As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or disagree? Flashcards
As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or disagree?
- What kinds of obligation a company should have
- Top priority of companies is to generate profits >< they should also have social responsibilities.
- Businesses already contribute to society by simply focusing on making money.
+ Earn much profits > expand their businesses > creates more job opportunities for people.
+ Multinational corporations such as xxx can be a great illustration > employing > reduce unemployment rates.
+ Companies make higher profits, they will pay more taxes for the government.
+ $ can be used to invest in important fields such as education or health care > benefit society as a whole.
- Apart from making money, companies also need to have social responsibilities.
+ Rising number of factories > environmental damage > protect environment > new technologies > recycle wastes
+ Helping those who are less fortunate such as homeless or disabled citizens > enhance the image of the company.