There are three basic types of systems, depending upon the year of construction; those constructed
Prior to 1960
Between 1960-1964
After 1974
wet or dry system of piping, valves, outlets, and related equipment designed to provide water at specified pressures and installed exclusively for firefighting.
A standpipe system
Prior to 1960, there was a height limit on buildings of ___’, or approximately __ stories. This height limit was mainly due to the threat of _______.
Firefighting water systems in pre-1960 buildings consisted of
Dry standpipes
Interior wet standpipes
Sprinklered basements
Dry Standpipe Systems are found in older (Pre-1960) high-rise buildings ___ or more stories in height;
Dry Standpipe Systems are found in buildings built from 1960 to 1974, four or more stories in height and not exceeding
Dry Standpipe Systems are found in buildings built after ____, four or more stories in height and not exceeding 150’.
Dry Standpipe Risers are, depending on building height, __” to __” diameter pipe and must flow ____ g.p.m. per riser. They will have two to four ____” inlets at the Fire Department Connection (FDC), depending on building height and if the standpipe
4 to 6
500 gpm
2 1/2
When Dry Standpipes are installed, outlets are provided at every floor level and roof landing of required enclosed stairways, fire escapes and smoke towers, except the _____ ____.
First floor
Dry standpipe outlets
Outlets are located based on the requirement that every point within the structure must be reachable by a ___’ stream of water from a nozzle attached to ____’ of hose.
Dry standpipe outlets
In buildings built prior to 1960, the outlets of the Dry and the Wet Standpipe Systems are straightway ____ valves or _____ valves.
Gate or globe
Wet Standpipe Systems are required in buildings three or more stories in height (four or more stories after ____), and are directly connected to a water supply and equipped with _____” outlets, with hose and nozzle.
1 1/2’’
Class II wet standpipes are primarily used for
Occupant use
Depending on the age and height of the building, water is supplied to the Wet Standpipe System from one of the following sources:
Domestic water system
Gravity fed or pressurized tanks and domestic water system
In buildings constructed prior to 1960, Wet Standpipe Risers are ____” or ____”, depending on the height of the building and year of construction.
1 1/2’’ or 2 1/2’’
Wet standpipe risers
There are no inlets for the Fire Department to pump into these systems. These risers are supplied off the
City mains
The flow requirements for Wet Standpipes at the roof outlets are:
Prior to 1948 -
1948 to 1959 -
1960 to 1970 -
1970 to present -
8 psi flowing 20 gpm
12 psi flowing 35 gpm
15 psi flowing 35 gpm
30 psi flowing 35 gpm
After 1960, standpipes were required in the
If the height of the building exceeded 150′, standpipes were charged with water and ______ ______ were required in the building to provide pressure at the outlets.
Fire pumps
Buildings built after 1960 not exceeding 150’ in height had the same requirements as those built when? And what was the exception
Pre 1960
Dry standpipes had ti be in the stairshafts rather than the exterior of the building
Buildings built after 1960 that exceeded 150’ in height (High-Rise) are required to have
Combination standpipe system
________ _______ Systems are directly connected to a water supply and equipped with both 1-1/2” outlets (2-1/2” outlet with a 1-1/2” reducer), with hose and nozzle attached, for use by the building occupants; and 2-1/2” outlets for use by the Fire Department.
Combination standpipe system
Combination standpipe system
The 2-1/2” system may have ____’ of single-jacketed, unlined ____” hose with a __” tip attached to _____” outlets on each floor above the __th floor.
2 1/2’’
2 1/2’’
How many water sources are required for combination standpipe systems
Domestic system
And fire department inlet connections
Combination standpipe systems
As the water is supplied from the domestic system (street mains), two back flow (_____) valves are required to keep the firefighting water from flowing back into and contaminating the domestic water system. _________________ (OS&Y) valves will be found on each side of the back flow valves so that maintenance work can be done on the valves.
Clapper valves
Outside stem and yoke
Combination standpipe system
To keep the water from flowing back down the standpipe when the fire pump is shut off, a _____valve is placed in the piping on the _______ side of the fire pump, just ahead of the OS&Y valve.
Check valve
Pressure side
Combination standpipe systems
are normally installed to make up minor leakage rates in system pressure. They prevent the fire pump from continually starting and stopping due to minor fluctuations in the system pressure.
