Axial Skeleton Flashcards
How many bones are in the adult skeleton?
Axial Skeleton
80 bones
Cranial Bones
form the cranial cavity
Facial Bones
form the face
Frontal Bone
forms forehead, roof of the eyes socket (supraorbital foramen), and most of the cranial floor
frontal sinuses lie deep within the bone
nerves are threaded through eyebrows, eyelids and msucles
Parietal Bone
form the sides and the roof of the cranial
held together by sagittal sutures, also seperated on the top of the skull by coronal suture
Temporal Bone
form lower sides of the cranium and part of the cranial floor
external auditory meatus (ear canal) is located within these bones
styloid process
attachment point for tongue muscles
mastoid process - attachment point for neck muscles
sqaumous structure
Occiptial Bone
forms posterior part and most of the cranial base
foramen magnum passes through this bone
occiptal condyles are on either side of foramen magnum that connect within the first vertebrae
Sphenoid Bone
butterfly bone or “keystone of the skull”
sella turcica - depression in the sphenoid that the peituitary gland
Ethomoid Bone
found in directly above the sphenoid
crista galli - holds the membrane that surrounds the brain (dura mater)
8 cranial bones
14 facial bones
immovable joint
Vertebral Column
underneath skull to tail bone
33 bones
Cervical Vertebrae
only ones to have transverse foramen, most with bifurcated spinous process
bi - two
contains c1 and c2
Thoracic Vertebrae
form thoracic cage (rib cage)
Lumbar Vertebrae
vertebrae that are the most weight baring
5 fused bones
4 fused bones, attachment point for ligaments
Nasal Bones (2)
form the bridge of nose, remaining portion of nose is made up of cartilage
Maxilla Bones (2)
upper jaw, connected w/ every other facial bone except mandible
helps form the roof of mouth along with palatine bone
aveolar process - making for teeth sockets
Lacrimal Bones (2)
smallest, has openings (tear ducts)
Zygomatic Bones (2)
form cheekbone, connects w frontal, maxilla, sphenoid, and temporal
Inferior Nasal Conchae (2)
lined w/ mucus membrane to capture pollutants/bacteria
“air filters”
directly center in nose
helps shape nasal septum
lower jaw bone
largest facial bone
only moveable skull bone
helps form a joint (TMJ joint)
Palatine (2)
posterior end of upper palate
together w/ maxilla form hard palate
supports head, gives us the ability to nod “yes”, no vertebral body, all cervical have transverse foramen
dens (fit inside the c2)
gives us the ability to shake head “no”
sideway bending, seen in adolescent girls
“hunch back” results from osteoporosis, vertebrae injury
inward curve of spine, usually in lumbar area