Book 3: Rules and Regulations Flashcards
Section 7:
Acting officers shall:
a. Have the ______ of the positions in which they are acting, be charged with the ______ and ________ of their positions, and be held _______ for the proper execution of the duties of the rank in which they are acting.
Knowledge and responsibilities
Section 7:
Acting officer shall:
b. Be accorded all the _______ pertaining to the positions they temporarily occupy, and be _____ and ______ accordingly.
Obeyed and respected
Section 7:
Acting officers shall:
c. Carry out _______ ______ of the regular officers whose positions they occupy, unless otherwise ordered by superior officers.
Standing orders
Section 7:
Acting officers shall:
d. At fire or other emergencies ______ command to regularly appointed officers of the same rank in which they are acting.
Section 8:
Apparatus Drivers shall:
a. At all times, drive and operate apparatus in a _____ _____, with ____ ____ for the welfare of the public and the Department.
Safe manner
Due regard
Section 8
Apparatus Drivers shall:
b. Under the supervision of their respective commanding officers, be responsible for the _______ and ______ of apparatus to which they are assigned and shall be held strictly accountable for the ________ of such apparatus for service.
Condition and operation
Section 8
Apparatus Drivers shall:
c. Acquaint themselves with the ______, ______ _____, street _____, ______, locations, and other matters affecting response in their first-alarm districts. Have a general knowledge of their _____ _____ districts.
Topography, physical conditions, street names, numbers
Greater alarm districts
Section 8
Apparatus Drivers shall:
d. When assigned as pump operators, be familiar with Department practices and procedures relative to water _____, hose ______, pump ________, and other essentials to enable them to efficiently perform their duties.
Water Supply,
Hose streams,
Pump operations
Section 10
All members shall:
a. Respond to all fires or emergencies to which they may be dispatched or detailed, and exert their greatest effort to perform to the best of their ability under all circumstances; ______, ________ or _________ of members in the performance of any of their duties is sufficient cause for disciplinary action.
Negligence, inefficiency, or indifference
Section 10
All members shall:
b. Exercise _______ measures and good _______ to avoid injury to themselves and others while on duty.
c. Participate in _____ and other Department training activities as directed.
Precautionary measures, and good judgement
Section 10
All members shall:
d. Except for the purpose of _______ under competent supervision, or except in a clearly defined _______, avoid operating apparatus unless the member concerned is shown by appropriate entry in the member’s _____ _____ _____ as certified to operate apparatus for which certification is required.
Personal record book
Section 10
All members shall:
e. Perform such extra details and duty as may be required, beyond their regular hours of service, to cope with _______ or to represent the Department in ____ and other functions.
Section 10
All members shall:
f. Familiarize themselves with and be obedient to the _______, _______, _____ and procedures of the Department.
g. Accord obedience, proper respect and courtesy to ______, and _____ _____
Rules, regulations, practices
Officers and acting officers
Section 10
All members shall:
h. Be _______ and ______ in their relations with other members.
i. Give any necessary information and instruction to those designated to ____ in their places.
Courteous and respectful
Section 10
All members shall:
j. Accept ________ for the performance of the duties of higher rank when assigned to act in such positions.
k. As directed, accept assignments to head the various ______, ______, ______ and other subdivisions of the Department, administer the duties thereof and maintain ______, ______ and _______ therein
Bureaus, divisions, units
Discipline, morale, and efficiency
Section 10
All members shall:
l. When two or more members subordinate in rank to Captain find themselves in a position which requires initiative action, accept the command of the _______ _______, who shall assume such command until relieved by an officer or acting officer.
Senior member
Section 10
All members shall:
m. Operate through their commanding officers in the _______ of Department business, unless otherwise ordered or provided by these Rules.
Section 10
All members shall:
n. Consult with and report in writing to their commanding officers, when making recommendations for ______, _______ or _______; and all such recommendations shall be forwarded to the _____ with the approval or disapproval of intermediate officers noted thereon.
Changes, alterations, improvements
Section 10
All members shall:
o. Have direct access to communicate with the Office of the _____ on any matter affecting the Department.
p. Apply for transfer only on regular _____ _____.
Department forms
Section 10
All members shall:
q. Inquire only at the Department personnel office regarding data affecting their tenure in _____ or their ____ ____ status.
r. Possess a valid _______ ______ ______ of the class required for their assigned duties, issued by the California Department of Motor Vehicles.
Civil service
California driver’s license
Section 10
All members shall:
s. Be familiar with the California _____ ______ and applicable sections of Department manuals.
