Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
the appendicular skeleton
pectoral girdle: attaches the upper limbs to the upper trunk
pelvic girdle: attaches the lower limbs to the lower trunk
upper and lower limbs differ in function but share a similar structural plan
the pectoral girdle
consists of the clavicle and the scapulae
do not encircle the body completely
medially: sternal end of each clavicle articulates with the manubrium and first rib of the axial skeleton
laterally: acromium end of the clavicle joins the scapula at the acromioclavicular joint
provide attachment for muscles
articulate with the scapulae laterally
articulate with the sternum medially
transmit compression forces from the upper limbs to the axial skeleton
lie on the superior dorsal surface of the rib cage
located between ribs 2-7
have three borders: superior, medial (vertebral), lateral (axillary)
have three angles: lateral (location of glenoid cavity), superior, inferior
the upper limbs
30 bones form each upper limb grouped into bones of the: arm: 1 bone (humerus) forearm: 2 bones (radius and ulna) hand/wrist: 27 bones
only bone in the arm
strongest bone in the upper limbs
articulates with the scapula at the shoulder
articulates with the radius and ulna at the elbow
proximal radius bone
interface with distal humerus
head of proximal radius bone interfaces with capitulum of distal humerus
radial tuberosity below head of radius
with elbow flexion, radial head moves into radial fossa of distal humerus
proximal ulna bone
interface with distal humerus
main bone responsible for forming the elbow hinge joint with the humerus
anterior coronoid process and posterior olecranon process of ulna interfaces with the trochlea of the distal humerus
with elbow flexion, coronoid process of ulna moves into coronoid fossa of distal humerus
with elbow extension, olecranon process of ulna moves into olecranon fossa of distal humerus
radius and ulna articulate with each other
at proximal and distal radioulnar joints proximal ulna has radial notch distal radius has ulnar notch interosseous membrane anatomical position: radius is lateral and ulna is medial
distal ulna
ulnar head and styloid process
distal ulna is separated from carpal bones by fibrocartilage
plays little to no role in hand movement
distal radius
articulates with carpal bones - scaphoid and lunate
when radius moves, the hand moves with it
ulnar notch of distal radius articulates with ulnar bone
styloid process
wrist and hand bones
carpals - wrist - 8 bones
metacarpals - palm - 5 bones
phalanges - fingers - 14 bones
deep basin-like structure formed from the coxal bones, sacrum, and coccyx
pelvic girdle
consists of paired coxal bones (hip bones)
coxal bones unite anteriorly with each other at the pubic symphysis
coxal bones articulate posteriorly with the sacrum to form sacroiliac joints
supports visceral organs
attaches to axial skeleton by strong ligaments
deep socket on lateral coxal bone where head of the femur articulates