Bone Histology/Intro to Skeletal System Flashcards
What part of the skeleton is highlighted? Name some parts of it.
Axial skeleton. Skull, vertebral column, ribcage, sternum
What part of the skeleton is highlighted? Name some parts of it.
Appendicular skeleton. Bones within upper and lower limbs, including pectoral and pelvic girdles.
What is A
What is B
Articular Cartilage
What is C
What is D
Nutrient Artery
What is E
Spongy Bone/cancellous bone
What is F
What is G
Epiphyseal line
What is H
Compact bone/dense bone
What is i/I
Medullary Cavity
What is J
Red Bone Marrow
What is K
Yellow Bone Marrow
What is L
What is A
What is B
What is C
What is D
What is E
Central Canal/Haversian Canal
What is F
Perforating Canal/Volkmann’s Canal
What is G
Periosteal vein
What is H
Periosteal artery
What is i/I
Compact bone
What is J
Spongy Bone/cancellous bone
What is K
What is L
Medullary cavity
What is M
Lymphatic vessel
What is N
Osteon/Haversian system
What is O
What is P
Where red bone marrow is found
Hyaline Cartilage in the skeleton: name where
Ribs, tip of nose, articular cartilage, embryonic skeleton, growth plates, trachea
Fibrocartilage in the skeleton: name where
Intervertebral discs, meniscus of knee, pubic symphysis
Elastic Cartilage in the skeleton: name where
Pinna, epiglottis
What bone has a long central shaft? What is that shaft called?
Long bones. Diaphysis
What is the real name of “growth plates?”
Epiphyseal plate
What are epiphyseal plates made of? What population’s bones are these plates in?
Hyaline cartilage. Growing children
What does a “growth plate” turn into before completely disappearing
Epiphyseal line
What bones are cube shaped? Where are they found?
Short bones. Ankle and wrist
What bones are flat and usually curved? Where are they?
Flat bones. Cranial skull bones
What are bones called when they are not shaped like any other? What are some?
Irregular bones. Hip bones and vertebrae
2 reasons why cartilage is important to skeletal system
anatomical structures
bone growth is dependent on it
where is hyaline cartilage found in the skeleton
articular cartilage
in respiratory tubes so they don’t collapse
growth plates
fetal skeleton
what part of the skeleton is elastic cartilage
pinna of ear
what part of the skeleton is fibrocartilage
knee meniscus
intervertebral discs
pubic symphysis
what is the purpose of the pubic symphysis
ability to walk and childbirth
is a bone an organ
what can a bone do when broken because it is vascularized
what is the function of the skeletal system
support body
mineral storage (calcium and phosphorus)
where is cortical/compact bone found
outer most layer of all bones
where is spongy/cancellous/trabecullar bone found
it is the porous bony tissue in middle of bones
what is the membrane on the outside of bone called
what is the periosteum made of (inner and outer layers of it)
outer layer is dense irregularCT
inner layer composed of osteoblasts/osteroclasts
what are sharpey’s fibers
in healthy/uninjured bone, teather periosteum to bone. Made of collagen fibers
what is inside the medullary cavity
red marrow
yellow marrow
what is red marrow, found in the medullary cavity
hematopoietic tissue in long bones and diploe (skull and hip)
child bones
what is yellow marrow, found in the medullary cavity
fat containing
in majority of adult bones
found in skull, sternum, ribs, and hips
what is the periosterum like layer that lines the medullary cavity and trabeculae
what is the nutrient foramen on a bone
hole through the periosteum into the diaphysis for nutrient blood vessels and nerves
what is appositional bone growth
the increase in the diameter of bones by the addition of bone tissue at the surface of bones
what part of the bone builds appositionally to add thick bone matrix and contour it during childhood into adulthood
epiphyseal plates or growth plates
where are osteoblasts and cytes found
directly under the periosteum
what do osteoblasts do
make osteoid bone matrix (build)
where do osteocytes come from
mature osteoblasts after migrating to lacunae
what is the osteoid or matrix made of
collagen fibers and ground substance
what is considered the inorganic matrix of a bone
osteoclasts and their relationship to calcium and phosphorus
what are osteogenitor cells
derived from mesenchyme, differentiate into osteoblasts; stem cells
where do osteoclasts come from
derived from monocytes (which are prepubecent macrophages)
what is the most important molecule for a teenager’s growth and development
parathyroid hormone PTH
what runs through the haversian canal
vessels and nerves
