactum
Cum Narcissus imāginem tangere temptāvit, imāgō fugitāvit.
to touch
When Narcissus tried to touch the image, the image fled.
turbō (1)
Narcissus lacrimīs aquās fontis turbāvit.
to stir, to disturb
Narcissus disturbed the waters of the fountain with his tears.
albus a um
Flōs appellātus Narcissus albīs foliīs.
A flower called Narcissus for its white petals.
alius alia aliud
Verba aliōrum reportāre potest.
other, another
She is able to repeat the words of others.
obscūrus a um
Nox appropinquat et fōrmās obscūrās in silvā cēlat.
Night approaches and hides dark forms in the forest.
vester vestra vestrum
Ēchō verba vestra resonābit.
your (pl.)
Echo will repeat your words.
Ēchō adhūc et corpus et vōcem habēbat.
until now, up to this point, still
Echo still had both a body and a voice.
Moriar antequam tibi mē dederō.
before, sooner than
I will die before I will have given myself to you.
Narcissus forte sōlus errat, et Ēchō iuvenem sēcrētō sequitur.
by chance
By chance, Narcissus wanders alone, and Echo follows the youth in secret.