Application- Chapter 5 Flashcards
Classification of one plant and one animal species from domain to species
K- plantae P- angiospermsphyta C- monocotyledoneae O- palmales F- arecacea G- Phoenix S- dactylifera
External recognition features of bryophytes, filicinophytes, coniferophytes, angiospermophytes:
Bryophytes: mosses, liverworts and hornworts
Vegetative organs- no true roots, some with simple stems and leaves
Vascular tissue- no xylem or phloem
Cambium- no cambium, no true trees and shrubs
Pollen- pollen is not produced
Ovules- no ovaries or ovules
Seeds- no seeds
Fruits - no fruits
External recognition features of bryophytes, filicinophytes, coniferophytes, angiospermophytes:
Filicinophytes- ferns
Vegetative organs- roots, stems and leaves are usually present
Vascular tissue- xylem and phloem are both present
Cambium- no cambium, no trees and shrubs
Pollen- pollen is not produced
Ovules- no ovaries and ovules
Seeds- no seeds
Fruits- no fruits
External recognition features of bryophytes, filicinophytes, coniferophytes, angiospermophytes:
Coniferophyta- conifers
Vegetative organs- roots stems and leaves are usually present
Vascular tissue- xylem and phloem are both present
Cambium- present allowing secondary development in roots to trees and shrubs
Pollen - pollen is produced in male cones
Ovules- produced in female cones
Seeds- produced and dispersed
Druits- no fruits
External recognition features of bryophytes, filicinophytes, coniferophytes, angiospermophytes:
Angiospermophyta- flowering plants
Vegetative organs- roots, stems and leaves are usually present
Vascular tissue- xylem and phloem are both present
Cambium- present
Pollen- produced in anthers in flowers
Ovules- enclosed inside ovaries
Seeds- produced and dispersed
Fruits- produced for dispersal of seeds
Recognition features of Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Annelids, mollusca, athropoda and Chordata
Porifera: - sponges
Mouth/ anus- nope
Symmetry- none
Skeleton- internal spicules
Other- many pores over surface throug which water is drawn in for filter feeding
Recognition features of Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Annelids, mollusca, athropoda and Chordata
Cnidaria- jelly fish
Mouth/anis- mouth only
Symmetry- radical
Skeleton- soft
Other- tentacles arrange in rings around the mouth with stinging cells
Recognition features of Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Annelids, mollusca, athropoda and Chordata
Platyhelminthes - worms
Mouth/anus- mouth only
Symmetry- bilateral
Skeleton- soft with no skeleton
Others- flat and thin bodies in shave of a ribbon
Recognition features of Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Annelids, mollusca, athropoda and Chordata
Mollusca- snails
Mouth/anus- yes
Symmetry - bilateral
Skeleton- most have she’ll
Other- a fold in body wall called the mantel secreted the shell
Recognition features of Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Annelids, mollusca, athropoda and Chordata
Annelids- leeches
Mouth/anus - yes
Symmetry- bilateral
Skeleton- internal cavity with fluid under pressure
Other- bodies made up of many ring shapes segments
Recognition features of Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Annelids, mollusca, athropoda and Chordata
Anthropoda- insects
Mouth/ anus- yes
Symmetry- bilateral
Skeleton- external skeleton made of plates of chitin
Other- segmented bodies and legs
Recognition of features of birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles and fish :
Skin- scales
Airways- gills
Limbs- no limbs
Arms/legs- find
Reproduction- eggs and sperm released for external fertilisation
Eggs- remain in water throughout their life cycle
Teeth- swim bladder contains gas for buoyancy
Body temp- don’t maintain constant body temp
Recognition of features of birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles and fish :
Skin- soft most skin
Airways- lungs
Limbs- tetrapods with pendatcyl limbs
Legs- four legs when an adult
Reproduction- eggs and sperm released for external fertilisation
Eggs- larval stage Liv in water and adult on land
Teeth- eggs coated in projective jelly
Body temp- don’t maintain constant body temp
Recognition of features of birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles and fish :
Skin- scales Airway- lungs Limbs- tetrapods with pentadactyl limbs Legs- four legs Fertilisation- sperm passed into the female for I internal fertilisation Eggs- female lays eggs with soft shel Teeth- teeth all one type Body temp- do not maintain constant body temp
Recognition of features of birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles and fish :
Skin- feathers Airway- lungs Limbs- pendatcyl limbs Legs- to legs and two wings Ferilization- sperm passed onto the female for internal fertilisation Eggs- female lays eggs with hard shells Mouth- beak but no teeth Body temp- maintain constant body temp
Recognition of features of birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles and fish :
Skin- follicles with hair Airways- lungs Limbs- pentadactyl limbs Legs- four legs or two legs two arms FerTilization- sperm passed into the female for internal fertilisation Eggs- give birth to live young Teeth- fjfferent types Body temp- maintain constant
Classification of one plant and one animal species from domain to species
K- animalia P- chordata C- mammalia I- Carnivora F- canidae G- canis A- lupus