The best way to become familiar with the Fire Control Rooms in your district is through
Training and pre-incident planning
Members should refer to the _______ _______ to help determine how the Fire Control Room can be utilized to abate the emergency.
Building inventory
The location of the Fire Control Room is normally (but not always) on the ______level and can be found pictured on the Building Inventory.
Lobby level
The keys are usually kept in the Fire Department ______ _____ or at the _______ desk and an additional lock box is located in the _______________.
Lock box
Security desk
Fire control room
During pre-incident planning, ensure that the keys fit the
Fire control room
A good practice is to write the Lobby and Fire Control Room ______ ________ on a copy of the Building Inventory
Telephone numbers
Some buildings have contracted with outside vendors who prepare
Disaster plans
It is usually a loose-leaf binder labeled emergency plan, disaster plan, or something similar. The building engineer may have an additional copy in his
Once inside, use the priorities designated by the Incident Commander, Lobby Control Supervisor or Systems Control Supervisor to gather information and control __________in the fire control room
HVAC systems
If you should discover that the building has a disaster plan like the one mentioned above, notify your supervisor and get the book to the
Incident commander
Do not assume there is only one ________ _______, some buildings have more than one, each serving a different area of the building.
Annunciator panel
During an incident, some operators will momentarily __________ the lights in the Fire Control Room when they first take control.
Turn off
In a system that has a simple annunciator panel, a good practice is to mark the activated detectors and the time with a ____ _____, _____, or ____ when you first view the annunciator panel.
China marker
This system may be a separate annunciator panel or a printout/display, or both.
Water flow detection system
Water flow detection system
During an incident, determine if the ______ annunciators have been activated, indicating a system has been shut down.
Elevator Status
Determine if the building has _____ ______ elevators and what floors the lower banks service.
Split banks
Determine which elevators are powered by the standby _______. These elevators are usually the last ones to return.
Standby generator
Building communication system
They provide public address communication to elevator cars, elevator vestibules, corridors, stairways, rooms with an occupancy load of ___ or more, and every dwelling unit in a hotel or apartment
During a fire, call MFC and give the dispatcher the telephone number of the
Fire control room
Some computerized systems that use security “_______” will provide a record of who is on what floor and when they entered the floor. This information can usually be accessed by a _______ supervisor or the _______ ________. Share this information with the Incident Commander.
Security supervisor
Building engineer