The Hazardous Materials Group Supervisor will ensure that all Hazardous Materials Task Force members are assigned (Entry, Technical Support, Technical Decon), and that the boundaries that delineate the ________ Zone, ________ _________ Zone and _______ Zone are established.
Exclusion zone
Contamination reduction zone
Support zone
The Hazardous Materials Incident Command System divides the incident scene into three zones:
Exclusion zone
Contamination reduction zone
Support zone
Area or space closest to the spill or release. The boundaries of this zone will be adjusted from the Initial Isolation Zone established by the first responder. The line surrounding this Zone is the “Hot Line”, which is established by Hazardous Materials Task Force personnel with approval of the Incident Commander.
Exclusion zone (hot zone)
All access and egress in the exclusion zone are through the
Access control points
Area or space immediately outside the Exclusion Zone. The line surrounding this Zone is the “Perimeter Control Line” and is established by the first responder.
Containment reduction zone
The following operations take place in the containment reduction zone:
A. Contamination Reduction ________ (CRC)
B. Preparation Area for _____ _____
C. _______ Support Functions
D. _______ Control Points
E. __________ ________(s) for civilians (gross, secondary)
Contamination reduction corridors
Entry teams
Technical support functions
Access control points
Decontamination areas
Area outside the Contamination Reduction Zone. A line may be established outside this Zone for control of civilian traffic using fire line tape. All functions not part of the Hazardous Materials Group are located in this Zone.
Support zone
Ideally, a minimum distance of ____’ should be used for the depth of the Contamination Reduction Zone. This distance will allow the Hazardous Materials Task Force enough room to conduct their operations.
The IDLH contour is derived from a combination of factors
Wind and weather conditions
Type of chemical
Amount of rate or release
And type of release(liquid or vapor)
After arrival on the scene of a hazardous materials incident, it is critical to initiate the development of the ____ ______ Plan, establish the _______ Support Team, and set up the_______ _______ Corridor.
Site safety plan
Technically support team
Contamination reduction corridor
Upon arrival, the first consideration should be the development of the _____ _____ Plan, which will include the proposed actions for the Hazardous Materials Group to mitigate the hazard.
Site safety plan
Upon arrival, the first consideration should be the development of the Site Safety Plan, which will include the proposed actions for the Hazardous Materials Group to mitigate the hazard.
Technical support
Technical Support will also recommend ______, ______, and sampling equipment based on the properties of a given substance.
Metering, testing
Technical Support will recommend the appropriate decontamination procedures, and will set up and monitor the _______ station that is used when building plume models and establishing evacuation areas.
The assigned paramedic engine company will establish baseline vitals for all
Entry team members
pre-entry briefing, also referred to as the ______ _______, will cover the major points of the Site Safety Plan.
Safety briefing
is positioned in the Contamination Reduction Corridor just outside the boundary of the Exclusion Zone.
Technically decon
A supplied ______ ________ _______(air cart) is set up to provide additional cooling and breathing air for the Entry Team awaiting decon.
Air umbilical system
Decon members proper level of protection will be the same level as the Entry Team or
One below
The Technical Decon Team and the Entry Teams are assigned the same ______ channel to facilitate communications during decontamination activities, and to allow monitoring of the Entry Team’s progress.
The Technical Decon Manager will ensure that rescue equipment is placed in the __________ __________ _________ adjacent to the ________ Zone.
Containment reduction corridor
Exclusion zone
The minimum equipment carried by the Entry Team will be ________ meters,______/_______ monitoring meter, and ___ paper.
Radiological meters, multi-gas/atmosphere meter, ph paper
Who will provide updates and information to both the Entry Team Leader and Technical Support, when requested and if necessary, will provide equipment and assistance to the entry team
The monitor
will initiate the tracking log when the Entry and Decon Teams go on air, and will provide periodic announcements of the time on air for the Entry Team.
Technical support
The Entry Team Leader will have a minimum of ____ Back-Up Team partially suited up and prepared for relief or rescue (rapid intervention) of an Entry Team.
The _______ and Back-Up Team(s) will monitor the Entry Team tactical channel for possible deployment.
The Entry Team will leave meters, equipment, and outer gloves at a drop point just inside the _______ _______ for later decontamination.
Exclusion zone
The Monitor will assist Entry Team members with _______ _______ connections to the air cart.
Umbilical air
Entry Team members will receive instructions from the Decon Team members as they proceed through _____ decon pools.
As the Entry Team members exit the third decon pool, they will step into a large bag and begin removing their entry suit with the help of the Decon
The debriefing will include interpretation of any readings taken by
Meters, ph papers, photos etc
The ________ _______ _______ (CRC) will be located inside the Contamination Reduction Zone at the perimeter of the Exclusion Zone.
Contamination reduction corridor
If possible, the CRC should be located near the _____ to facilitate ease of set-up and operations.
other fire suppression personnel who are trained to perform Entry Team Technical Decontamination procedures may also staff the
Technical decon team
A Technical Decon Manager supervises the activity of a
Handler, rinser, and bagger
Technical Decon should include the following:
- Three pools in the CRC for washing and rinsing.
- A fourth pool just inside the _____ line, when needed, for the removal of gross contaminants.
Hot line
Technical Decon should include the following:
The air cart umbilical system, positioned on the _____side of the CRC when facing the Exclusion Zone.
Technical Decon Team members will suit up in PPE that is one level of protection below that worn by the _____ Team, unless otherwise determined by Technical Support.
Entry team
Water in the decon pools must be checked for chemical content by the ________________Health Haz Mat Division personnel to determine if it may be released into the storm drain system, or if it needs to be removed by a hazardous waste disposal contractor.
La county
Buckets, brushes, hose and wands positioned at the _____ side of the CRC.
Combustible Gas Indicators, monitoring for
- ________ atmospheres
- ________ (deficiency and enrichment)
- ________ Sulfide
- ________ ______
Hydrogen sulfide
Carbon monoxide
use ultraviolet energy to measure the presence of organic compounds (and a few inorganic) in parts per million.
Photo Ionization Detectors
Haz Mat Entry Suits
1. Level “__” fully encapsulated (re-usable, limited use, and disposable)
- Level “__” (hooded disposable)
- _____ Suit
- _____ Suit
Flash suit
Cold suit
The Squads carry patch kits specific to Chlorine, and they come in three different sizes, the “A” Kit for ____ lb. cylinders, the “B” Kit for ___ton cylinders, and the “C” Kit for
150 lbs
1 ton
Railroad cars