Blood Flashcards
Specialised connective tissue that contains cells suspended in a fluid matrix
Functions of blood
- Transport (gases, nutrients, hormones, metabolic wastes)
- pH and ion concentration of interstitial fluid
- Restricting fluid loss at injury sites
- Defence
- Body temperature
Characteristics of blood
- 38 degrees C
- 5 times as viscous as water
- Slightly alkaline
Whole blood
Fluid plasma and formed elements
Fractionated blood
Separated for clinical purposes
Components of plasma
Plasma proteins, other solutes, water
Plasma proteins
Albumins, globulins, fibrinogens
- Most abundant
Important for - Osmolarity
- Transport of fatty acids, thyroid hormones
- Body defence e.g. antibodies
- Transport globulins e.g. hormone-binding proteins
Important for clotting
The remaining fluid when clotting proteins are removed from a blood sample
Which organ synthesises more than 90% of plasma proteins?
The liver
Formed elements
Red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets
Process of formed elements formation
Which pigment do RBCs contain?
Percentage of blood sample that consists of formed elements (mostly RBCs)
Blood sample from anterior elbow
Arterial puncture
Blood sample from arteries at wrist or elbow used for blood gas analysis (lung function)
Which stem cell populations are important for production of formed elements?
Myeloid stem cells and lymphoid stem cells
Shape of RBC
Biocave disc with a thin central region and thicker outer margin
Benefits of RBC shape and flexible membrane
- Surface area
- Ability to form stacks
- Ability to bend when moving through small capillaries
Stacks of RBCs
Do mature RBCs have nucelei?
How do mature RBCs obtain energy?
Through anaerobic metabolism (no nuclei = no mitochondria = no aerobic metabolism)
Why do mature RBCs lack mitchondira?
So the absorbed oxygen will be carried to peripheral tissues and not stolen by mitochondria
Responsible for RBCs ability to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
Hemoglobin structure
Complex quaternary: 2 alpha chains and 2 beta chains
- Non protein pigment complex
- Holds an iron ion
- Contained in a single hemoglobin chain
When oxygen binds to iron in heme unit
Why is the binding of an oxygen molecule to the iron in a heme unit reversible?
The iron-oxygen interaction is very weak
A hemoglobin molecule whose iron is not bound to oxygen
What kind of blood is dark red?
Blood containing RBCs filled with deoxyhemoglobin
Fetal hemoglobin
Binds oxygen more readilt than does adult hemoglobin
Alpha and beta chains of hemoglobin bind to carbon dioxide
Interferes with oxygen delivery to peripheral tissues
When do embryonic blood cells appear in the bloodstream?
Third week of development
Myeloid tissue
Red bone marrow, where RBCs are formed
Hemocytoblasts or hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)
- Found in red bone marrow
- Divide to form myeloid stem cells and lymphoid stem cells
Myeloid stem cells
Divide to produce RBCs and several classes of WBCs
Lymphoid stem cells
Divide to produce lymphocytes
Myeloid stem cells
Divide to produce RBCs and several classes of WBCs
Lymphoid stem cells
Divide to produce lymphocytes
What accounts for the differences in hematocrit values between males and females?
The fact that estrogens don’t stimulate erythropoiesis
What stimulates erythropoiesis?
The hormone erythropoietin (EPO) (directly) Other hormones (indirectly)
Which organs make EPO?
Kidneys and liver
When does EPO appear in the plasma?
When peripheral tissues, especially the kidneys, are exposed to a low concentration of oxygen
Effects of EPO
- Stimulates erythroblast division and eryhroblast-producing stem cell division
- Speeds up maturation of RBCs by accelerating Hb synthesis
Blood doping
When athletes elevate their hematocrits by re-infusing packed RBCs that were removed and stored at an earlier date
Why is blood doping dangerous?
It makes blood more viscous and increases the workload on the heart
Hemolyzed RBCs
Ruptured RBCs
Hemoglobin recycling
Alpha, beta chains of Hb - eliminated
Globular proteins - metabolised or release for other use
Iron - recycled
When abnormally large numbers of RBCs break down in the bloodstream and urine may turn red or brown
Presence of intact RBCs in urine
Occurs after kidney damage or damage to vessels along urinary tract
Fate of heme
- Heme unit stripped of its iron and converted to biliverdin
- Converted to bilirubin which is released to bloodstream
- Bilirubin binds to albumin and is transported to the liver for excretion in bile
What causes jaundice?
When bile ducts are blocked or the liver can’t absorb or excrete bilirubin, bilirubin diffuses into peripheral tissues
Recycling of iron
Iron ions extracted from heme molecules bound and stored in phagocytic cells or released into bloodstream where they bind to transferrin
How is transferrin recycled?