Jockey pumps
Combination Standpipe Risers
Combination Standpipe Risers are __” and must flow _____ g.p.m. per riser. They will have _____ inlets at the FDC (250 g.p.m. per inlet) or if three or more standpipe risers, ___ inlets. A flow of ____ g.p.m. is required at each 2-1/2” outlet.
1000 gpm
Combination standpipe risers
In some buildings risers may also be cross-connected at the top. These will have _____ valves at the top of the riser as well as at the base of the riser to allow the entire riser to be shut off and isolated.
Combination standpipe risers
_____ valves are required to provide a way of testing the fire pump(s).
Test valves
Test valve piping comes off the riser on the ________ side of the fire pump and goes to the exterior of the building.
Combination standpipe risers
The OS&Y valve, which is normally closed, is opened during
Fire pump tests
Combination standpipe riser
The test valve piping may be piped back into the _________ _______supply, if applicable, instead of going to test valves on the exterior. This eliminates flowing large quantities of water into the street and saves the cost and waste of the water.
On-site water supply
Combination standpipe risers
The same standpipes are utilized for supplying the
1 1/2’’ wet standpipes system
Combination Standpipe Outlets
The standpipe outlets in buildings built between 1960 and 1974, that do not exceed 150’ (Dry Standpipe System), are _____ or ____ valves.
Gate or globe valves
Combination Standpipe Outlets
On buildings exceeding 150’ (Combination Standpipe System) the 2-1/2 “ and 1-1/2” outlets have ______ valves with _________
Globe valves with orifice plates
Combination Standpipe Outlets
The 2-1/2” outlets must flow a minimum of ______ g.p.m.
300 gpm
Combination Standpipe Outlets
a heavy gauge metal washer-like device which restricts the flow by restricting the size of the opening, thereby reducing the pressure when flowing.
Orifice plates
Combination Standpipe Outlets
Orifice plates are calibrated to supply ____ g.p.m. at __ p.s.i. through 100’ of 2-1/2” hose with a 1” tip.
200 gpm
45 psi
Orifice plates are most often _______ to the outlet barrel or held in place by an adapter fitting.
In some older buildings, however, the orifice plates are inserted between the outlet valve barrel or drip fitting and the attached ____ ______ of the single jacket hose.
Hose coupling
The obvious disadvantage of the orifice plate method of regulating outlet pressure is that it has no effect on
Static pressure
On Wet Standpipe Systems, if the static pressure on the 1-1/2” outlets exceeds 70 p.s.i., a ______ _______ ______ must be installed to reduce the nozzle pressure to ___ p.s.i.
Pressure reducing valve
50 psi
1-1/2” Wet Standpipe System
To produce 50 p.s.i. nozzle pressure, through 100’ of 1-1/2” hose flowing 52 g.p.m., requires _____ p.s.i. at the outlet.
68.5 psi
1974 to Present
In 1974, there was a major change in the requirements for firefighting water systems in high-rise buildings. The 150’ requirement for high-rise buildings was reduced to buildings over
75’ in height
1974 to present
The current definition of a high-rise building is any building over 75’ in height, measured to the ____ of the top floor level designed for occupant use, from the lowest level of ______ ____________ access.
Fire department access
Buildings built after 1974, exceeding 150’ in height, will have a_________ ________-Standpipe System which is directly connected to a water supply and is equipped with 2-1/2” outlets for use by the Fire Department.
Combined sprinkler standpipe system
______ outlets are not required in a combined system.
1 1/2’’
The standpipe also supplies water to the
Sprinkler system
It will have _______ _______ _____ connections, an ____ ____ _______supply, and a _____ _____- which supplies water and pressure to the standpipes.
Fire department inlet connections
On-site water supply
Fire pump
e on-site water supply and the fire pump are usually located at the ______ level of the building.
Bottom level
In 1974, the major change in the Building Code required buildings over 75’ to be_____ ______ The supply for the sprinklers is the riser(s) in the
Fully Sprinklered
The Code still requires buildings exceeding 150’ in height to have ______ _______ Systems, and those that do not exceed 150’ are only required to have _____ _________ Systems (in the stairshafts).
Combination standpipe
Dry standpipe
Combined Sprinkler Standpipes
Combined Sprinkler Standpipe System Risers are required to flow _____ g.p.m. per riser and have _____ inlets (____ g.p.m. per inlet), or if three or more risers, ____ inlets are required.
