Appendicular skeleton Flashcards
What is it and how many bones
-upper and lower extremities eg. limbs
-126 bones
Pectoral girdle
what is it, anatomical structures
-the bony structure on either side of the body that connects the arm to the upper portion of the axial skeleton
-sternum joined to clavicle by sternoclavicular joint
-clavicle joined to scapula by acromioclavicular joint
-humerus joined to scapula by glenohumeral joint
Clavicle structure
-medial end= sternal end
-lateral end= acromial end
-near sternal end there’s an impression for the costoclavicular ligament
-near acromial end there’s a conoid tubercle (bony prominence on the inferior surface)
3 bones in hand
-palm= carpals/ wrist
-first finger joint= metacarpals
-rest of finger= phalanges
Male pelvis
-male is larger, heavier, narrower than female
-male has smaller inlet and outlet
-male has pubic arch angle of less than 90
Female pelvis
-rounder with flared iliac crest
-wider opening for child birth
-pubic arch angle greater than 90
-more flexible coccyx
5 classifications of bones
-flat eg. scapula
-long eg. femur
-short eg. trapezoid
-irregular eg. vertebrae
-sesamoid eg. patella
Spongy bone
-RBC production (hemopoiesis)
-trabeculae= lamellae arranged in lattice of thin columns
-spaces between trabeculae make bone lighter
-trabeculae protect red bone marrow
-lack osteon
Compact bone
-resist stresses produced by weight and movement
-arranged into repeating structural units called osteons or haversian systems
-osteons consist of a central canal
Lower arm bones and where they are
-radius= side of thumb
-ulna= side of pinky
8 carpal bones
Stop Letting Those People
(proximal row)
Touch The Cat’s Hand
(distal row)
From lateral to medial
Pelvic girdle
-hip bone= ears
-sacral promontory= central
-sacroiliac joint= joins hip bone and sacral promontory
-coccyx= below sacral promontory
-pubic symphysis= below coccyx
3 bones in feet
-tarsal= near ankle
Bones in lower leg
-tibia= main shin bone
-fibula= behind tibia