RBCs developing in red bone marrow absorb amino acids and transferrins from the bloodstream and use them to synthesise new Hb molecules
Substances that can trigger an immune response
Surface antigens
Substances that the immune system recognises as self
How is your blood type determined?
By the presence or absence of specific surface antigens in RBC plasma membranes
Type A blood
RBCs with surface antigen A only
Plasma contains anti-B antibodies
Type B blood
RBCs with surface antigen B only
Plasma contains anti-A antibodies
Type AB blood
RBCs with both surface antigens A and B
Plasma has neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies
Type O blood
RBCs with neither surface antigens A or B
Plasma has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies
Rh blood group
Based on the presence or absence of the Rh surface antigen
Rh factor
Rh surface antigen
Surface antigens
Foreign cells
When agglutinates clump together
When an antibody meets its specific surface antigen, the RBCs agglutinate
Compatibility test
- Determination of blood type
2. Cross-match test
Cross-match testing
Involves exposing the donors RBCs to a sample of the recipients plasma under controlled conditions
Do WBCs have nuclei?
Where do WBCs circulate?
Through the loose and dense connective tissues of the body
Characteristics of WBCs
- All can migrate out of the bloodstream
- All are capable of amoeboid movement
- All are attracted to specific chemical stimuli
Amoeboid movement
A gliding motion made possible by the flow of cytoplasm into slender cellular processes extended in the direction of movement
Positive chemotaxis
Characteristic of WBCs that guide them to invading pathogens, damaged tissues and other active WBCs
When WBCs in the bloodstream are activated, they contact and adhere to the vessel walls
Granular leukocytes
Neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils
Agranular leukocytes
Monocytes and lymphocytes
Nonspecific defenses
Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes
Neutrophils and eosinophils
Specific defences
Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN)
When mother’s antibodies cross placenta and attack fetus’ RBCs
Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN)
When mother’s antibodies developed during first pregnancy cross placenta and attack fetus’ RBCs
Highly mobile, specialised cells for attacking and digesting bacteria that have been marked with antibodies or complement proteins
Attack objects that are coated with antibodies mostly through exocytosis
Migrate to injury sites and cross the capillary endothelium to accumulate in damaged tissue and discharge granules containing histamine and heparin into interstitial fluid
Highly mobile, specialised cells for attacking and digesting bacteria that have been marked with antibodies or complement proteins
Attack objects that are coated with antibodies mostly through exocytosis
Migrate to injury sites and cross the capillary endothelium to accumulate in damaged tissue and discharge granules containing histamine and heparin into interstitial fluid
Dilates blood vessels
Prevents blood clotting
Becomes a tissue macrophage
T cells
B cells
NK cells
T cells
- Responsible for cell-mediated immunity
- Defence against invading foreign cells and coordinating immune response
B cells
- Responsible for humoral immunity
- Production of antibodies
What do activated B cells differentiate into?
Plasma cells
NK cells
- Responsible for immune surveillance
- Detection and subsequent destruction of abnormal cells
Which lymphocyte is important in preventing cancer?
NK cells
Inadequate numbers of WBCs
Hemocytoblast divisions produce myeloid stem cells and lymphoid stem cells
Myeloid stem cells divide to create progenitor cells which give rise to all formed elements except lymphocytes
What does extreme leukocytosis usually indicate?
The presence of some form of leukemia
Some lymphocytes are derived from lymphoid stem cells that remain in red bone marrow - differentiate into B cells or NK cells
Some lymphocytes are produced in lymphatic tissues
Lymphatic tissues
Thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes
Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs)
Regulate WBC populations
Disc-shaped cell fragments
- Occurs in red bone marrow
- Megakaryocytes shed cytoplasm in packets = platelets
Stopping of the bleeding
- Vascular phase
- Platelet phase
- Coagulation phase
Vascular phase
Period of local blood vessel constriction (vascular spasm)
Platelet phase
Platelets are activated, aggregate at the site and adhere to damaged surfaces
Coagulation phase
Occurs as factors released by platelets and endothelial cells interact with clotting factors to form a blood clot
Clot retraction
Platelets contract and pull the torn edges of the damaged vessel closer together
When the clot gradually dissolves through the action of plasmin, the activate form of circulating plasminogen
Stopping of the bleeding
- Vascular phase
- Platelet phase
- Coagulation phase
Vascular phase
Period of local blood vessel constriction (vascular spasm)
Platelet phase
Platelets are activated, aggregate at the site and adhere to damaged surfaces
Coagulation phase
Occurs as factors released by platelets and endothelial cells interact with clotting factors to form a blood clot
Clot retraction
Platelets contract and pull the torn edges of the damaged vessel closer together
When the clot gradually dissolves through the action of plasmin, the activate form of circulating plasminogen