A downward draft, or “_____________ effect,” becomes more pronounced when outside temperatures are higher.
Reverse stack effect
These vertical passageways provide excellent channels for the travel of fire and smoke, and are also utilized by occupants and Fire Department personnel to exit or access the interior floors.
Stairshafts and elevators
Stairshafts in high-rise buildings constructed after ____ are required to employ a shairshaft ventilation system.
The fans must provide not less than __ cubic feet per minute while maintaining a positive pressure of not over __ lbs. on interior doors.
HVAC systems can form natural channels for the distribution of smoke within a building. These systems can be operated by _________ or ______ systems.
Manual or automatic
a high-rise building will “_____ ________” (movement of air, smoke, etc.) between the floors and into stairshafts.
Leak internally
Most high-rise buildings can be classified as “________ _______” (external glass panels are not openable).
Sealed buildings
These _____ systems are capable of retaining smoke, heat, and fire gases until they are manually ventilated to the outside environment.
Hvac systems
Smoke can travel between floors due to different types of construction such as unsealed openings, spaces or cracks between floors, and “______ _______” construction (openings utilized for pipes, elevators shafts, electrical alleys, etc.).
Poke through construction
Additionally the pressure generated by a fire (up to _____ times atmospheric pressure) will force smoke through these openings and may contaminate other floors or stairshafts within the building.
Three times
_______ of smoke and fire gases occurs as heat and smoke travel vertically within a building. These products of combustion will rise through any available vertical opening, cooling as they rise, until the temperature is equal to the temperature of the surrounding air.
This stratification of smoke and fire gases generally serve as a “___” for other products of combustion which will tend to bank down below the stratified smoke and horizontally spread to other portions of the building. This process is common in vertical stairshafts.
__________ is a condition caused by smoke and fire gases that cannot vertically escape a building. Smoke and fire gases will rise to the highest level possible and then begin to bank down and fill all available spaces
Open passageways created by _____ that have been opened or inadvertently “left open” will allow fire and smoke to travel horizontally and/or vertically to additional areas within a building.
Openings created by ______ that have been broken, removed, or opened will allow fire and/or smoke to travel horizontally through the interior of a building.
Openable windows, what era
Pre 1960
Post –1960 – Tempered glass on at least ____sides of the building. (At corners, and at ___-foot intervals or less.
Two sides
50 foot intervals