Bones of the skull Flashcards
How is the metopic suture formed?
2 bones fuse to form frontal bone.
Which foramina of the skull run through the sphenoid?
Intraorbital foramen
Optic canal
Superior orbital fissure
Where does the supraorbital foramen run?
It passes through the frontal bone and allows passage of supraorbital NAV
Where does the infraorbital foramen run?
Sphenoid bone and maxilla and allows passage of infraorbital NAV
What passes through the optic canal?
Optic nerve and opthalmic artery
What passes through the superior orbital fissure?
CN3, 4, 6
Trigenminal branches: Lacrimal frontal nasociliary nerves
Opthalmic vein.
What passes through the superior orbital fissure?
CN3, 4, 6
Trigenminal branches: Lacrimal frontal nasociliary nerves
Opthalmic vein
What passes through the inferior orbital fissure?
Infraorbital nerve + infraorbital vessels + ascending branches of sphenopalatine ganglion
What passes through foramen rotundum?
V2 (maxillary nerve)
What passes through foramen ovale?
V3 (mandibular nerve)
Parasympathetic fibers from CN 9 via less petrosal nerve + accessory meningeal artery
What passes through the foramen spinosum?
Middle meningeal artery and vein
What passes through the petrotympanic fissure?
Chorda tympani + anterior tympanic artery
What passes through the foramen lacerum?
Greater and deep petrosal nerve + parasympathetic fibers from CN7 via nervus intermedius
What passes through the internal acoustic meatus?
CN7 and 8
What passes through the stylomastoid foramen?
What passes through the jugular foramen?
Internal jugular vein
CN 9, 10, 11
What passes through the mandibular formaen?
Inferior alveolar nerve (V3) + Artery + Vein
What passes through the mental foramen?
Mental NAV
Which foramina pass through the palatine bone?
Greater and lesser palatine foramen
Which foramina pass through the frontal bone?
Foramen caecum
Supraorbital foramen
Which foramina pass through the maxilla?
Incisive canal
Infraorbital foramen
Inferior orbital fissure
Which foramina pass through the sphenoid?
Infraorbital foramen
Optic canal
Superior orbital fissure
Inferior orbital fissure
Foramen rotundum
Foramen ovale
Foramen spinosum
Foramen lacerum
Which foramina pass through the frontal bone?
Foramen caecum (also passes through the ethmoid)
Supraorbital foramen
Which foramina pass through the mandible?
Mandibular foramen
Mental foramen
Which foramina pass through the sphenoid?
Infraorbital foramen (also passes through the maxilla)
Optic canal
Superior orbital fissure
Inferior orbital fissure (also passes through the maxilla)
Foramen rotundum
Foramen ovale
Foramen spinosum
Foramen lacerum
Which bones make up the orbit?
Zygomatic bone
Maxillary bone
Lacrimal bone
Ethmoid bone
Sphenoid bone
What is the clinical significance of the anatomy of the ethmoid?
Infection passing through the ethmoid can cause infection in the brain and orbit.
Which nerve runs through the pterygomaxillary fissure?
The maxillary nerve
What is the pterygomaxillary fissure?
The pterygomaxillary fissure is a fissure of the human skull. It is vertical, and descends at right angles from the medial end of the inferior orbital fissure. It is a triangular interval, formed by the divergence of the maxilla from the pterygoid process of the sphenoid.
How is the mandible connected to the rest of the skull?
Mandible is connected to rest of the skull only by soft tissue
What is the mylohyoid ridge?
The mylohyoid ridge is the ridge for mylohyoid muscle to connect. It is located on the ramus of the mandible.
What is teh external oblique ridge?
External oblique ridge is a landmark that ends towards the mandibular foramen. It is located on the buccal side of the mandible.
Where on the mandible are the lingual foramen and digastric fossa?
Both are located on lingual side of the mandible anteriorly.
Lingual foramen with genial tubercle is located centrally
Digastric fossa is located on both sides of the lingual foramen
Where on the mandible are the lingual foramen and digastric fossa?
Both are located on lingual side of the mandible anteriorly.
Lingual foramen with genial tubercle is located centrally.
Digastric fossa is located on both sides of the lingual foramen.
What attaches to the mastoid process?
The sternocleidomastoid
What is the purpose of the mandibular condyle?
Mandibular condyle fits into the glenoid fossa and this is palpable by feeling behind the ear when opening the mouth wide.
What happens if the stylohyoid ligament is ossified?
Ossified stylohyoid ligament can cause fainting (Eagles syndrome) due to compression of the carotid sinus
What is the stylohyoid ligament?
In connection with the stylohyoideus muscle a ligamentous band, the stylohyoid ligament, may be described. It is a fibrous cord, which is attached to the tip of the styloid process of the temporal bone and the lesser cornu (lesser horn) of the hyoid bone.
What structures are present in the temporal bone related to hearing?
MISO: Malleus-Incus-Stapes-Oval window
Where is the carotid artery/canal located relative to the occipital condyle?
Carotid artery/canal is lateral and anterior to the occipital condyle
Where is the sphenomandibular ligament located?
It attaches the spine of the sphenoid to the lingula of the mandible
What is attached by the stylomandibular ligament?
Styloid process to the angle of the mandible
What is the shape and attachment of the occipital condyle?
Occipital condyle is bean shaped and attaches to the first vertebra
What structures are located very close to the maxillary sinus?
The molars and the premolars