which direction do volksmans canals run
perpendicular to osteons
which is the main canal of BT
haversians canal that is in the center of a haversian system
which canal brings blood vessels and nerves from the outside of the bone tissue to inside
what do canaliculi do
bring stuff into the lamellae and get rid of waste (lamellae are the rings)
what are the steps to getting osteocytes nourished
nutrient entrance through the volksmans canal from outside the BT
up through the haversian canal
to the canaliculi
and then the cells relay the nutrients via gap junctions
what are the modes of bone formation
intramembranous ossification
endochondral ossificaiton
what is intramembranous ossification
ossified fibrous connective tissue; made of fibrous connective tissue initially
found in the cranium (sans base of occipital), clavical (first bone to begin to ossify, but last bone to full ossify)
why do we need the connective tissue and cartilage to ossify from
osteroblasts need fiber struts to lay the minerals, collagen, and ground substance and to set up osteocytes
how do we make most of our bones
endochondral ossification
what does endochondral ossification make up
all bones except for the superior half of the occipital
what is endochondral ossification made of and explain bone collar
hyaline cartilage at 8 weeks osteoblasts begin to produce a thin layer of bone around cartilage which is called the bone collar
how is the marrow cavity formed in endochondral bones
with calcification, cells in the center of cartilage (pre-bone) become walled off causing their nutrient supply to die creating a cavity
what is achondroplasia
it affects endochondral ossification as there isnt eough chondrocytes for bone to be made from leading to less appositional growth (bulking of bone and contouring)
how does the anterior fontanel ossify
intramembranous ossification
describe the mechanism of intramembranous ossification
fibrous struts layed down and then ossified
what is the metopic suture of the skull
present at birth and completely goes away making the frontal bone
what is a leading cause of cerebral palsy that happens during birth
forceps crush fontanels
how often is cortical bone replaced
every 10 years but slows down overtime
how often does trabecullar bone get replaced
3 to 4 years
what is wolfs law
bone remodeling happends based on stressors to bone (weight baring exercize)
what happens when a bone fractures
damage to blood vessels which can lead to hematomas
fibroblasts lay down fibers to repair the tissue insult leaving a bony callus
what diseases are associated with vitamin D deficeincy
ricket in children
osteomalacia in adults
what is growth hormone from the anterior pituitary for
necessary for normal growth and development of the skeleton and other tissues
what happens if there is hyposecretion of growth hormone
what happens if there is hypersecretion of growth hormone
what do thyroid hormones do
regulate metabolism of most cells including those in bone
what does testosterone do
androgens are important for growth in mass and density of bone. necessary to both male and female
what is estrogen for
important for growth in length of bone and for bone maintenance. necessary in man and woman
what is parathyroid hormone
primary hormone in calcium homeostasis; responds to blood calcium
what are the 3 functions of parathyroid hormone
increased vitamin D3 production (without this vitamin calcium is not reabsorbed to any great degree)
increased reabsorbtion of calcium in the kidney
resportion of bone
where does calcitonin come from
secreted by the thyroid parafollicular cells (not same as parathyroid glands)
what does calcitonin do in children
increases calcium deposited in bone for growth
not normally in adults
what is osteoporosis
demineralization of bone
anyone can get it without weight baring exercize
as for treatments for osteoporosis what is not considered a safe option (misconception)
HRT (hormone replacement therapy like in postmenopausal women to try to prevent bone loss)
why is calcitonin supplements still given to thos with osteroporosis even though it doesnt really work
because they just throw anything at it as there isnt much that can be done
where are long bones found
arms, legs, clavical, metacarpals, metatarsals, and phalanges
where are flat bones found
sternum, ribs, scapula, craniums
where are short bones
carpals and tarsals (boxy shaped)
where are irregular bones found
vertebrae and os coxae
what are sesamoid bones
bone arrises in middle of other tissue like tendons and ligaments like the knee cap