Vehicle code
Section 10
All members shall:
t. Be thoroughly familiar with all _______ they may be required to use in the full performance of their duties, and perform related work as required.
Section 11
All members shall:
a. Make truthful and accurate records or reports, and shall not make misleading entries or statements with intent to _____, or willfully ______ any useful Department record, book, paper or document.
Deceive or willfully mutilate
Section 11
All members shall:
b. Promptly notify their commanding officers of all matters coming to their attention affecting the _____ or _____ of the Department.
Interest or welfare
Section 11
All members shall:
c. Report promptly to their commanding officers any ______, ______ or injury occurring to themselves while on duty, no matter how trivial.
Accident, sickness
Section 11
All members shall:
d. Make their supervisors aware of any _______, _______, or _______ that would compromise the member’s duty status or their ability to safely perform the full range of duties and responsibilities for their position.
Limitation, condition, or restrictio
Section 11
All members shall:
e. Notify their commanding officers or the officer on duty at their places of assignment of any ______ to report for duty at the time required.
Section 11
All members shall:
f. Notify their commanding officers within ____ hours of any change of residential address or telephone number.
Section 11
All members shall:
g. Report to their commanding officers the loss or finding of any Department _____, _______ ______, book or equipment.
Badge, identification card
Section 11
All members shall:
h. Upon receiving any order, which is in conflict with previous order, so inform the ____ who issued the conflicting order and be ______ by his or her instructions.
Section 11
All members shall:
i. Under no circumstances, exceed their authority in giving orders. The ______ or ______ exercise of authority by any member is prohibited. A member acting in obedience to an improper order shall be protected against ______.
Wrongful or injurious
Section 11
All members shall:
j. Exercise caution to avoid unnecessary damage or loss of Department property, and be responsible for the _______ and proper _____ of all Department property in their charge.
Proper care
Section 11
All members shall:
k. Practice _____ in the use of _______ and metered services.
Economy Supplies
Section 11
All members shall:
l. Notify the Department immediately, as prescribed in the Manual of Operations, if they have been _______ and/or have knowledge that they have been named as a ______ or _______ in a written crime report or complaint filed with any law enforcement agency.
Suspect or principal
Section 11
All members shall:
m. Members shall promptly report any violation of the policies, Rules and Regulations, practices and procedures of the Department to their immediate supervisor. Allegations shall generally be forwarded within ____ hours after occurrence of the alleged violation, except as provided for in the Department’s _______ _______ and Complaint Procedure. If this cannot be accomplished due to operational exigency or other circumstances, the allegations shall be forwarded as soon as possible following resolution of those circumstances, with an explanation for the delay.
Sexual harassment
Section 12
All members shall:
a. Keep themselves in ______ for duty and not absent themselves from place of assignment without the specific permission of their ______ _______.
Commanding officers
Section 12
All members shall:
b. Remain on duty until change of ______ unless properly ______ or otherwise directed by their commanding officers.
Section 12
All members shall:
c. Report to their places of assignment, ___, and able to perform their required duties, and shall not by any improper act render themselves _____for duty.
Section 12
All members shall:
d. Neither bring nor cause to be brought into Department quarters, nor use or have in their possession, while on duty, any intoxicating _____, ____ or compound.
Liquor, drug
Section 12
All members shall:
e. Keep their _____, ______, ____ and ______ in a neat and clean condition; persistence in uncleanliness or offensive habits being cause for disciplinary action.
Persons, uniform, bed, lockers
Section 12
All members shall:
f. Avoid all unnecessary ________ of other members sleeping in dormitories.
Section 12
All members shall:
g. While on duty, not indulge in: obscene or uncivil ______; _______ or ________, which might cause adverse public reaction or injury to any person.
Languages, altercations, conduct
Section 12
All members shall:
h. Not smoke at any time or place where smoking is prohibited by law; nor shall they smoke on any Department ______ or ______, or at fires or at emergencies. Reasonable exceptions may be made by the officer in charge when the emergency no longer ______, but shall not extend to permitting smoking on any Department apparatus or any vehicle at any time.
Apparatus, vehicle
Section 12
All members shall:
i. Keep themselves in proper ______ ______ necessary to perform the duties of their position.
Physical condition
Section 13
All members shall:
a. Be governed by the ordinary and reasonable rules of behavior observed by ____-____ and ______-______ citizens.
