Brunnstrom: Movement Therapy in Hemiplegia Flashcards
What is Brunnstrom
Based on the hierachial model by Hughlings Jackson.
- defined the term synergy and intially encouraged the use of synergy patterns during rehab.
- synergies: considered to be primitive patterns that occur at the spinal cord level as a result of the hierarchial model organization of the CNS.
(now reinforcing synergy patterns is not indicated as per research)
Associated Reaction
involuntary and automatic movement of a body part as a result of an intentional active or resistive movement in another body part.
Homolateral Synkinesis
A flexion pattern of the involved upper extremity facilitates flexion of the involved lower extremity
Limb Synergies
A group of muscles that produce a predictable pattern of movement in flexion or extension patterns
Raimiste’s Phenomenon
The involved lower extremit will abduct or adduct with applied resistance ot the uninvolved lower extremity in the same direction
Souques’ Phenomenon
Raising the involved upper extremity above 100 degrees with elobw extremity will produce extension and abduction of the fingers
Stages of Recovery
Stages of recovery brocken into seven separate stages based on progression through abnormal tone and spasticity.