1000 gpm
Combined Sprinkler Standpipes
the water supply for each floor may come from a ______ System (except _____ to _____), that is, the water for a given sprinkler head is delivered from two or more risers.
Looped system
The exception to the “Looping” of the sprinkler systems between 1983 and 1988 was due to the City adopting the
Uniform building code in 1983
In buildings built after 1974 exceeding 75’, a _________ ________ _______ System is utilized to reduce standpipe pressure to working pressure. The term is a general term used when referring to the complete system
Pressure reducing valve
The term PRD, ________ ________Device or ______ _______ Device should be used when referring to the mechanism that reduces the pressure.
Pressure regulating device
Pressure restricting device
Pressure Regulating Devices are required to be used on any standpipe outlet where the static pressure exceeds
150 psi
With Pressure Regulating Devices, the pressure control mechanism is built into the _____ side of the valve and is preset according to the ____ _______ of the riser at that outlet (See Figure 6). The upper floors with pressures below 150 p.s.i. at the outlet may use ______ ______to restrict the flow.
Supply side
Static pressure
Orifice plates
Pre-set pressures on Pressure Regulating Devices are required to provide __ to ____ p.s.i. flowing ____ g.p.m.
80-125 psi
300 gpm
Pre-set pressures on Pressure Regulating Devices are required to provide __ to ____ p.s.i. flowing ____ g.p.m.
80-125 psi
300 gpm
By policy, Fire Department inspectors are having the Pressure Regulating Device set at _____ p.s.i. at _____ g.p.m.
100 psi
300 gpm
The Pressure Regulating Device adjusts pressure _______, providing a constant nozzle pressure and providing a safety feature on wyed lines not found with the orifice plate system.
It is important to note that for Pressure Regulating Devices to operate properly and to provide rated flow, the valve must be
Fully open
Wet Standpipe Systems
In buildings that are sprinklered (over 75’ in height), the Wet Standpipe System outlets, with hose, are _____ _____, provided that there are 2-1/2” to 1-1/2” reducers with ____ and ___ on the 2-1/2” outlets.
Not required
Cap and chain
Buildings 75’ to 150’, 1974 to Present
In these buildings that have a constant water supply for the sprinkler system in what may be considered Dry Standpipes, the water supply may only be adequate for the
Sprinkler system demand
Pressure Restricting Devices are found when static pressures are between
135- 150psi
Pressure restricting devices; After you have removed the restricting mechanism, it will be necessary to ______ ____ _______ by the valve to manually regulate flow and pressure.
Leave a member
For sprinklered buildings, over 75’ but not exceeding 150’ in height, the on-site water supply must supply the calculated sprinkler fire flow requirements of the most demanding rectangular area of the building for ____ minutes, plus an additional _____ g.p.m. for the total standpipe.
30 mins
100 gpm
For buildings exceeding 150’ but not over 275’, the hydraulic calculations for on-site water supplies are calculated on the standpipe demand and the sprinkler demand is ignored. The standpipe requirements are ____ g.p.m. for the first riser plus ____ g.p.m. for each additional riser, for ___ minutes.
500 gpm
250 gpm
For buildings exceeding 275’, the minimum amount of water in the on-site water tank is ______ gallons. This increases as the area and or hazards of the building increase and can be up to a maximum of _______ gallons in a larger high-rise is
4500 gallons
105,000 gallons
The Code requires these on-site water supplies to be maintained automatically and requires two methods to fill the tank. One is a minimum __” diameter pipe adequate to fill the tank in not more than ___ hours from the main water supply system, or after ____ a __” pipe to fill it in __ hours The other method is unspecified.
8 hours
are required to have a sign DRY STANDPIPE, COMBINATION STANDPIPE, OR AUTO-SPRINKLER and STANDPIPE, and if interconnected the word ALL.
Buildings Under Construction
Every building _____ or more stories in height shall be provided with not less than one standpipe for use during construction. Such standpipe shall be installed when the progress of construction is not more than __’ in height above grade. Such standpipe shall be provided with a _____” outlet on each floor adjacent to usable stairs. Such standpipe system shall be extended as construction progresses to within ___ ____ of the highest point of construction having secure decking or flooring.
