Caput XII Flashcards
quaestiō quaestiōnis f.
Quaestiōnēs dē Iove habeō.
I have questions about Jove.
tam diū quam
Senēs erant custōdēs templī tam diū quam vīvunt.
as long as
The old people were the guardians of the temple as long as they lived.
annus annī m.
Multōs annōs beātōs inter nōs habuimus.
We have had many blessed years between us.
ānser ānseris m.
Nōlīte ānserem necāre.
Don’t kill the goose.
cēna cēnae f.
Post cēnam duo mīrāculum vīdērunt.
dinner, meal
After dinner, the two saw a miracle.
coniunx, coniugis m./f.
Senex et coniunx erant piī.
husband or wife, spouse
The old man and his spouse were pious.
crātēr crātēris m.
Vīnum et cibus etiam erant in crātēribus!
Wine and food was still in the bowls!
custōs custōdis m./f.
Philēmōn et Baucis erant custōdēs templī tam diū quam vīvunt.
guardian, keeper, guard
Philemon and Baucis were guardians of the temple as long as they lived.
homō hominis m.
Iuppiter oppidum malum in stāgnum et hominēs impiōs in piscēs trānsfōrmāvit.
man, human
Jupiter transformed the evil town into a pool and the impious men into fish.
mīrāculum mīrāculī n.
Post cēnam, duo mīrāculum vīdērunt.
After dinner, the two saw a miracle.
nōmen nōminis n.
Nōmina Baucidis et Philēmōnis sunt nōta in hāc terrā.
The names Baucis and Philemon are famous in this land.
ōs ōris n.
Deinde arbor ōra cēlāvit.
mouth, face
Then the tree hid their mouths.
praemium praemiī n.
Sed vōbīs praemium dabimus.
prize, reward
But we will give a reward to you all.
sacerdōs sacerdōtis m./f.
Dēsīderāmus sacerdōtēs in templō Iovis esse.
We desire to be priests at the temple of Jupiter.
sacrificium sacrificiī n.
Senēs ānserem prehendere et necāre temptābant, sacrificium deīs.
The old people attempt to catch and kill the goose as a sacrifice to the gods.
frondeō frondēre fronduī –
Baucis Philēmōnem frondēre vīdit.
to put out leaves, to frond
Baucis saw Philemon put out leaves.
prehendō prehendere prehendī prehensus
Senēs ānserem prehendere et necāre temptābant, sacrificium deīs.
to catch, seize, grasp
The old people try to catch and kill the goose as a sacrifice to the gods.
timeō timēre timuī –
Baucis pia et Philēmōn timidus timent et deōs ōrant.
to fear, to be afraid of
Pious Baucis and timid Philemon were afraid and beseeched the gods.
vastō (1)
Cūr dī oppidum vastāvērunt?
to destroy, to lay waste
Why did the gods destroy the town?
vīvō vīvere vīxī victum
Senēs erant custōdēs templī tam diū quam vīvunt.
to live
The old people were guardians of the temple as long as they lived.
impius a um
Iuppiter oppidum malum in stāgnum et hominēs impiōs in piscēs trānsfōrmāvit.
impious, wicked
Jupiter transformed the evil town into a pool and the wicked men into fish.
ipse ipsa ipsum
Ego ipse eās vīdī.
-self (i.e. himself/herself/itself/themselves/myself/yourself
I myself saw them.
iūstus a um
Quid dēsīderātis, senex iūste et fēmina pia?
just, upright, true
What do you desire, just old man and pious woman?
receptus a um
Multī in templō ōrant et advenae sunt semper bene receptī.
Many pray in the temple and strangers are always received well.
timidus a um
Philēmōn timidus timet.
Timid Philemon is afraid.
inter (+acc.)
Multōs annōs beātōs inter nōs habuimus.
between, among
We have many blessed years between us.
Multōs annōs beātōs inter nōs habuimus.
we, us
We have many blessed years between us.
prō (+ abl.)
Etiam hodiē hae arborēs in Phrygiā stant prō templō Iovis.
in front of, before, for
Even today these two trees stand in front of the temple of Jupiter in Phrygia.