C2B-KS24 Flashcards
Knowledge of local or regional laws, codes, regulations, and standards (e.g., General Plan; planning and zoning ordinances; local building ordinances; design guidelines; Codes, Covenants, and Restrictions [CC&Rs]) relevant to design and construction.
The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research
Mission Statement/About - The Office of Planning and Research (OPR), created by statute in 1970, is part of the Office of the Governor. OPR serves the Governor and his Cabinet as staff for long-range planning and research, and constitutes the comprehensive state planning agency. In addition, the Government and Public Resources Codes set forth multiple functions for OPR,
- Formulation of long-range land use goals and policies
- Conflict resolution among state agencies
- Coordination of federal grants for environmental goals
- Coordination of statewide environmental monitoring
- Coordination of research on growth and development
- Management of state planning grants, and encouragement of local and regional planning
- Creation and adoption of General Plan Guidelines
- Drafting of CEQA Guidelines (for adoption by the -Secretary of Natural Resources)
- Creation of a State Environmental Goals and Policy –Report, every four years
- Operation of the State Clearinghouse for distribution and review of CEQA documents
- Coordination of environmental justice activities
- Coordination with US military for land use and other issues in the state
General Plan
A General Plan is the local government’s long-term blueprint for development. OPR is responsible for updating the General Plan Guidelines — the “how to” resource for drafting a General Plan. OPR also monitors General Plan implementation with annual progress reports from cities and counties, and grants general plan extensions for qualified cities and counties.
True or false. Every municipality shall adopt/implement a General Plan ?
There are 7 Mandatory Elements of the General Plan
Know these 7 Elements!
- Land Use
- Circulation Element
- Housing Element
- Conservation Element
- Open Space Element
- Noise Element
- Safety Element
Annual Reports
i. General law cities, applicable charter cities, and counties are required to file annual progress reports on the implementation of their General Plan with their local
legislative body, OPR and the Department of Housing and Community Development.
These reports are due April 1st of each year.
Master Plan
a. Implement the General Plan through the use of maps and designated zones for allowable land uses,
identify open space, restrictions on building use.
Specific Plan
Community plan or specific neighborhood (historical or similar) plan. The Specific Plan will often
take precedence over local master plan.
For example, Venice is part of the City of Los Angeles. Let’s assume the zoning code allows 30’ for maximum building height in certain residential areas, including Venice. However, in certain areas of Venice, near the beach and the canals, the maximum building height is only 25’. That is covered in the Venice Specific Plan.
Describe the Land Use component of a general plan
Land Use — designates the general location of housing, business, industry, open space, recreational facilities, educational facilities, public buildings, solid waste
facilities, areas subject to flooding, other categories of public and private uses of land
Describe the Circulation Element of a general plan
Circulation Element — infrastructure plan addressing the circulation of people, goods, energy, water, sewage, storm drainage, and communications including major
thoroughfares, transportation routes, terminals, other local public utilities and facilities
Describe the Housing Element of a general plan
Housing Element requires local governments to adequately plan to meet their existing and projected housing needs. Must be updated every five years.
Describe the Conservation Element of a general plan
Conservation Element - addresses the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, including water, forests, soils, rivers, harbors, fisheries, wildlife, mineral, and other natural resources.
Describe the Open Space Element of a general plan
Open Space Element - guides the preservation and conservation of “open space
land”, including preservation of natural resources, managed production of resources
(forest lands, mineral deposits), outdoor recreation, and public health and safety.
Describe the Noise Element of a general plan
Noise Element — purpose is to limit the exposure of the community to excessive noise levels as well as identify major noise sources, such as highways and freeways, primary arterials and major local streets, train lines, commercial and general aviation
Describe the Safety Element of a general plan
Safety Element — protect the community from fire, floods, earthquakes, landslides, and other natural and manmade hazards.
Zoning Ordinances
Definition - Act of city or county or other authorities specifying the type of use to which property
may be put in specific areas.
A typical zoning ordinance defines:
The purpose for which the ordinance is adopted
The various zoning classifications and permitted uses within each
Restrictions, such as height limitations, lot size, setbacks, and parking requirements
The procedure for handling nonconforming uses
The procedure for granting amendments, variances, and hearing appeals
Penalties for violation of the ordinance.
A Citys Zoning Ordinance is the primary tool for implementing the General Plan
Example - City of San Clemente Zonine Ordinance
True or False.
The City’s Zoning Ordinance is NOT the primary tool implementing the General Plan.
The City’s Zoning Ordinance is the primary tool implementing the General Plan.
The Zoning Ordinance provides detailed standards for development or the use of land. These standards
include what types of uses are permitted in particular zone, minimum lot size, height restrictions, building setbacks, parking requirements, wall heights, sign criteria and other development standards.
Conditional Use Permit —from the Planner’s Training Series, Office of Planning & Research
A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) allows a city or county to consider special uses which may be essential or desirable to a particular community, but which are not allowed as a matter of right within a zoning district, through a public hearing process.
A conditional use permit can provide flexibility within a zoning ordinance.
Another traditional purpose of the conditional use permit is to enable a municipality to control certain uses which could have detrimental effects on the community.
True or False
Consideration of a CUP is a discretionary act.
A CUP application tendered by a project proponent is
considered at a public hearing and, if approved, is generally subject to a number of pertinent conditions of approval.
Depending on local ordinance requirements, hearings are typically held by a board of zoning, the planning commission, or a zoning administrator. The owners of property near the site are sent advance notice of the date, time, and place of the hearing.
Local Building Ordinances
Local building ordinances are regulations that a local municipality has adopted in addition to the requirements of the California Building Standards Code.
City of Sacramento’s Vacant Buildine Ordinance is a good example of a building ordinance that encourages vacant buildings to become occupied and utilized for the benefit of the community and neighborhoods.
Development of Green Building Ordinances by local municipalities is another example of a building
Design Guidelines
Design Guidelines can include requirements by a design review board, architectural review board, or
other similar board. Design guidelines can affect material and color selection, location of mechanical
equipment, types of landscape permitted, and signage requirements.
Codes, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs)
Restrictions governing the use of real estate
Usually enforced by homeowners’ association
Usually associated with condo buildings or single family dwelling developments
Examples of restrictions
- Material/color selection
- Location of mechanical equipment
- Landscape restrictions
- Limitations on use
- Limitations on types of vehicles, i.e. no Recreational
- Vehicles (RVs)
True or False.
CCRs CANNOT restrict the size and
type of pets.
CCRs can also restrict the size and
type of pets. For example, no dogs
over 75 pounds allowed or no exotic
pets allowed.
For example, no dogs
over 75 pounds allowed or no exotic
pets allowed.