6 or more
2 1/2’’
One floor
Buildings Under Construction
Where construction height requires installation of a Combination Standpipe (exceeds 150’ in height), fire _____ and ____ ______ connections shall be provided to serve the standpipe This includes temporary inlets, normally
Fire pumps and water main connections
2 to 2 1/2’’
Buildings Under Construction
There are no ______ _______ devices required on the outlets. This condition will exist until the building is completed
Pressure control devices
Fire pumps are required in buildings that have ________ or______ Standpipe Systems.
Combination or combined
Fire Pumps
___________ valves are not permitted between the FDC’s and their connections to the standpipe system.
Shut off valves
Fire Pumps
The purpose of the test valves is to permit a periodic test of the building fire pump which is required to pump ____% of its rated capacity. The test valves can be identified by their _____ threads. FDC’s will always have _______ threads.
What are the types of fire pumps
Horizontal pump
Vertical shaft turbine pump
Pressure maintenance pumps (jockey or make-up pumps)
A centrifugal pump with the shaft normally in a horizontal position.
Horizontal pump
A centrifugal pump with one or more impellers discharging into one or more bowls with a vertical eductor or column pipe used to connect the bowls to the discharge head
Vertical shaft turbine pump
Vertical shaft turbine pumps are particularly suitable for fire pump service when the water source is located _____ ______and where it would be difficult to install any other type of pump below the minimum water level.
Below ground
These type of pumps are used to maintain a uniform, relatively high pressure on the fire protection system.
Pressure Maintenance Pumps (Jockey or make-up pumps)
A jockey pump should be sized to make up the allowable hourly leakage rate within ___ minutes, or __ g.p.m., whichever is larger.
1 gpm
What type of jockey pump is preferred
A centrifugal-type pressure maintenance pump
The jockey pump should be set to operate at a pressure of __ to __ p.s.i. higher than the main pumps starting pressure; which means that the fire pumps starting pressure should be at least ___ p.s.i. less than the jockey pumps starting pressure.
5 to 10 psi
5 psi
Fire Pumps - Required Fittings
To automatically release air from the pump.
Automatic Air Release Valve
Fire pumps- required fittings
Located between the pump and the pump discharge check valve, to operate if the pressure exceeds the pressure for which the system components are rated. Water being discharged from the relief valve has to be readily visible or easily detectable by the pump operator.
Circulation relief valve
Pressure Gages - (1) A pressure gauge shall be connected near the discharge casting, and (2) a compound pressure and vacuum gauge shall be connected to the suction pipe near the pump. (A compound pressure and vacuum gauge is not required on a
Vertical shaft pump
Fire pumps- required fittings
A water measuring device shall be provided to test the pump.
Metering device
Fire pumps can be lowered by what two types of motors
Electric and diesel
Electric Motor
Power shall be supplied to the electric motor by one or more of the following sources:
Utility service
Single power station
Emergency generator
Electric motor
It should be noted that Emergency Power was not required in buildings built between
Diesel engines must be provided with a governor capable of regulating the engine speed within a range of __% between the shutoff and maximum load condition of the pump
Diesel Engine Drive
Engines shall be provided with an overspeed shutdown device. It shall shut down the engine at a speed approximately __% above rated engine speed and must be manually reset after overspeed shutdown.
Diesel Engine Drive
What instrumentation shall be placed on a panel and secured to the engine at a suitable point.
Oil pressure gauge
Temperature gauge
Diesel engine drive
Each engine shall be provided with two storage battery units. Each battery unit shall have the capacity to maintain cranking speed throughout a ___minute cycle.
Diesel engine drive
There must be a separate fuel line and a separate fuel supply tank (day tank) for each engine. There shall be a minimum ___-hour (new high-rise post 1974) and __-hour (existing high-rise -1960 through 1974) supply of fuel.
Engine drive controllers
The controller will start the engine when there is a drop in the water line pressure. This is done by a ______ pressure switch, which is independently adjusted to a ____ (stop) and ____ (start) setting.
Mercoid pressure switch
Engine drive controllers
The policy in Los Angeles for the STOP pressure is set __ p.s.i. below system pressure and the START pressure is set ___ p.s.i. below the system pressure.
10 psi
150 psi
Engine drive controllers
The run-out timer is normally set for _____ to ___ minutes for electric driven fire pumps and ____ minutes for diesel driven pumps. These run-out timers can be set manually.
7 to 10 mins
30 mins
The fire pump controller four-position selector switch is labeled
Test, auto, off, and manual
Fire pump engine controller
Mounted on the outside of the controller. It bypasses the selector switch allowing the manual shutdown of the engine.
