Caput VIII Flashcards
ager agrī m.
Deinde nympha misera trans agros fugitat.
Then the wretched nymph flees across the field.
auxilium auxiliī n.
Syringa auxilium nymphas orat.
Syringa beseeches the nymphs for help.
brācchium brācchiī n.
Pan autem putat se Syringam in bracchiis tenere.
arm, limb
Pan however thinks that he holds Syringa in his arms.
cēra cērae f.
Et cerā septem papyros coniungit.
And he joins seven reeds with wax.
concilium conciliī n.
Tecum concilium habebo.
I will have a union with you.
fistula fistulae f.
Ita Pan fistulam format.
reed pipe
Thus Pan forms the reed pipe.
fuga fugae f.
Undae fugam prohibebant.
The waves were prohibiting her flight.
papyrus papyrī m.
Et cerā septem papyros coniungit.
papyrus, reed
And he joins seven reeds with wax.
rīpa rīpae f.
Ripam undarum spectat.
bank (of a river)
She sees the banks of the river (lit. of the waves).
satyrus satyrī m.
Syringa tamen deos satyrosque fugitabat.
Syringa was neverthelss fleeing gods and satyrs.
sonus sonī m.
Papyri sonum querellae dant.
The reeds give the sound of a complaint.
unda undae f.
Undae fugam prohibebant.
wave, water, stream
The waves prohibit her flight.
vir virī m.
Nullus vir, nullus deus me habebit.
No man, no god will have me.
cēlō (1)
Se in silva umbrosa et densa celabat.
to hide
She was hiding herself in the shady and dense woods.
dēvoveō dēvovēre dēvōvī dēvōtus
Dianae vitam meam devovebo.
to devote
I will devote my life to Diana.
errō (1)
Deus Pan autem, dum in silva errat, Syringam videt.
to wander
The god Pan, however, while wandering in the woods, sees Syringa.
fugitō (1)
Deinde nympha misera trans agros et per silvas celeriter fugitat.
to flee, avoid, shun
Then the wretched nympph flees quickly across the fields and through the woods.
maneō manēre mansī mansus
Syringa manebit.
to remain, to stay
Syringa will remain.
putō (1)
Pan autem putat se Syringam in bracchiis tenere.
to think
Pan however thinks that he is holding Syringa in his arms.
suspīrō (1)
Miser Pan suspirat trans papyros.
to breathe
Wretched Pan breathes across the reeds.
teneō tenēre tenuī tentus
Pan autem putat se Syringam in bracchiis tenere.
to hold, to keep, to possess
Pan however thinks that he holds Syringa in his arms.
videō vidēre vīdī vīsus
Deus Pan autem, dum in silva errat, Syringam videt et statim eam amat.
to see
The god Pan however, while he wanders in the woods, sees Syringa and loves her immediately.
benīgnus a um
Formam meam mutate, nymphae benignae!
Change my body, kind nymphs!
cēterus a um
Syringa nymphas ceteras et deam Dianam amabat.
other, the rest
Syringa was loving the rest of the nymphs and the goddess Diana.
dēnsus a um
Se in silva umbrosa et densa celebat.
thick, dense
She was hiding herself in the shady and dense woods.
miser misera miserum
Deinde nympha misera trans agros et per silvas celeriter fugitat.
wretched, unhappy, miserable
Then the wretched nymph flees quickly across the fields and through the woods.
nūllus nūlla nūllum
Naughty nine! gen. sing nullius, dat. sing nulli
Nullus vir, nullus deus me habebit.
no, none
No man, no god will have me.
umbrōsus a um
Se in silva umbrosa et densa celebat.
She was hiding herselve in the shady and dense wood.
Aeternum te amabo.
I will love you forever.
Pan autem putat se Syringam in bracchiis tenere.
however, but
Pan however thinks that he holds Syringa in his arms.
Deinde nympha misera celeriter fugitat donec ripam undarum spectat.
until, up to the time when
Then the wretched nymph flees quickly until she sees the bank of the waters.
Pan Syringam videt et statim eam amat.
her (acc. fem.)
Pan sees Syringa and immediately loves her.
Centum dei et satyri Syringam amabant, sed Syringa eos non amabat.
them (acc. masc.)
A hundred gods and satyrs were loving Syringa, but Syringa was not loving them.
Olim erat nympha pulchra.
once, once upon a time
Once there was a beautiful nymph.
Quamquam Syringa nymphas ceteras et deam Dianam amabat, tamen deos satyrosque fugitabat.
Although Syringa was loving the rest of the nymphs and the goddess Diana, nevertheless she was fleeing gods and satyrs.
Syringa auxilium nymphas sic orat, “Formam meam mutate, nymphae benignae!”
Syringa beseeches the nymphs for help thus, “Change my body, kind nymphs!”
Deus Pan Syringam videt et statim eam amat.
The god Pan sees Syringa and immediately loves her.
Quamquam Syringa nymphas ceteras et deam Dianam amabat, tamen deos satyrosque fugitabat.
Although Syringa was loving the rest of the nymphs and the goddess Diana, nevertheless she was fleeing gods and satyrs.
trāns + acc.
Deinde nympha misera trans agros et per silvas celeriter fugitat.
Then the wretched nymph flees across the fields and through the woods.
Centum dei et satyri Syringam amabant.
One hundred gods and satyrs were loving Syringa.
Cena mecum.
with me
Dine with me.
Tecum concilium habebo.
with you
I will have a union with you.
Pax nobiscum (sit).
with us
Peace (be) with us.
Dominus vobiscum (sit).
with you (pl.)