Law abiding
Section 13
All members shall:
b. Be courteous and respectful in their contacts with the ______.
c. Be properly _____ at all times when representing the Department on or off duty.
Section 13
All members shall:
d. Conduct themselves in a manner which will not tend to impair the good ____ and _______ of the Department.
Order and discipline
Section 13
All members shall:
e. Pay their just debts; justifiable complaints repeatedly made against any member for ______ or _______ to pay his or her debts shall be cause for disciplinary action.
Neglect or refusal
Section 13
All members shall:
f. Not _____ in any manner while on duty nor while on Department premises.
Section 13
All members shall:
g. Neither solicit nor receive any monetary contribution from any other member, while on duty, without the purpose of such solicitation or contribution being first approved in writing by the ______; excepting that this rule shall not apply to collections, payments or contributions which a member has authorized pursuant to any existing law; nor to house dues, mess funds, flowers, retirement gifts; or items of a similar nature.
The board
Section 13
All members shall:
h. Not commit any act tending to bring ______upon the Department or its members.
Section 14
All members shall:
a. Carry their Fire Department identification cards at ____ _____ except when it is not practical to do so, such as when participating in _____, when wearing full _____ ____, etc.
At all times
Athletics, full turnout clothing
Section 14
All members shall:
b. Neither _____, _____, _____ _____, nor appropriate to their own use any public property, nor pilfer or be guilty of theft at fires or elsewhere.
Lend, sell, give away
Section 14
All members shall:
c. Maintain in the ________ Department of the City of Los Angeles complete and accurate information sufficient to establish clearly the legal status of their dependents in the event of the member’s disability or death.
Section 14
All members shall:
d. Notify the ____ before signing any release from ______, or initiating civil action for damages against a ____ party for on-duty injuries caused by negligence of a third party.
Section 14
All members shall:
e. Make no recommendations nor exercise any discretionary powers, as a City employee, relative to any _____ or ____ to which the City or any Department thereof is a party, and in which the member involved is directly or indirectly financially interested.
Contract or sale
Section 14
All members shall:
f. Refrain from engaging in any occupation or activity for compensation which will conflict with the City’s interest or detract from such member’s efficiency to the City. Prior to engaging in outside employment or activity for compensation, members shall certify as to the nature of such involvement and receive written approval of the ____ _____ or that person’s designated representative.
Fire chief
Section 14
All members shall:
g. Abstain from lending their names, as members of the Department, to any ______ or ______ enterprise, or approving and countenancing the use of the name and the prestige of the Department for any such purpose.
Business enterprise
Section 14
All members shall:
h. Accept no _____, ____, or valuable ___ from any person for services incidental to the performance of duty except with permission of the Chief.
Reward, fee, or valuable gift
Section 14
All members shall:
i. Abstain from using the uniform, badge, Department identification, or prestige of the Department for ____ ____.
Personal gain
Section 14
All members shall:
j. When in command of assembled formation, tender the hand salute to the ____, members of the ____ and Chief Officers in uniform.
Mayor, members of the board
Section 15
General Policy:
Fire Department procedure for reporting a discrimination or sexual harassment complaint is to pursue the complaint through any one of the following Department internal procedures:
1: immediate supervisor
2. F-225 to fire chief and fire commission
3. Any chief officer
Section 15
General Policy:
Any member who believes he or she has been discriminated against or sexually harassed may also file a formal complaint with the City’s ___ _____ Commission or ______ Department or any _____ or ____ agency established to process such complaints.
City’s civil service commision,
Personnel department,
Federal or state agency
Section 15
General Policy:
House dues:
No member shall be required to participate in such arrangements, but no member shall be excluded from payment of such dues or enjoyment of the benefits there from where as many as ____ of the members of any house or company are participants.
Section 15
General Policy:
e. No member shall circulate any questionnaire, poll, petition, letter, or other document relating to any Department policy, for signature by any member while on duty, unless the circulation of such questionnaire, poll, petition, letter, or other document has received the prior written approval of the _____.
Section 15
General Policy:
All final and conclusive interdepartmental communications should be made on the ________ level.
Section 15
General Policy:
m. The Flag Code adopted by the National Flag Conference, Washington D.C. where applicable, shall govern Departmental flag etiquette. The ____ ____ flag and the ______ State flag shall be displayed from Department buildings in the manner prescribed by the Chief in conformance with the law.
United States flag and California state flag
Section 15
General Policy:
o. The privilege of exchange of time or adjustment of platoon schedules between members may be granted by the ___ ____
Fire chief