Manual stop push button
Fire pump engine controller
Manual stop push button
If the demand that caused the engine to start has returned to normal (mercoid pressure switch, and run-out timer), the controller will automatically reset for ______ mode, if not, the engine will start up again. The way to correct this is to turn the four-position selector switch to the “____” position while pushing the manual stop button.
Standby mode
Failure Alarm on the Controller
There are circuits to provide local lights and alarm on the controller for the following:
- Overcrank Lamp
If the engine fails to start at the end of the six crank attempts (six ___-second crank periods separated by ___ 15-second rest periods) the overcrank lamp will be lit and the audible alarm will sound.
15 second
Failure Alarm on the Controller
There are circuits to provide local lights and alarm on the controller for the following:
This is an alarm only.( 2 things)
Low oil pressure
High water temperature
Failure Alarm on the Controller
There are circuits to provide local lights and alarm on the controller for the following:
This is an alarm and will also shut down the engine
Over speed
Failure Alarm on the Controller
There are circuits to provide local lights and alarm on the controller for the following:
Loss of Battery Charger Output
The loss of ____ volts results in the loss of charger output
115 volts
Failure Alarm on the Controller
There are circuits to provide local lights and alarm on the controller for the following:
- Status Lights
There are _____ green lights on the controller that indicate battery power is available from battery one and battery two. The third lamp indicates that the control is in
Auto position
- Sequential Starting
If water requirements call for more than one pumping unit to operate, the units shall start at intervals of _____ to ___ seconds. If the pressure in the system stays at the START pressure setting of the mercoid pressure switch for ____ to ____ seconds the second pump will start, if the pressure stays there for ___ to ____ seconds the third pump will start.
5 - 10
Acceptance Test
Fire pump controllers shall perform not less than __ automatic and __ manual operations during the acceptance test and shall be operated for a period of at least ____ minutes at full speed during each of the tests.
5 mins
Annual Fire Pump Test
Fire pumps are required to pump ____% of rated capacity and at a pressure of not less than ___% of its rated pressure for a minimum of ___ minutes.
Vane type water flow switches are used on _____ _______ systems to detect water flow. In high-rise structures they will be found in the _______ where the sprinkler pipe comes off the standpipe.
Wet sprinkler
Vane Type Water Flow Switch
The minimum flow rate for alarm is __ to __ g.p.m. (equal to one sprinkler head) and operates in __ to __ seconds.
4 to 10 gpm
20- 60 seconds
Vane Type Water Flow Switch
These units have an adjustable pneumatic retard to prevent false alarms due to water surge. The retard is adjustable from __ to approximately __ seconds.
0 to 90
Vane Type Water Flow Switch
The water flow switch can be wired as an open or closed circuit. It has ___ switches, one that can be used to operate a central station, proprietary, or remote station transmitter, while the other contact is used to operate a _____ _____ or ________ panel.
Local bell
Annunciator panel
are placed on valves in the firefighting water systems of buildings to prevent unauthorized closing.
Tamper switches
Valve tamper switches
The switch will activate within ____ turns when the valve is operated from full open towards the closed position. Removing the tamper switch ___ will also cause the switch to operate.
The tamper switches are wired electrically to the alarm panel and will transmit a _____ signal when activated. The signal may also be transmitted to an alarm company.
You will also find tamper switches that utilize a cable looped through the valve handle and the ends of the cable inserted into an _______ ______. If the valve is closed the cable is pulled out of the alarm box, activating a ______ signal.
Alarm box
Trouble signal
The Commercial High-Rise Sprinkler Retrofit Program was created in _____ to amend the Los Angeles Building Code (Amending Ordinance 163836).
There are 356 buildings in the City of Los Angeles that were affected by this 1988 Ordinance. Approximately ___ of the 356 building owners were granted a variance from this Ordinance due to various unique conditions that existed in their respective buildings.
Selected buildings which are to remain vacant above the first floor may be exempt from Ordinance compliance and could be given extensions of up to___ years from the date of citation to comply.
11 years
The High-Rise Unit of the Fire Prevention Bureau has required contractors working on systems to assist the Fire Department by complying with the following:
Limit the duration of time a portion of a fire protection system can be taken out of service (between ____ to ____ hours) and require that MFC. and the first-in Battalion Commander be notified of the temporary condition.
4 to 6 hours