The lord (be) with you.
Then the wretched nymph flees across the field.
ager agrī m.
Deinde nympha misera trans agros fugitat.
Syringa beseeches the nymphs for help.
auxilium auxiliī n.
Syringa auxilium nymphas orat.
arm, limb
Pan however thinks that he holds Syringa in his arms.
brācchium brācchiī n.
Pan autem putat se Syringam in bracchiis tenere.
And he joins seven reeds with wax.
cēra cērae f.
Et cerā septem papyros coniungit.
I will have a union with you.
concilium conciliī n.
Tecum concilium habebo.
reed pipe
Thus Pan forms the reed pipe.
fistula fistulae f.
Ita Pan fistulam format.
The waves were prohibiting her flight.
fuga fugae f.
Undae fugam prohibebant.
papyrus, reed
And he joins seven reeds with wax.
papyrus papyrī m.
Et cerā septem papyros coniungit.
bank (of a river)
She sees the banks of the river (lit. of the waves).
rīpa rīpae f.
Ripam undarum spectat.
Syringa was neverthelss fleeing gods and satyrs.
satyrus satyrī m.
Syringa tamen deos satyrosque fugitabat.
The reeds give the sound of a complaint.
sonus sonī m.
Papyri sonum querellae dant.
wave, water, stream
The waves prohibit her flight.
unda undae f.
Undae fugam prohibebant.
No man, no god will have me.
vir virī m.
Nullus vir, nullus deus me habebit.
to hide
She was hiding herself in the shady and dense woods.
cēlō (1)
Se in silva umbrosa et densa celabat.
to devote
I will devote my life to Diana.
dēvoveō dēvovēre dēvōvī dēvōtus
Dianae vitam meam devovebo.
to wander
The god Pan, however, while wandering in the woods, sees Syringa.
errō (1)
Deus Pan autem, dum in silva errat, Syringam videt.
to flee, avoid, shun
Then the wretched nympph flees quickly across the fields and through the woods.
fugitō (1)
Deinde nympha misera trans agros et per silvas celeriter fugitat.
to remain, to stay
Syringa will remain.
maneō manēre mansī mansus
Syringa manebit.
to think
Pan however thinks that he is holding Syringa in his arms.
putō (1)
Pan autem putat se Syringam in bracchiis tenere.
to breathe
Wretched Pan breathes across the reeds.
suspīrō (1)
Miser Pan suspirat trans papyros.
to hold, to keep, to possess
Pan however thinks that he holds Syringa in his arms.
teneō tenēre tenuī tentus
Pan autem putat se Syringam in bracchiis tenere.
to see
The god Pan however, while he wanders in the woods, sees Syringa and loves her immediately.
videō vidēre vīdī vīsus
Deus Pan autem, dum in silva errat, Syringam videt et statim eam amat.
Change my body, kind nymphs!
benīgnus a um
Formam meam mutate, nymphae benignae!
other, the rest
Syringa was loving the rest of the nymphs and the goddess Diana.
cēterus a um
Syringa nymphas ceteras et deam Dianam amabat.
thick, dense
She was hiding herself in the shady and dense woods.
dēnsus a um
Se in silva umbrosa et densa celebat.
wretched, unhappy, miserable
Then the wretched nymph flees quickly across the fields and through the woods.
miser misera miserum
Deinde nympha misera trans agros et per silvas celeriter fugitat.
no, none
No man, no god will have me.
nūllus nūlla nūllum
Naughty nine! gen. sing nullius, dat. sing nulli
Nullus vir, nullus deus me habebit.
She was hiding herselve in the shady and dense wood.
umbrōsus a um
Se in silva umbrosa et densa celebat.
I will love you forever.
Aeternum te amabo.
however, but
Pan however thinks that he holds Syringa in his arms.
Pan autem putat se Syringam in bracchiis tenere.
until, up to the time when
Then the wretched nymph flees quickly until she sees the bank of the waters.
Deinde nympha misera celeriter fugitat donec ripam undarum spectat.
her (acc. fem.)
Pan sees Syringa and immediately loves her.
Pan Syringam videt et statim eam amat.
them (acc. masc.)
A hundred gods and satyrs were loving Syringa, but Syringa was not loving them.
Centum dei et satyri Syringam amabant, sed Syringa eos non amabat.
once, once upon a time
Once there was a beautiful nymph.
Olim erat nympha pulchra.
Although Syringa was loving the rest of the nymphs and the goddess Diana, nevertheless she was fleeing gods and satyrs.
Quamquam Syringa nymphas ceteras et deam Dianam amabat, tamen deos satyrosque fugitabat.
Syringa beseeches the nymphs for help thus, “Change my body, kind nymphs!”
Syringa auxilium nymphas sic orat, “Formam meam mutate, nymphae benignae!”
The god Pan sees Syringa and immediately loves her.
Deus Pan Syringam videt et statim eam amat.
Although Syringa was loving the rest of the nymphs and the goddess Diana, nevertheless she was fleeing gods and satyrs.
Quamquam Syringa nymphas ceteras et deam Dianam amabat, tamen deos satyrosque fugitabat.
Then the wretched nymph flees across the fields and through the woods.
trāns + acc.
Deinde nympha misera trans agros et per silvas celeriter fugitat.
One hundred gods and satyrs were loving Syringa.
Centum dei et satyri Syringam amabant.
with me
Dine with me.
Cena mecum.
with you
I will have a union with you.
Tecum concilium habebo.
with us
Peace (be) with us.
Pax nobiscum (sit).
with you (pl.)
The lord (be) with you.
Dominus vobiscum (sit).