Biology Midterm: chp 35 Flashcards
Population Density
- the number/amount of organisms in a specific area volume
- calculates in three methods:
- Quadrates
- indirect counting
- mark-recapture method
Exponential Growth
the population multiplies by s constant factor at constant time intervals
- J-shaped - conditions that might undergo exponential growth - unlimited food, water, space
limiting factor
usually slow a population growth
carrying capacity
max population an area can hold
limiting factor .vs. carrying capacity
when one or more limiting factors slow a population growth, the population has reached its carrying capacity
when population density increases it limits population
- biotic factors - food (prey/predator) availability
is unrelated to population density but still limits the population
- extreme weather - hurricane, tornadoes
age structure
the proportion of people in different age groups in a population
-a nation’s age structure affects population growth because the graph will determine the future population and used to compare to different places
interspecific competition
occurs when two or more species rely on the same limited resource
competitive exclusion
when one species succeeds over the other
symbiotic relationships
close interactions in which one species lives on or in the other
- parasitism
- mutualism
- commensalism
one organism(parasite) obtains its food at the expense of another organism (host)
both organisms (parasite and host) benefit from the close interaction
one organism benefits while the other is neither harmed nor helped significantly
primary succession
lifeless area without soil
secondary succession
a disturbance damages the community
has soil that is intact
causes and possible results of interspecific competition
causes competitive exclusion do one animal will thrive but the other will b excluded and die
rapid growth in population then rapid decreases
each species unique way of life in a community
one organism (predator) eats another organism (prey)
ecological succession
a significant disturbance that may result in a process of community change
introduced species
an organism carried by humans into a new geographic area
mark-recapture method
a sampling technique in which organisms are captured, marked, and released for later counting
a boundary in which ecologists count a sample of population
indirect counting
counting nests, burrows, or tracks rather than organisms
a local group of organisms of one species