BLOCK 9: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - Unit 7: Compliance/Noncompliance (complete) Flashcards
The EPA requires that all analytical results showing compliance with the MCLs listed in the SDWA be sent to the State within _____ days of the end of the reporting period.
These results are usually submitted through the CE office, but Base policy may require their submission directly to State regulators.
Non-compliance reporting is required when primary drinking water regulations are violated, and is accomplished via one of the _____ tier levels.
Serious health effects under short-term exposure
Public notices are required for violations and situations with significant potential to have serious adverse effects on human health as a result of short-term exposure.
Which of the following is NOT a tier 1 violation?
- Fecal coliform MCL violation or failure to test for fecal contamination after a positive total coliform test.
- Excessive turbidity level, when the State or Federal EPA determines a Tier 1 notice is
warranted. - Failure to comply with variances and exemptions approved by the primacy agency.
- Waterborne disease outbreak or other waterborne emergency.
Failure to comply with variances and exemptions approved by the primacy agency.
This is a tier 2 violation.
Serious adverse health effects
Public notices are required for other violations and situations with potential to have serious, but not immediate, adverse effects on human health.
Situations not covered in Tiers 1 and 2
Normally, these are minor violations that do not pose a serious health risk.
from EPA:
Summarizes information about the local drinking water for the previous year.
Consumer Confidence Reports are due to the public no later than __________ of each year.
What must a CCR include?
- Levels of detected regulated contaminants and their respective MCLs and MCLGs, and any notices of violation.
- The EPA definitions for MCLGs, MCLs, variances, and exemptions, and the statement of health concerns for any contaminant that has exceeded the MCL.
- Notice if the system is operating under a variance or exemption, and why.
- Levels of unregulated contaminants for which monitoring is required, including radon and cryptosporidium.
- A statement that the presence of contaminants in drinking water does not necessarily pose a health risk and that more information is available by calling a given phone number.
Public notice of a Tier 3 violation must be given within __________.
12 months
For a Tier 1 violation, __________ and __________ must be given notice within 24 hours.