BACTERIA Flashcards
Bacillus anthracis
- causes cutaneous anthrax + inhalational anthrax
- makes endospores
Bordetella pertussis
whooping cough
Borrelia burgdorferi
- causes lyme disease
- spirochete
VF-use of manganese instead of iron circumvents host defense
–acoids detection by altering membrane proteins
Campylobacter jejuni
cause bacterial gastroenteritis: CAMPYLOBACTER DIARRHEA
- most common cause of diarrhea that sends ppl to dr in US
- associated w poultry
Chlamydia trachomatis
various strains cause infection of lymph nodes, conjunctiva, + lungs
-most common reportable bacterial std in US
-developmental cycle (biphasic)
Clostridium botulinum
causes botulism (flaccid paralysis) -different strains produce 1 of 7 toxins
Clostridium difficile
case antimicrobial-associated diarrhea
- antimicrobial use facilitates germination of endospores + overgrowth of C. difficile
- member of human intestinal microbiota that can cause life-threatening disease
Clostridium perfringens
- causes gas gangrene
- makes endospores
- secretes 11 toxins
Clostridium tetani
causes tetanus
-makes endospores that releases tetanospasmin
Corynebacterium diphtheria
causes diptheria
-produces diptheria toxin
Escherichia Coli
-causes most cases bacterial UTI
VF-flagella + attachment fimbriae
Haemophilus influenza
-top 3 cause of bacterial
pleomorphic rods
Helicobacter pylori
cause peptic ulcers
-numerous virulence factors
Listeria monocytogenes
-causes bacterial meningitis
foodborne(contaminated food)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
causes TB
- presence of mycolic acid gives unique features
- remains viable for long time in aerosol drops
Neisseria gonorrhea
- gonorrhea only occurs in humans
- opthalma neonatorum in newborns born vaginally fr mothers infected w gonorrhea
attach to epithelial cells
-urethra in M, cervix in w
treated w cephalosporins
Neisseria meningitidis
- epidemic meningitis in college freshman
- top 3 cause of bacterial
Plasmodium falciparum
- causes most severe malaria
- endemic throughout tropics + subtropics
- prevention requires control of mosquitos
Propionibacterium acnes
-causes acne
rod shaped diptheroids
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- causes pseudomonas infection
- found in soil, decaying matter, moist environments
- rarely part of the microbiota
- difficult to treat bc multidrug resistance
- widespread but infections usually don’t occur in healthy individuals
Staphylococcus aureus
1 causes most Impetigo [Pyoderma] + Erysipelas
2 causes bacterial food poisoning
3 staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS – Group B Strep)
- leading cause of meningitis in newborns
- acquired during birth
Streptococcus mutans
cause dental caries
-dextran + pili allow biofilm formation on tooth
Streptococcus pneumoniae
1 meningitis (in v young + old, top 3 cause)
2 sinusitis + otitis media
3 pneumococcal pneumonia
-present in throat of 75% of humans
Streptococcus pyogenes
[Group A Strep]
causes some of Impetigo [Pyoderma] + Erysipelas, streptococcal pharyngitis [strep throat]
coccus in chains
Treponema pallidum
- lives only in humans
- sometimes transmitted mother to child during pregnancy
- tertiary syphilis is difficult to diagnose
Trichomonas vaginalis
cause trichomoniasis
- most common curable std in women
- prevented by avoiding sex w infected person
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
virulence factors
- adhesins
- toxins
- polysaccharide capsules
Staph. aureus
virulence factors
1 M protein
2 hyaluronic acid
3 pyrogenic toxin
5 enterotoxins (in bact. food. poisoning, released in food, no taste change)
Streptococcus pyogenes
virulence factors
1 M protein 2 hyaluronic acid capsule 3 pyrogenic toxin 4 C5a peptidase 5 streptolysins 6 pyrogenic toxins 7 streptokinases
Viridians streptococci
causes half of endocarditis
-prevalent in tongue + teeth
Plasmodium falciparum
virulence factors
adhesins - allows RBC to adhere to certain tissues
merozoites form w/in vesicles + avoid detection
reproductive cycle hides parasite
changes in body chem attract other mosquitos
Helicobacter pylori
virulence factors
1 flagella (burrows thru stomach lining) 2 adhesins (attcmt to gastric cells) 3 urease (neutrlz stomach acid) 4 toxins (damage gastric mucosa)
Campylobacter jejuni
virulence factors
VF cause bleeding lesions + inflammation
-adhesin, cytotoxin, + endotoxin
Clostridium difficile
virulence factors
- produces 2 toxins (mediates inflammation + pseudomembrane formation)
- multiple antibiotic resistance
Chlamydia trachomatis
developmental cycle
1 elementary bodies are the infective nonproductive form
2 reticulate bodies are the non-infective reproductive form